The coastal zone is an interactive and dynamic complex of sub-systems, where human activities and natural processes in one sub-system may adversely affect other sub-systems. Therefore, one of the most important issues in the area of coastal zone management (CZM) is to avoid conflicts and to prevent overlapping of development interests of the various resource sectors such as tourism development, land use planning, etc. The GMS-Decide is the software designed to create, organise and analyse data as it relates to the geographical information. It can be used for scientific investigations, resource management and development planning. For CZM purposes, GMS might allow emergency planners and decision-makers to easily calculate emergency response in the event of a natural disaster. In the strictest sense, a GMS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations, which is extremely useful to deal with coastal areas.
Publikacja ta powstała na podstawie studiów literaturowych oraz źródeł wtórnych, charakteryzujących rolę medycyny spersonalizowanej w leczeniu pacjentów. Zwrócono w nim uwagę na potrzebę tworzenia profilu geograficznego pacjenta w medycynie spersonalizowanej, zwłaszcza w aspekcie migrujących społeczności. Przedstawiono także przykłady reakcji krajów wysokorozwiniętych na kształtowanie się medycyny spersonalizowanej i rekomendacje w Unii Europejskiej dot. medycyny spersonalizowanej oraz przytoczono postulat rozwoju medycyny w Województwie Śląskim. Ponadto zostały wskazane platformy komunikacji dotyczące zdrowia pacjenta.
This article was prepared basing on the literature review and analysis of secondary sources, determining the role of customised medicine in treatment of patients. The attention was directed on the the need of creation of a geographical profile of the patient in customised medicine, particularly in the aspect of migrating societies. There were also presented some examples of reactions of higly developed countries on shaping of this type of medicine and appropriate recommendations in the European Union. There was also presented a postulate of development of customised medicine in the Silesia Region. There were also indcated platforms of communication regarding patient's health.
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