The history of bilingual education in Poland has its beginning in 1991, when first the French language, and later German, English and Spanish were introduced at schools at secondary level. Geography is one of the most popular subjects taught in bilingual system. In Polish schools we can observe different approaches towards bilingual education at secondary level. They are usually connected with several criteria, according to which schools in Poland organize bilingual classes. One of the most common criteria of organizing this kind of teaching is the syllabus (Polish or international) and the proportion of native and foreign languages used during lessons (usually given in percentages). Bilingual education nowadays is without doubt one of the attempts to adjust curricula to contemporary educational standards existing in Europe. A justification for encouraging bilingual approach in teaching is connected with the European Union directive, according to which all secondary school graduates should speak two foreign languages fluently. Such an idea of contemporary bilingual education is formulated in CLIL Programme (Content and Language Integrated Learning), which promotes full integration of the geography content and language learning. This is based on an assumption that during bilingual geography lessons one of the teaching goals is to practice and develop language skills, which geography teachers seem to forget. This article is an attempt to classify Polish bilingual geography education models and indicate their weaknesses and strengths.
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Homework in school education is one of the most important challenges in the educational process. Considerations regarding homework and its efficiency result from various approaches in both academicand school environments. Despite various opinions, discussions and the results of research on education, and at the same time the lack of legal necessity to apply homework, they remain an integral part of the education process in most schools.The aim of the research was to recognize students’ opinions on homework. The study presents the resultsof research on the use of obligatory and non-obligatory home tasks in geography lessons. According to the students, the use of compulsory homework in a Geography lesson adversely affects their mobilization for learning outside of school. Students pay attention to the problem of a small amount of time that they could devote to the pursuit of their interests. In their opinion, the possibility to decide on the form of homework would significantly increase their motivation to learn.
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Inicjatywa, coraz bardziej popularnego Dnia GIS doskonale wkomponowuje się, jako element uzupełniający, w proces kształcenia z zakresu podstaw, jak i zastosowań Systemów Informacji Geograficznej. Pierwsze obchody pod szyldem "Dzień GIS" odbyły się 18 listopada 1999 roku równocześnie w kilkunastu krajach świata, a zaproponowane hasło przewodnie wykorzystanie GIS jest ograniczone tylko wyobraźnią osób go używających pozostaje aktualne przez wszystkie dotychczasowe lata. Od pierwszych pokazów obserwuje się przyrost krajów i ośrodków (akademickich, instytucjonalnych i komercyjnych) przybliżających wszystkim zainteresowanym, w tej otwartej i ciekawej formie, nowoczesne oblicze geografii (Kunz, 2007). Obecnie, Dzień GIS obchodzony jest równocześnie w ponad 80 krajach świata i uczestniczy w nich corocznie ponad milion uczestników. Celem badań była analiza dotychczasowych obchodów Dnia GIS w Polsce (2000-2010) oraz próba określenia znaczenia tej formuły przekazywania wiedzy i umiejętności w edukacji geograficznej.
Geographic Information Systems were classified as one of the most important technological" inventions" of the 20th century for geography. GIS, as the content of lectures, and later on as an academic subject, was introduced at Polish universities and colleges relatively late - only at the beginning of the 1990s. At first, it was an extension of the content scope discussed within the framework of cartography and topography, and only later - as independent lectures and practical classes. The International GIS Day is an excellent supplement to the content of lectures and practical workshops, as well as an indication of proper students' attitudes towards geoinformation. It has been organized every year in November for more than 10 years, in Poland and worldwide. The objective of this event is to popularize the knowledge about geoinformation systems and their broad applications. The first celebration of this day took place on 18th of November 1999 in several countries at the same time, and the proposed theme -" application of GIS is limited only by the imagination of people who use it" - remains valid until now. Since the first shows, one can observe an increasing number of countries and academic, institutional and commercial centres introducing the modern geography to all who are interested in it through such an open and interesting form. The research is aimed at analysing previous celebrations of the GIS Day in Poland (2000-2010), as well as making an attempt to determine the significance of this form of sharing the knowledge and skills in geographic education.
Doświadczanie krajobrazów nadrzecznych, w tym rzek, jest procesem ich poznawania. Polega on na obserwacji, percepcji i innych działaniach sensorycznych, jak też na przeżywaniu bezpośredniego z nimi kontaktu i związanych z tym pogłębionych refleksji. Proces poznawania jest powiązany z wiedzą o krajobrazach, wzbogaconą o własne przeżycia i refleksje. W szkolnej edukacji geograficznej w ujęciu humanistycznym (jeszcze mało obecnym w realiach polskiej szkoły) ważna jest nie tylko wiedza, ale umożliwianie uczniom tworzenia pozytywnych więzi z rzeką i krajobrazami nadrzecznymi. Prowadzi to do nadawania im znaczeń i przemiany w świadomości w miejsca znaczące. Przykładem takiej edukacji jest też stwarzanie okazji do dialogu z rzeką i krajobrazami nadrzecznymi. Kluczowe jest ich wielozmysłowe i wieloaspektowe doświadczanie podczas zajęć terenowych, nie pomijając delikatnej i głębokiej sfery sacrum. Ważne dla uczniów jest uzewnętrznianie przez nauczyciela jego własnego doświadczania krajobra¬zów i efektów tego procesu – jako studium przypadku, prowadzącego od obserwacji i percepcji do holistycznego, komplementarnego ich odbioru.
Experiencing riverside landscapes, including rivers, is a process of familiarizing with them. It consists of observation, perception and experiencing direct contact with them and related afterthoughts. The process of learning is closely connected to a level of knowledge, enriched with own experiences, emotions and reflections. In geography lessons conducted in the humanistic approach it is particularly important to encourage pupils to create positive bonds with the river and riverside landscapes which transforms them into meaningful places in students’ consciousness, and further determine the level of taming (meaning making them their own). Such an approach teaches a special dialogue with the river and riverside landscapes. A multi-sensory discovery and experience during field activities is also crucial for multisensory experience including the sphere of the sacred. It could be important and helpful for students if a teacher could externalize their own experience of the river and riverside landscapes as a case study, leading from observation and perception to a holistic complementary experience.
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