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W artykule - po przedstawieniu ogólnych zasad postępowania i podkreśleniu najistotniejszych zagadnień związanych z bezpiecznym dla środowiska składowaniem odpadów - podano charakterystykę geograficznego systemu informacyjnego (GIS) i celowości jego wykorzystania w wyborze lokalizacji składowisk odpadów. Przedstawiona procedura zastosowania GIS może stanowić pomoc dla władz samorządowych w podejmowaniu decyzji lokalizacyjnych.
The authors - after having presented in the paper the general principles of procedure and the most important problems connected with the safe for the environment storage of waste materials -present the characteristic of the Geographical Information System (GIS) and purposefulness of its utilization in making choice of localization. The procedure described in the paper can be useful for self-governed authorities in undertaking decisions on localization.
Outline of content: The aim of this work was to determine potential possibilities to obtain biomass for energy use in the immediate neighbourhood of the power station “Dolna Odra”. The possibilities of biomass production originating from long-term cultivations were estimated, and based on the updated soil-agricultural map for this region, 1:100000 scale, and of hydrogeology map, 1:300000 scale. An analysis into the possibility of using other biomass crops such as postharvest straw, and other energy plant cultivations was carried out. A spatial analysis was carried out over a 100 km radius from the power station, increasing at 10 km intervals. The result of this analyse were allocated radiuses, and the radius was situated where the assessed yield will cover 10, 15 and 25 % of the power station’s needs of biomass for solid fuels.
Przeciwdziałanie zmianom klimatu nakłada na energetykę obowiązek zmniejszenia emisji CO do atmosfery. Jedynie możliwym obecnie sposobem na dokonanie tego jest spalanie lub współspalania biomasy. Zgodnie z obowiązującym prawem zakłady energetyczne mają obowiązek wykazać 11,4 % udział „zielonej energii” do 2014 r. oraz 12,9 % w stosunku do sumy energii produkowanej. Jeśli obowiązku tego nie spełnią będą zmuszone wnieść opłaty zastępcze lub zakupić uprawnienia do dodatkowej emisji CO, co jest kosztowne. Jednocześnie od 2008 r. zakłady mają obowiązek obniżać ilości wykorzystywanej biomasy leśnej na rzecz biomasy pochodzenia rolniczego, która w 2017 r. ma osiągnąć 60 %. Duże elektrownie potrzebować będą biomasy rolniczej w ilościach idących w setki ton. Trzeba umieć określić potencjalne możliwości pozyskania takich ilości biomasy, zorganizować jej produkcję i dostarczyć do elektrowni. Biomasa ma małą gęstość dlatego właściwa organizacja logistyki ma w tym przypadku bardzo duże znaczenie. Gdyż koszty logistyki stanowić mogą nawet do 30 % ceny biomasy. Trzeba będzie więc w perspektywie logistykę biomasy umieć modelować, tworząc jednocześnie przedsiębiorstwa mogące podołać tym nowym wyzwaniom logistycznym. Celem pracy jest określenie potencjalnych możliwości pozyskiwania biomasy na cele energetyczne w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Elektrowni Dolna Odra. Możliwości produkcji biomasy stałej pochodzącej z upraw wieloletnich oszacowano na podstawie zaktualizowanej dla tego regionu mapy glebowo-rolniczej, w skali 1:100 000 oraz mapy hydrogeologicznej, w skali 1:300 000. Wykonano analizę możliwości kompensacji słomą pożniwną różnicy w zapotrzebowaniu na biomasę i możliwościach uprawy roślin energetycznych. Analizy przestrzenne przeprowadzono dla promienia 100 km od elektrowni, narastająco dla interwałów 10 km. Wynikiem pracy są wyznaczone odległości, w promieniu których, szacowany plon biomasy pokryje 10, 15 i 25 % zapotrzebowania elektrowni na paliwa stałe.
The study aimed to assess the surface water quality in the Hau Giang province in 2021 at 44 locations (with a frequency of 5 times per year) using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Cluster Analysis (CA) and GIS. Surface water quality was compared with the national technical regulation on surface water quality (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT, column A1) and Water Quality Index (WQI). The results showed that the surface water quality parameters of total suspended solids, organic matters, nutrients, coliform, and Fe far exceeded the allowable limits, while the Cl-, color, and CN- parameters were within the allowable limits of QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT, column A1. The values of WQI showed that the water quality of the Hau Giang province ranged from poor to excellent. The water quality at the Vam Cai Dau and Hau River areas could only be exploited for water supply, but appropriate treatment is needed. CA divided the monitoring months into three distinct clusters and reduced the sampling sites from 44 to 33 locations, reducing 25% of monitoring cost per year. PCA revealed three main factors which could explain 69.0% of the variation in water quality. The water pollution sources were mainly industrial and agricultural discharges, domestic and urban activities, transportation activities, salinity, hydrological conditions and water runoff. The current findings provide useful information which support local environmental managers and water supply companies for safe and sustainable.
One of the most important applications of spatial data regards the ability to inform decision makers on spatially distributed and disaggregated hazards and risks, thus enhancing strategic decision making on how to manage and limit risks for a given area or region and prioritize investments. However, a full risk based adaptation assessment inside a Geographical Information System (GIS) can be cumbersome, since some complex tasks cannot be carried out directly. One example of these tasks involves Bayesian probabilistic analysis and decision making, which is a fundamental component of risk analysis, yet requires dedicated tools/software which usually do not belong to a standard GIS portfolio. For this reason, exploring the various capabilities of a GIS platform in connection with a Bayesian Network (BN) software is essential. The objective is to have an effective tool for knowledge representation and reasoning under the influence of uncertainty that can be displayed in a spatial manner. A case study using this tool was performed to assess the risk levels faced by the electrical distribution system of Long Island because of storm events as the Sandy Storm.
Poor air quality can pose severe risks to human health and can also influence negatively on the natural environment. Annaba suffers from air pollution due to the industrial activities occurring in the province including, electricity generation, waste incineration, chemistry and other small additional industrial operations. However, mining, steel industry and metallurgy are considered among the most polluting activities. The aim of our research is to assess the risks of air pollution emissions with NO2, SO2, Toluene and Benzene as a result of industrial enterprises activities in Annaba province. The application of geo-graphical information system (GIS) mapping based on automatic monitoring networks of air quality, allows us the assessment of air pollution risks in the studied area. Two zones of air pollution with N02 in the level of 1 MPC has been recorded near the blast furnaces and the steel shop, the second halo of NO2 pollution was fixed over residential infrastructures. Moreover, revealed a tendency to higher content of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of the bigger part of Annaba region. Corresponding to the data obtained from stationary monitoring networks, the annual average concentration of SO2 was significantly lower than the MPC. Based on GIS maps there are two areas with SO2 pollution inside the territory of El Hadjar metallurgical plant. A significant increase in concentrations of NO2 in the atmosphere of the industrial areas was recorded in the first decade. On average during three years the highest content of technogenic dust was detected in El Bouni.
The advent of telecommunications and other advanced technologies rapidly increases activity accessibility. Consequently, this study examined the impact of telecommunication on the mobility pattern of households in Nigeria. The multi-stage procedure was adopted for the study, and a systematic sampling technique was employed to select 10% of the registered building for questionnaire administration. Thus, 512 respondents were sampled. The stepwise regression analysis revealed that age, income of respondents, call duration, and subscription cost were significant factors influencing telecommunication usage. We found that telecommunication replaces in-store shopping, with 40% of the respondents substituting their shopping trips with telecommunication. We, therefore, proposed that people should be enlightened on the culture of the use of telecommunication and that its usage extends beyond call linkages, as other benefits should be explored.
Dostępność przestrzenna określa łatwość, z jaką można dotrzeć z miejsca A do miejsca B. W kontekście obiektów użyteczności publicznej w mieście, wpływa ona na możliwość skorzystania z określonych dóbr i usług przez mieszkańców danego obszaru. Lepsza dostępność oznacza krótsze dojazdy, niższe koszty, a tym samym ma istotny wpływ na jakość życia. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zróżnicowania przestrzennego dostępności do wybranych usług na obszarze miejskim, na przykładzie Torunia. W pracy zaprezentowana została procedura badawcza, bazująca na wykorzystaniu otwartych danych z serwisu Open Street Map, a także analiz sieciowych i technologii GIS do obliczenia dostępności czasowej. Zaprezentowano metodykę polegającą na analizie dostępności w siatce sześciokątnych pól testowych, dzięki czemu możliwe było ukazanie przestrzennego zróżnicowania czasów dojazdu do określonych usług. Metodyka ta została wykorzystana do oceny dostępności przestrzennej do 16 kategorii obiektów użyteczności publicznej w Toruniu.
Spatial accessibility determines how easily certain places can be reached. In the context of public amenities in urban areas, it affects the ability to use certain goods and services by residents of this area. Better accessibility means shorter commutes, lower costs, and thus has a significant impact on quality of life. The main aim of this paper is an attempt to assess the distribution of spatial accessibility to selected public amenities in urban areas, with an example of the city of Toruń (Poland). The paper presents detailed research procedures, based on Open Street Map data, as well as network analysis and GIS technology used for calculating travel time accessibility. Additionally, a new methodology for analyzing the accessibility in a hexagonal grid of test fields is proposed, which allows for seamless analysis and visualization of travel times across city area. The proposed methodology has been used for assessing spatial accessibility to 16 different categories of public amenities in Toruń.
Oprogramowanie typu SIP (Systemy Informcji Przestrzennej) w logistyce wykorzystywane jest od niedawna. Początkowo wykorzystane w rozwiązaniach geodezyjnych, geograficznych, kartograficznych coraz częściej znajduje zastosowanie w różnych dziedzinach, w których kojarzymy lokalizację obiektu z atrybutami opisowymi i możliwościami analitycznymi, w tym również w logistyce. Zastosowanie aplikacji SIP do zarządzania flotą pojazdów w przedsiębiorstwie przynosi wymierne korzyści przyczyniając się do poprawy efektywności przedsiębiorstwa oraz podniesienia jakości usług transportowych. Dzięki możliwościom w obszarze analiz i modelowania przestrzennego w znacznym stopniu możemy wiele operacji decyzyjnych wykonywać automatycznie oszczędzając czas i eliminując błędy czynnika ludzkiego.
GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software is used in logistics not for a very long time. At first used for geographical and cartographic purposes, now it is used more and more often in different fields, in which localization of object is linked with descriptive attributes and analytic potentiality, also in logistics. GIS application used to manage fleet of vehicles gives measurable effects which are transferred into better effectiveness of enterprise and higher standards of transportation services. Thanks to capabilities in area of analyzes and spatial modelling it is possible to automate many decision-making processes and, by that, save time or eliminate human errors.
Artykuł prezentuje system informacji geograficznej stworzony w celu zestawienia bilansu wodnego dorzecza Wisły dla trzydziestolecia 1961-1990. Autor omawia zbiory danych numerycznych wykorzystane w opracowaniu oraz przedstawia metody i wyniki obliczeń bilansowych.
The paper presents the geographical information system created with the aim of setting up the water balance of the Vistula basin for the period 1961-1990. The Author discusses the numerical data collection used in the elaboration as well the methods and results of calculation of the basin.
A GIS (Geographical Information System) based study on deposition in the North Sea-Baltic Sea transition area has been carried out. The study is based on (i) a digital bathymetry model, (ii) 93 available 210Pb / 137Cs sedimentation rate estimations, (iii) grain-size distributions, organic matter, C, N and P content of 64 top 1 cm sediment samples from the study area, and (iv) GIS-based modelling of resuspension potentials based on wind statistics. With the use of regression statistics on depth, resuspension potential and sediment characteristics, results are extrapolated area-wide from the 64 sampling positions. The area is divided into sediment types and classified as accumulation or erosion/transport bottoms. Model results show good agreement with existing maps of sediment distributions, indicating that the sediment distribution is governed to a large extent by wind-induced waves. Correlations of sediment types, their deposition rates and their N and P contents were used to estimate spatial deposition rates. In all, the yearly deposition in the study area amounts to 2.8 million tons of organic matter, 0.14 million tons of total nitrogen, and 0.035 million tons of total phosphorus. Correlations of sediment types and dry bulk densities were used to infer spatial inventories of organic matter and total nitrogen and phosphorus in the top 1 cm of the sediments. A total of 100 million tons of organic matter, 4 million tons of total nitrogen, and 0.019 million tons of total phosphorus are contained in the top 1 cm of the sediments in the study area. In general, the deep parts of the study area with low resuspension potentials act as sinks for the fine-grained sediments and their associated particulate nutrients.
By the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Power of Ukraine UkrNIMI Institute has developed a universal geoinformation system (GIS) “GeoMark”. Gis has passed successfully industrial testes and is being used in the Institute. It Provides for support and processing of integrated data based in any subject-line field. As regards majority of its features, it is not inferior than the best world samples. As to a great number of its features, the system is a unique one and has no world analogues.
In this study, an integrated approach has been adopted for optimum selection of locations for rain water harvesting (RWH) in Kohat district of Pakistan. Various thematic layers including runof depth, land cover/land use, slope and drainage density have been incorporated as input to the analysis. Other biophysical criteria such as geological setup, soil texture and drainage streams characteristics were also taken into account. Drainage density and slope were derived from digital elevation model, and map of land use/land cover was prepared using supervised classifcation of multi-spectral Sentinel-2 images of the area. Aforementioned thematic layers are assigned respective weights of their importance and combined in GIS environment to form a RWH potential map of the region. The generated suitability map is classifed into three potential zones: high, moderate and low suitability zones consisting of area 638 km2 (21%), 1859 km2 (62%) and 519 km2 (17%), respectively. The suitability map has been used to mark accumulation points on the down streams as potential spots of water storage. In addition, site suitability of artifcial structures for RWH consisting of farm ponds, check dams and percolation tanks has also been assessed, showing 3.2%, 3% and 4.5% of the total area as a ft for each of the structure, respectively. The derived suitability will aid policy makers to easily determine potential sites for RWH structures to store water and tackle acute paucity of water in the area.
Content available remote Humanitarna strona GIS-u
Content available remote Prostorová rekonstrukce církevní správy Čech v roce 1715
The article is concerned with ecclesiastical administration of Bohemia in 1715. It tackles the issue from a geographical and cartographic perspective. In the introduction, the paper summarizes the condition of available written and map sources from the 18th century, which are related to the ecclesiastic administration and the condition of the settlements. This is followed by a brief chapter on the current state of research on the historical borders. The main section is dedicated to procedures used in reconstruction of spatial data on ecclesiastical administration in the Litoměřice diocese and part of the Prague Archdiocese. The essential instruments for obtaining the historical condition of the parish borders included tools of geographical information systems and spatial databases. The subsequent cartographic section describes the portal as the main map output of the reconstruction. There are also basic statistic data on vicariates of the involved dioceses.
Do projektowania lub zarządzania terenami zieleni urządzonej wykorzystywane są różnego rodzaju programy komputerowe, zarówno komercyjne, jak i bezpłatne. Część z nich opiera się na funkcjonalności systemów informacji geograficznej.
The Hydrogeological Map of Poland (HMP) in 1:50,000 scale is an Intergraph technology based project. The HMPdatabase and its interfaces updating process was initiated in the year 2002. To make the project work a software environment was built to enable the execution of all tasks in the HMP’s sheet setup: import of vector and raster data, data verification (graphics and attributes), translation of GIS data into cartographic format, map printout and data storage. With the completion of the data collection process, the data management phase is to be initiated: data updating, addition of new information layers and distribution activity. These tasks will be run on the catchment and administration units basis. The paper is aimed to present these software solutions.
In Morocco, although it is often classified as a country with a semi-arid climate, floods are very frequent. Like other basins in the kingdom, the Sebou basin with a total area of 40 000 km² has experienced more catastrophic flooding in the past and these floods have caused enormous economic and even human losses. The objective of this study is to apply different methods to calculate a Curve Number values to estimate the potential runoff for this basin. The techniques used are boils down to the different steps. Firstly, the approach was to extract automatically the sub-basins and drainage network, using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to determine all the physical characteristics of the basin. Then, preparing the land use map using remote sensing and the soil map for determining hydrologic soil Group. Thirdly, the combination of elaborated data for development of a map of Curve Number (CN) and finally, the interpolation of precipitation data recorded at rainfall stations at 30 minutes time steps to the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) model. The results obtained in the above steps are used for the purpose to get a spatial hydrological model and subsequently its calibration.
W poniższym artykule przedstawiono problem precyzyjnego określania poziomu hałasu środowiskowego przestrzeni zurbanizowanej. Omówiono zagadnienia związane z pojęciem systemów informacji geograficznej (GIS). Następnie przybliżono problematykę klimatu akustycznego przestrzeni miejskiej oraz zaprezentowano metodykę tworzenia SMA z wykorzystaniem technologii GIS. Poddano analizie elementy bazy danych GIS wpływające bezpośrednio na poziom hałasu w środowisku.
The article presents the problem of precise determining level of environmental noise urbanized area. Discussed issues related to the concept of geographic information systems (GIS). Then presents the problem of acoustic climate of urban space and presents a methodology to create SMA using GIS technology. Analyzed the elements of the GIS database directly affecting level of noise in environment.
The methodology applied in the research in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) is to integrate glacial and periglacial geomorphological data in a Geographical Information System and a Database Management System. The main objective of the procedure is to make use of low cost software for geospatial data integration, statistical analysis and production of geomorphological maps. The digital storage format provides the means for fast access and easy transportation of the data during field campaigns. It is also a very useful way to store the geomorphological data, so it can be used in the future by other researchers working in the area.
Systemy Informacji Geograficznej (ang. Geographic Information System w skrócie GIS) są jednym z nowoczesnych narzędzi informatycznych wykorzystywanych do zbierania, archiwizowania i analizowania danych o parametrach przestrzennych. Coraz częściej znajdują, zastosowanie w przedsiębiorstwach wodociągowych. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem GIS w tych przedsiębiorstwach, zwracając szczególną uwagę na korzyści, jak i problemy wynikające przy ich wdrażaniu do praktyki inżynierskiej.
Geographical Information Systems are one of the newest tools for spatial parameters date: collection, storage, modeling and analysis. Presently these systems are more and more often used in waterworks. This paper shows selected issues connected with use the GIS in waterworks. Focusing on benefits and some problems of its use in engineering practice.
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