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Content available remote Kompetencje GIS w urzędach gmin
Content available remote Bliżej geodety
Artykuł prezentuje przykłady zastosowania geoinformacji w racjonalnej gospodarce złożami kopalin. Wykorzystanie komputerowych metod analiz ma na celu podkreślenie przydatności narzędzi informatycznych przy rozwiązywaniu problemów na różnych etapach gospodarki złożem.
The paper presents examples of the use of geoinformation in the rational management of mineral deposits. The exploitation of computer methods of analysis, is used to emphasize the usefulness of IT tools to solve problems in different stages of deposit management.
Content available remote Tertiary studies in geoinformation aspects of modernization in Poland
In reference to the content of this succinct article with introductory character to the whole issue the author proposes to undertake specific action aiming to modernize higher education in geoinformation in Poland.
In the contemporary world the amount of information is growing at an exponential rate. Currently, it is growing annually by 66%. This creates an ever growing problem of finding reliable information, including the results of research works. At the same time various systems facilitating search are emerging. Major pan of the generated information is associated with the location and is called geoinfonnation. Using geoinformation is important not only in various decision-making processes, but it also constitutes the basis of effective management on various levels and facilitates the process of social consultations. Nevertheless, just as in case of other information systems, geoinformation needs order and structure to serve its purposes in an efficient way. Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is supposed to support access to geoinfonnation by means of cooperating nifonnatiou systems functioning in a hierarchical structure (global, regional, national and local). On top of technological aspects, exceptionally important for the construction of SDI. come dedicated legal regulations, geomatic standards, data models and organizational structures determining jointly the directions of the development of infrastructure. Infrastructure of spatial information is based on normative data, which are the basic resource generated by institutions in particular countries. This data should constitute basic information supporting decision-making processes. Searching for data in the area of SDI takes place by means of geoportals. which enable access to catalogue servers and displaying chosen information through map browsers. By assumption, normative resources of SDI are delivered by specialized, branch, scientific, public institutions, including scientific institutions. SDI provides great opportunities for access to reliable spatial data, which may be used in further research. At the same time it provides an interesting tool for the promotion of the results of own scientific research. Catalogue services make it possible to search for collections of spatial data provided by network services (WMS. WFS) and geoportals make it possible to display these collections comine from various sources. The goal of this ankle is to present basic rules of functioning of infrastructure for spatial information, as well as to show in what ways available tools can be used to search for. analyze and exchange the results of scientific research. Technological progress enables multilevel integration of spatial information, both on the local, regional and global scale. The form of presentation of data on maps constitutes a much more reliable tool than even the most complex descriptions. Promotion of scientific research by means of providing results with the use of network services constitutes a chance for research teams and at the same time brings measurable benefits to the developing information society. Thanks to interdisciplinary approach, combining geoinfonnation from various areas (sources) gives the opportunity to recognize and analyze issues, which wouldn`t be noticed in considerations limited to a very narrow, specialist branch.
Content available remote Społeczeństwo obywatelskie, informacyjne, geoinformacyjne
W artykule przedstawiono zakres kształcenia w zakresie geoinformacji realizowany w Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie. Kształcenie realizowane jest na specjalności „Geoinformatyka” z podziałem na dwa bloki specjalistyczne. Podano zakres tematyczny 8 przedmiotów specjalistycznych zawierających treści zapewniających uzyskanie wiedzy na jeszcze wyższym poziomie specjalistycznym.
The paper presents the scope of education in the field of geoinformation at the Maritime University of Szczecin Didactic activity is provided in the frames of “Geoinformation” specialty, with division into two thematic blocks. The thematic scope of 8 specialised subjects which enable reaching the knowledge at the higher specialistic level is also discussed
Content available remote Radarowy biznes
Artykuł przedstawia wybrane geoinformacyjne aspekty prezentacji wydarzeń opisanych w Biblii (zarówno w Starym, jak i Nowym Testamencie). Analiza atlasów i monografii przedstawiających wydarzenia biblijne, przeprowadzona w Instytucie Geodezji i Kartografii, wykazała szereg błędów i usterek w ich sposobie prezentacji. Jako rezultat analiz wyłoniła się potrzeba opracowania czasowo zorientowanego systemu informacyjnego, wykorzystującego geograficzną referencyjną bazę danych jako podstawę tworzenia map tematycznych.
Paper presents some selected geoinformation aspects related to the presentation of events described in the Holy Bible (both Old and New Testament). The analysis of the various atlases and monographies, presenting the Holy Bible events, performed in the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, indicated a lot of errors and mistakes. As the result of this analysis, the necessity of creation of the time oriented spatial information system, in which the geographic reference data base will be used for creation of various thematic maps, was underlined.
Content available remote Metadane kluczem do SDI
Content available remote O windzie, co pamięta czasy Bieruta
Content available remote GIS w GUS
Content available Edukacja na odległość w zakresie geoinformatyki
E-learning and MOOC technologies not only provide great opportunities of learning geoinformation (GIS), but can also increase interest in this subject. They help expand the knowledge and skills in processing and analyzing spatial information. The article shows how distance learning, including MOOCs, can be used in teaching GIS. The aim of the study is to determine desired features of the e-learning course in the field of geoinformatics, so that the course becomes popular, facilitates knowledge acquisition and skills in GIS.
The use of geoinformation becomes more and more common due to the implementation of EU law to the regulations of individual member states. The opportunity of faster implementation of spatial information systems and geoinformation is possible thanks to the popularisation of knowledge concerning the ways of using spatial information. The pilot survey was conducted in rural and urban-rural gminas of Zgierz poviat (administrative unit of the 2nd order). The aim of the survey was to check if the officials in small gminas have knowledge and access to geoinformation. A part of the research was the identification of the sources of obtaining knowledge and sources of obtaining spatial data. The consequence of such an attitude was, as well, to prove in which areas of territorial unit activity geoinformation is used. An important element of the study was self-assessment of the knowledge level of the officials about geoinformation and spatial information systems. The study helped to determine if there is a knowledge gap in Polish gminas. The analyses allow for indicating the level and areas of geoinformation usage by the local authorities.
Geographic Information Systems were classified as one of the most important technological „inventions” of the 20th century for geography. GIS, as the content of lectures, and later as a university subject, was introduced at Polish universities and colleges relatively late - only at the beginning of the 1990s. At first, it was an extension of the content scope discussed within the framework of cartography and topography, and only later - as independent lectures and practical classes. An excellent supplement to the content of lectures and practical workshops, as well as an indication of proper students' attitudes towards geoinformation is the International GIS Day organized every year in November for more than 10 years in Poland and worldwide. The objective of this event is to popularize the knowledge about geoinformation systems and their broad applications. The first celebration of this day took place on the 18th of November 1999 in several countries at the same time, and the proposed theme - 'application of GIS is limited only by the imagination of people who use it' - remains valid until now. Since the first shows, one can observe an increasing number of countries and academic, institutional and commercial centres introducing the modern geography to all who are interested in it through this open and interesting form. The research aimed at analysing the previous celebrations of the GIS Day in Poland (2000-2010), as well as making an attempt to determine the significance of this form of sharing the knowledge and skills in geographic education.
Hydrogeological risks that are associated with rivers have emerged as a significant concern worldwide, impacting both natural ecosystems and human settlements. This contribution presents an interdisciplinary project that leverages many technologies for data-acquisition and modeling to comprehensively analyze and manage risks in riverine environments. The project integrates geomatics, geological, and hydrological techniques to provide a holistic understanding of river dynamics and their associated hazards. As a central component of this project, geomatics plays a pivotal role in instrumental field surveying through the deployment of photogrammetry and LiDAR instruments. Remote-sensing data from satellite imagery further enriches the project’s temporal analysis capabilities. By analyzing this data over time, researchers can monitor changes in river patterns, land use, and climate-related variables; this helps identify trends and potential triggers for hydrological events. To manage and integrate the vast amount of geospatial information that is generated, a geodatabase within a geographic information system (GIS) has been established. It enables efficient data storage, retrieval, and analysis, fostering collaboration among multidisciplinary researcher teams. This system offers tools for risk-assessment, modeling, and scenario planning; these allow for proactive measures for mitigating hydrological risks.
Content available remote ASG-PL genetycznie zmodyfikowana
Content available remote U progu zmian
Publikacja stanowi skondensowany opis głównych założeń, wykorzystanych metod oraz uzyskanych przez autorkę wyników badań zawartych w pracy magisterskiej, w której przedstawiono kilka sposobów zastosowania metod geoinformatycznych dla opisania zanieczyszczeń środowiska, oszacowania kondycji środowiska oraz stanu zdrowia mieszkańców, a także zaplanowania projektu rekultywacji. Badania dotyczyły obszaru Górnego Śląska. Pierwsza część pracy zawiera opis struktury i cech charakterystycznych wszystkich badanych składowisk odpadów przemysłowych. Badania szczegółowe prowadzone były na 11 składowiskach, w tym na 4 zwałowiskach odpadów węglowych i 7 składowiskach odpadów cynkowo-ołowiowych. Większość analizowanych zwałowisk węglowych zajmuje duże powierzchnie, zwykle obejmujące 50-150 ha. Analizy spektralne obiektów o tak dużej powierzchni są prostsze, a ich rezultaty charakteryzują się dużym prawdopodobieństwem. Składowiska przemysłowe, na których zgromadzono odpady cynkowo--ołowiowe, są powierzchniowo mniejsze i często ukryte wśród zabudowań. Dlatego też są one zdecydowanie trudniejsze do analizy. W trakcie prowadzenia analiz opierano się na zobrazowaniu wielospektralnym radiometru Aster, satelity Terra, pochodzącym z września 2002 roku, pomiarach współrzędnych terenowych wykonanych z użyciem technologii GPS oraz wynikach analiz chemicznych próbek podłoża, pobranych z wszystkich 11 składowisk. Sposób pobierania próbek oraz ich analizy zostały opracowane w Instytucie Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa w Puławach. W drugiej części pracy przeanalizowane zostały współczynniki korelacji pomiędzy informacją pochodzącą z tradycyjnych, naziemnych metod badania odpadów przemysłowych a informacją wielospektralną otrzymaną z satelity Terra. W pracy udowodniono tezę o istnieniu silnej korelacji pomiędzy odbiciem spektralnym w każdym kanale a zawartością metali ciężkich, takich jak ołów, kadm, cynk, w podłożu. Jednakże nie można było odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy inne właściwości odpadów, takie jak wielkość ziarna, barwa, wilgotność, nie wykazują jeszcze silniejszej korelacji do odbicia spektralnego. W podsumowaniu przedstawiono zalety i wady wykorzystanych w pracy metod.
The publication is the condensed description of the main assumptions, using methods and received results in master's thesis, in which the author showed a few ways of using the geoinformatic methods and materials to describe environmental pollution, to estimate the condition of environment and of inhabitants' health, and to plan a recultivation project. The work concerned the Upper Silesia Region. The first part described the structure and characteristic of heaps. A detailed research were undertaken in 11 heaps, including 4 coal waste heaps and 7 zinc and lead waste heaps. Most of coal waste heaps, which were researched, cover a large surface, usually between 50 and 150 hectars. The spectral analysis of such a large surface is easier and the results are highly probable. Heaps, which consist of zinc and lead waste, are smaller and hidden between buildings. Therefore, they are more difficult to analyse. During that analysis were used: the multispectral scene of radiometr Aster, by satellite Terra, from September 2002, GPS measurements - latitude and longitude, and chemical analysis of specimens, which had been taken from 11 heaps. The way of taking specimens and making analysis was worked out in the Institute of Soils Science and Plant Cultivation in Puławy. The second part of master's work analyzed a correlation between information from the ground research of industrial waste, and multispectral information from the artificial satellite. In thesis the author proved that there is a strong correlation between reflectance in each spectral band and the content of heavy metals like lead, cadmium, zinc in ground. However, it was not possible to say if other features of waste, like grain, colour, humidity etc, have even stronger corellation to the spectral reflection. In conclusion, the author also described the advantages and disadvantages of using methods.
Content available remote Repozytorium geoinformacji - na przykładzie konferencji GIS
Od 1994 roku jest realizowana współpraca międzynarodowa, głównie chorwacko-polska w zakresie systemów informacji geograficznej (GIS). Współpraca obejmuje wydarzenia takie jak konferencje, wystawy, warsztaty, seminaria, wykłady, które odbywają się w Chorwacji i w Polsce. W artykule przedstawiono stan badań i prac realizowanych celem prezentacji dorobku publikacyjnego konferencji GIS. Aby osiągnąć ten cel opracowano stronę internetową i utworzono repozytorium publikacji naukowych z otwartym dostępem. Obecnie repozytorium zawiera pełne teksty artykułów za lata 2005-2013. Celem dalszych prac jest uzupełnienie repozytorium za lata 1994-2004 i jego bieżąca aktualizacja.
Croatian-Polish cooperation in the field of geographic information systems (GIS) has been being realised from 1994. The cooperation covers events such as conferences, exhibitions, workshops, seminars, lectures, which are held in Croatia and Poland. The article describes the state of research and work carried out for the presentation of the publications of the GIS conference. To achieve the goal, the website has been developed and a repository of scientific publications with open access has been created. At present, the repository contains of the full text of the articles published between 2005 and 2013. The aim of further work is to supplement a repository with the articles published since 1994 and its current update.
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