W pracy przedstawiono zarys historii wykorzystania powierzchniowych badań geochemicznych w lądowych poszukiwaniach złóż ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego w okresie ostatnich 75 lat. W oparciu o wybraną literaturę, a także doświadczenie i wiedzę autorów przedstawiono historię rozwoju powierzchniowych metod geochemicznych oraz ich znaczenie dla poszukiwań naftowych na świecie. Na tym tle uwypuklono pionierskie dokonania i osiągnięcia naukowców rosyjskich i amerykańskich. Osobno zaprezentowano historię i zakres prowadzonych badań geochemicznych w Polsce, a także zasygnalizowano osiągnięcia geochemików z innych krajów w zakresie tego typu badań.
The paper present historical overview of the application of surface geochemical survey for onshore exploration for oil and gas deposits for last 75 years. Basing upon the chosen literature as well as Author's knowledge and experience, the history was presented of surface geochemical exploration methods on the world with the special attention paid to pioneer achievements of Russian and American scientists. Separately, the history and scope of surface geochemical survey in Poland was introduced. Additionally, the progress in such studies made in other countries was highlighted.
W pracy przedstawiono wstępną analizę statystyczną wyników powierzchniowych badań geochemicznych wykonanych „metodą gazu wolnego” w rejonie Krosno – Besko we wschodniej części Karpat Zewnętrznych. Badania wykonano wzdłuż 9 profili pomiarowych. Ogółem pobrano 984 próbki gazu wolnego. W analizowanych próbkach stężenia metanu, wyższych alkanów oraz gazowych alkenów dochodziły odpowiednio do 2100 ppm, 15,7 ppm i 8,1 ppm. Ogółem na analizowanym obszarze stwierdzono anomalne stężenia sumy alkanów C2-C5 (pow. 3σ) w 243 punktach pomiarowych, tworzących 55 stref o zasięgu od 200 m do kilku kilometrów. Strefy te, przedstawione na tle mapy geologicznej, wskazują na obecność głównie akumulacji ropnych i ropno-kondensatowych, położonych prawdopodobnie na różnych głębokościach. Poza tym badania potwierdziły obecność rozpoznanej akumulacji węglowodorów – złoża Iwonicz – Rymanów. Rozmieszczenie powierzchniowych anomalii geochemicznych jest również determinowane tektoniką obszaru.
The paper presents the initial statistical analysis of surface geochemical surveys carried out using “free gas method” in Krosno – Besko area in the eastern part of the Outer Carpathians. The surveys were performed along 9 measurement profiles. A total of 984 samples of free gas were collected. In the analyzed samples, the concentrations of methane, higher alkanes and gaseous alkenes reached 2100 ppm, 15.7 ppm and 8.1 ppm, respectively. In total, in the analyzed area there were anomalous concentrations of total C2-C5 alkanes (area of 3s) in 243 measurement points, comprising 55 zones ranging from 200 m to a few km. These zones, presented against the geological map, indicate the presence of mainly oil and oil/condensate accumulations, probably located at different depths. In addition, the surveys confirmed the presence of recognized accumulation of hydrocarbons – Iwonicz – Rymanów deposits. The distribution of surface geochemical anomalies is also determined by tectonics of the area.
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In the Polish offshore Łeba (B) tectonic block in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea the oil and gas fields are accumulated in Middle Cambrian quartzose sandstone, often fractured and diagenetically sealed at depth by advanced silification developed in reservoir around the petroleum deposit. Petroleum traps aremainly of structure-tectonic type, i.e., anticlines closed with strike-slip faults. At least four gas-condensate and four oil deposits of total reserves more than 10 Gm3 gas and 30 Mt oil were discovered by the “Petrobaltic” Co. in the Polish Baltic sector. The subsurface petroleum deposits in the Cambrian reservoir are the source of secondary vertical hydrocarbon migration to the surface which produces surface microseepages and hydrocarbon anomalies. Geochemical survey of the sea bottom sediments and waters run along seismic profiles was completed in 1999–2002 within a joint project of “Petrobaltic” Co. Gdańsk and the Fossil Fuels Dept., AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, approved by theMinistry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry. It was found that seafloor hydrocarbon anomalies are closely related to subsurface geologic structure and location of petroleum deposits. Particularly the faults as principal venues for vertical hydrocarbon migration are reflected in high-magnitude seafloor anomalies. Above petroleum field there occurs a “halo” effect of high-magnitude anomalies contouring the deposit with damping related to productive zone situated inbetween. Thus, the section of sea bottom anomalies over a petroleum deposit resembles the shape of a volcanic caldera. Positive subsurface structures manifest themselves as neotectonic features in the sea-floor morphology and as petrological variations of the bottom sediments. Along the contours of petroleum field, the sea-floor seeps of gas and submarine springs of subsurface water occur. These are seismically recognizable as gas chimneys, geysers, craters and effusive cones. The sea-floor geysers and springs disturb thermal and density stratification of sea water column. The submarine geochemical studies strictly correlated with seismic profiles may contribute greatly to offshore petroleum exploration and marine environmental protection.
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