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Content available A Triassic spider from Italy
A new fossil spider from the Triassic (Norian) Dolomia di Forni Formation of Friuli, Italy, is described as Friularachne rigoi gen. et sp. nov. This find brings the number of known Triassic spider species to four. The specimen is an adult male, and consideration of various features, including enlarged, porrect chelicerae, subequal leg length, and presence of a dorsal scutum, point to its identity as a possible member of the mygalomorph superfamily Atypoidea. If correct, this would extend the geological record of the superfamily some 98–115 Ma from the late Early Cretaceous (?Albian, c. 100–112 Ma) to the late middle–early late Norian (c. 210–215 Ma).
Wyniki wstępnej interpretacji geologicznej, powtórnie przetworzonych po migracji czasowej 18 profili sejsmicznych wykonanych w latach 1994 – 2012 przez Geofizykę Kraków – zintegrowane z powierzchniową mapą geologiczną i profilami głębokich wierceń – wnoszą znaczący postęp w rozpoznanie skomplikowanej budowy geologicznej centralnego synklinorium Karpat. Styl tektoniki senońsko-paleogeńskich formacji fliszowych zdominowany jest przez systemy nasunięć i złuskowań różnej generacji oraz anizopachytowy rozkład miąższości synorogenicznych osadów oligocenu. Geometria nasunięć i fałdów ulega znaczącym modyfikacjom w strefach poprzecznych uskoków, co ma istotne znaczenie dla zrekonstruowania modeli systemu naftowego w rejonie Krosno – Besko, perspektywicznym dla odkrycia niekonwencjonalnych akumulacji gazu ziemnego.
Results of the preliminary geological interpretation of 18 seismic sections shot in the years 1994 – 2012 by Geofizyka Kraków and reprocessed after time migration, integrated with the surface geological map and profiles of deep wells, make a significant contribution to recognition of the complicated geological setting of the Central Carpathian Synclinorium. The tectonic style of the Senonian-Paleogene flysch formations is dominated by systems of thrusts and imbricated folds of different generations and by the anisopachous thickness distribution of the Oligocene synorogenic deposits. The geometry of the thrusts and folds has undergone substantial modifications in zones of transverse faults, which is of great importance for reconstruction of the petroleum system models in the Krosno – Besko area, prospective in terms of discovering unconventional gas accumulations.
Zastosowanie migracji głębokościowej, wykorzystującej metody wychodzące poza proste iteracje budowy modelu, pozwala uzyskać model ośrodka umożliwiający zobrazowanie skomplikowanej budowy geologicznej. Technika, sprawdzona już w tektonice nasunięć, polega na rozszerzeniu sekwencji przetwarzania w domenie głębokości, rozbudowanym schematem z wieloma węzłami decyzyjnymi. Metoda prezentowana jest na przykładzie danych rzeczywistych ze strefy przejściowej Ameryki Południowej. Obrazowanie głębokościowe z budową modelu prezentowaną techniką, pozwoliło rozwiązać postawione zadanie geologiczne i uzyskać zdecydowaną poprawę strukturalną w stosunku do obrazowania w domenie czasu.
The application of the pre-stack depth migration with methods which go beyond the simple iterations of the model building, allows to obtain an interval velocity models in areas where complex geological structures exist. The technique, already proven in the Thrust tectonics, consist in extending the seismic data processing sequence in depth domain, an expanded scheme of the multi-node decision-making. The method is presented on the example of the real data from the transition zone of South America. The depth imaging with the presented an advanced technique of the model building has allowed to solve the task and to get the vast improvement of structural image in relation to the imaging in time domain.
Content available Gastroliths in an ornithopod dinosaur
Gastroliths (stomach stones) are known from many extant and extinct vertebrates, including dinosaurs. Reported here is the first unambiguous record of gastroliths in an ornithopod dinosaur. Clusters of small stones found in the abdominal region of three articulated skeletons of Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis were identified as gastroliths on the basis of taphonomic and sedimentologic evidence. The large number of stones found in each individual, their size, and the fact that Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis was herbivorous, all suggest that they were ingested as a result of lithophagy rather than accidental swallowing.
Termites of the family Stolotermitidae are a relict lineage of primitive Isoptera. The fossil record of Stolotermitidae is exceptionally poor, with only two Miocene (Neogene) species documented to date. Herein, a new genus and species of Paleogene termites is described and figured from the Late Oligocene (28–27 Ma, Early Chattian) of northwestern Ethiopia (Amhara Region, Chilga Woreda). Chilgatermes diamatensis gen. et sp. nov., is most similar to genera of the Stolotermitidae, Archotermopsidae, and Termopsidae but can be distinguished on the basis of forewing venational details. The genus is tentatively placed in the Stolotermitidae: Porotermitinae. Chilgatermes diamatensis is the first fossil termite from Ethiopia and, indeed, the first from the entire African continent.
Autorzy artykułu przedstawiają porównanie obrazu złoża z dokumentacji geologicznej z obrazem rzeczywistym uzyskanym w wyniku eksploatacji. Robią to na przykładzie złoża kruszywa naturalnego „Mirowo II” położonego niedaleko Gdańska, eksploatowanego w latach 2003– 014. Szczegółowe porównanie obejmuje położenie spągu złoża oraz zasobów udokumentowanych i wydobytych w poszczególnych polach obliczeniowych. W sposób ogólny odniesiono się do budowy geologicznej, genezy i metodyki wyznaczania granic złoża oraz do warunków hydrogeologicznych. W wielu przypadkach wykazano brak zgodności rzeczywistych cech złoża z poznanymi w drodze geologicznych badań rozpoznawczych, podając ich prawdopodobne przyczyny, zarówno naturalne jak i wynikające z uwarunkowań prawnych oraz przyjętej metodyki badań.
The authors present a comparison of a model of aggregate deposit which is based on data compiled in a geological documentation with one developed using data gathered during the mining phase. The collation was done using the mining site „Mirowo II” located near Gdansk, which was operated from 2003 until 2014. This detailed comparison verifies the level of the bottom boundary of the deposit and the amount of resources initially estimated with those actually excavated from each of the calculation fields. The geological structure and the origin of deposit as well as the methodology of determining the boundaries and hydrogeological conditions were broadly described. In many cases, lack of conformity between the actual characteristics of the deposit and the model based on geological investigation was demonstrated. Its most probable causes ranged from limitations related to the geology to those resulting from the legal requirements or research methods used.
Podziemne magazynowanie wodoru stanowi alternatywną formę magazynowania energii. Zatłoczony gaz w sytuacji nadwyżek energetycznych może być uwalniany i spalany w odpowiednich instalacjach w momencie wzrostu zapotrzebowania na energię. Do najbardziej efektywnych form takiego magazynowania należą kawerny w wysadach zbudowanych z soli cechsztynu, które na obszarze Niżu Polskiego intrudowały w nadległe utwory mezozoiku. Siedem spośród 27 wysadów solnych spełnia parametry geologiczne (minimalna grubość serii solnej rzędu 1 km, maksymalna głębokość występowania zwierciadła solnego <1 km), pozwalające je wskazać jako przydatne do budowy kawern magazynowych wodoru. Do najlepszych/optymalnych struktur należą wysady Rogóźno i Damasławek oraz w równym stopniu przydatne są dwa bliźniacze wysady – Lubień i Łanięta. W świetle obecnej wiedzy geologicznej mniej perspektywicznymi strukturami są wysady Goleniów i Izbica Kujawska (wysad Izbica Kujawska wymaga kompleksowego rozpoznania geologicznego). Ostatnią z analizowanych struktur, wysad Dębina, ulokowaną w centrum eksploatowanego odkrywkowo złoża węgla brunatnego „Bełchatów”, uznano za nieprzydatną dla tej formy magazynowania. Opisane wysady solne są również przydatne do magazynowania innych gazów np. gazu ziemnego czy powietrza, gdyż ich magazynowanie wymaga spełnienia podobnych warunków geologicznych.
Underground hydrogen gas storage might be the alternative energy supplier. Filled-up during energy surplus could be utilized during energy shortage by combustion in special installations. Salt caverns within the salt domes are being considered as one of the optimal places for such energy storage. Caverns within the domes of Zechstein salts that intruded into the surrounding Mesozoic strata of the Polish Lowlands are among the most effective underground storages. Seven out of 27 analyzed salt domes have been recommended for hydrogen storage construction based on the geological parameters (i.e. minimum thickness of the salt body should be about 1 km and its top at a depth less than 1 km). The best structures are the Rogóźno and Damasławek domes and two twin-forms – the Lubień and Łanięta domes of equal usefulness. Less perspective structures, based on the present geological knowledge, are the Goleniów and Izbica Kujawska domes. The latter would still require basic geological work. The last analyzed structure, the Dębina dome, located in the centre of the active lignite open-pit “Bełchatów”, has been excluded from future consideration. These salt domes are also suitable for the storage of other gases, i.e. natural gas and air, as their storage requires similar geological setting.
Eleven new tracks from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal are described and attributed to the stegosaurian ichnogenus Deltapodus. One track exhibits exceptionally well−preserved impressions of skin on the plantar surface, showing the stegosaur foot to be covered by closely spaced skin tubercles of ca. 6 mm in size. The Deltapodus specimens from the Aalenian of England represent the oldest occurrence of stegosaurs and imply an earlier cladogenesis than is recognized in the body fossil record.
Early Middle Cambrian (Amgian) lingulate brachiopods from the Tarbagatay Range in eastern Kazakhstan represent mostly endemic taxa, which may suggest that the Tarbagatay Range was relatively isolated from adjacent terranes during that time; only Kleithriatreta indicate similarity with the Australian part of Gondwana, as well as with the south and central Kazakhstanian terranes. Late Middle Cambrian (Mayan) taxa from the same area are mostly cosmopolitan. Kostjubella relaxata gen. et sp. n., Prototreta (?) dolosa sp. n. and Stilpnotreta galinae sp. n. are proposed.
Content available Ordovician ostracods from East Central Iran
Ordovician ostracods are described for the first time from Iran, enhancing the record of this group from the Lower Palaeozoic of the Middle East. The ostracods occur in the Shirgesht Formation, in the east central part of the country, and comprise Ogmoopsis achaemenid sp. nov., Cerninella aryana sp. nov., Ordovizona amyitisae sp. nov., cf. Aechmina? ventadorni, Vogdesella sp., and podocope taxa tentatively identified as species of Longiscula, Pullvillites, and Rectella. These taxa were hitherto unknown from this region. The ostracod−bearing interval is associated with trilobites (Neseuretinus) and brachiopods (Nicolella) that suggest a late Middle Ordovician age. Although the ostracod fauna is small, it demonstrates biogeographical links at genus−level, and possibly at species−level, with the fauna of the late Middle Ordovician Travesout Formation of western France, which also lay in a peri−Gondwanan palaeogeographical setting. It also suggests the potential use of some ostracods as stratigraphical tools for correlating Ordovician rock successions between Europe and the Middle East.
New records of extremely rare late Turonian belemnites are described from the Úpohlavy working quarry in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. These specimens are referred to Praeactinocamax bohemicus (Stolley, 1916). An alveolar fragment possibly represents Praeactinocamax strehlensis (Fritsch, 1872) and would be the third find of this species ever recorded. All finds derive from a thin horizon in the uppermost part of the Hudcov limestone (Teplice Formation, uppermost Subprionocyclus neptuni Ammonite Zone). The small faunule most likely had its origin in a taxon from the Praeactinocamax manitobensis/walkeri/sternbergi group of the North American Province, and its occurrence in Europe can be seen in the context of a southward shift of Boreal taxa in the course of a late Turonian cooling event.
A rich conodont fauna from two Neotethyan sections, Pizzo Mondello (western Sicily, Italy) and Pignola 2 sections (southern Apennines, Italy) includes conodonts described herein as a new species. Metapolygnathus praecommunisti sp. nov. is transitional between Paragondolella noah and Metapolygnathus communisti. The genus Metapolygnathus (including M. praecommunisti) is now characterised by posterior prolongation of the keel termination, associated with a centrally located pit and with a weak ornamentation confined to the anterior part of the platform margins. The establishment of M. praecommunisti addresses the problems related to the origin and the peculiar, probably facies−controlled, distribution of its descendant species M. communisti. Since M. praecommunisti occurs in the entire Tethys and in North America, we propose the species as a good guide fossil for global correlations, characterised by a short temporal range limited to the uppermost Tuvalian (upper Carnian). The stratigraphic occurrence of the genus Metapolygnathus is restricted to the Tuvalian–Lacian (upper Carnian–lower Norian), excluding its presence in the Julian substage (lower Carnian).
The radial trace fossil Dactyloidites peniculus occurs in a deep tier in totally bioturbated shoreface sediments of Pliocene age in the Stirone Valley, N Italy, together with Thalassinoides isp. and Ophiomorpha nodosa. Long, narrow shafts running from centre of the radiating structure and abundant faecal pellets in the radial structure were discovered. The trace maker of D. peniculus, probably a polychaete, deposited the pellets deeply in the sediment, probably for reinforcement of the tubes and a gardening of microbes for feeding. This trace fossil exclusively occurs within a narrow horizon at the top of a shallowing−up section interpreted as a high−stand system tract, below a discontinuity surface capped by finer sediments. D. peniculus was formed in soft sandy sediments under stable conditions related to the latest phases of the highstand system tract. Therefore, it is a candidate for indication of similar environmental situations having a soft sandy, but stable sea floor.
Several specimens of trace fossil Bichordites monastiriensis were discovered in two shallow water Oligocene sandstone beds from Valsugana (Trentino, NE Italy) representing the oldest documented occurrence for this ichnospecies. They are grazing−crawling (pascichnion−repichnion) structures and are occasionally associated with enlarged structures that can be interpreted as resting traces (cubichnia) and assigned to the ichnogenus Cardioichnus. The resulting Bichordites–Cardioichnus compound trace fossil is here described for the first time. In the basal part of some specimens, skeletal remains of Eupatagus ornatus were found in life position. This founding enables to widen the spectrum of known Bichordites tracemakers. Exceptional conditions of preservation of one specimen extending in two beds recording different environmental conditions gave an opportunity to document the effects of various taphonomical histories on the preservation of this traces.
In the light of integrated biostratigraphic and geochemical data, a complete shallow−marine succession across the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) boundary, with the critical boundary clay coupled with a burrowed siliceous chalk (“opoka” in Polish geological literature), possibly equivalent of the basal Danian Cerithium Limestone in Denmark, has been discovered at Lechówka near Chełm, SE Poland. An extraterrestrial signature marking the K–Pg boundary is confirmed by anomalously high amounts of iridium (up to 9.8 ppb) and other siderophile elements (especially Au and Ni), as well as by an elevated Ir/Au ratio consistent with a chondrite meteoritic composition. The major positive iridium spike surprisingly occurs in Maastrichtian marls, 10 cm below the boundary clay interval, which can be explained by diagenetic mobilisation and re−concentration of the impact−derived components. Thus, intensively infiltrating, humic acid−rich ground waters during the long−lasting Palaeogene weathering in tropical humid regimes were probably responsible not only for the large−scale decalcification of the Lechówka section, but also for both downward displaced position of the iridium enrichment, a dispersed profile of this anomaly and its significantly lessened value, but still approaching an increase by a factor of 100. This modified record of the K–Pg boundary event points to a careful reconsideration of the iridium anomaly as a trustworthy marker for studying the extinction patterns across the K–Pg boundary, as supported by the recent data from New Jersey, USA.
One of the most complete Permian–Triassic boundary sections located in the Bükk Mountains (Hungary) was sampled for ostracod study. Seventy−six species are recognized, belonging to twenty genera. Fifteen new species are described and figured: Acratia? jeanvannieri Forel sp. nov., Acratia nagyvisnyoensis Forel sp. nov., Bairdia anisongae Forel sp. nov., Bairdia davehornei Forel sp. nov., Callicythere? balvanyseptentrioensis Forel sp. nov., Cytherellina? magyarorsza− gensis Forel sp. nov., Eumiraculum desmaresae Forel sp. nov., Hollinella fengqinglaii Crasquin sp. nov., Hungarella gerennavarensis Crasquin sp. nov., Langdaia bullabalvanyensis Crasquin sp. nov., Liuzhinia venninae Forel sp. nov., Liuzhinia bankutensis Forel sp. nov., Microcheilinella egerensis Forel sp. nov., Reviya praecurukensis Forel sp. nov., Shemonaella? olempskaella Forel sp. nov. One species is renamed: Bairdia baudini Crasquin nom. nov. Comparison of the Bálvány North section with the Meishan section (Zhejiang Province, South China), Global Boundary Stratotype Sec− tion and Point (GSSP) of the Permian–Triassic Boundary (PTB), reveals discrepancies linked to the environmental set− ting and particularly to bathymetry. The stratigraphical distribution of all the species is given and diversity variations are discussed. The Bálvány North section exhibits the lowest extinction rate of all PTB sections studied for ostracods analysis associated with a high level of endemism.
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