Ten deep electromagnetic soundings were performed along the 150 km profile across the southern part of the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone (TTZ) in SE Poland. Five electromagnetic components have been recorded in the period range from few seconds to several hours. The real induction vectors were estimated at all 10 sets, but data from 6 stations only were good enough for magnetotelluric soundings. The magnetovariation data have shown the presence of a high-conductivity, deeply rooted narrow fractive zone of resistivity of about 5 Ohmm, situated in the northern part of Łysogóry unit of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM). This zone separates two blocks with different geoelectrical properties, particularly well expressed in their upper part. Juxtaposed together with the earlier magnetotelluric (MT) soundings performed east of that profile, the results ofthis study suggest an existence of the easterly extension of the high resistivity zone of the Łysogóry unit far beyond the HCM. If our interpretation accounts for the Carpathian conductive anomaly, a conductive layer within TTZ at the depth of the crust-mantle boundary can be inferred. The mantle conductivity structure for the 2-D modelling was assumed in accordance with results obtained from the Polish geomagnetic observatories Belsk and Hel together with MT deep sounding from Wola Kanigowska.
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