The object of my initial analysis are Germany’s relations with the non-European parts of the world and chosen powers which are not Germany’s traditional partners. The selection is based on their level of socio-economic development as well as their sufficient capability connected with the definite will to have an important impact on the dynamic international order, globally and regionally. If we employ the German-language terminology, the object of analysis are relations of Germany with Schwellenländer or Gestaltungsmächte. Having outlined the trends in power distribution, characteristic for the contemporary world economy and politics, I examine the relevant documents and the specific activities within German foreign policy (foreign visits of the chancellor and of foreign ministers from 2005 to 2015). The foreign trade outcomes lead to the opinion that these efforts so far are partially fruitful. Clearly outstanding are the relations, intensively developed in economic and political fields, between Germany and China.
The aim of this paper is to assess how far the German foreign policy follows the principles of the theory of geo-economy. The paper has the following structure. First, the theory of geo-economy will be presented. Second, the characteristics of three debates relating to the German foreign policy will be pointed out. Third, German policy during the Euro crisis will be analysed. Fourth, the development of the relations between Germany and the new powers will be assessed. This paper supports the thesis that geo-economic strategy is beneficial for Germany.
Celem artykułu jest analiza jak dalece niemiecka polityka zagraniczna odpowiada założeniom geoekonomii. Ma on następującą strukturę. W pierwszej części zaprezentowana zostanie teoria geoekonomii. Następnie przedstawione zostaną trzy debaty odnośnie niemieckiej polityki zagranicznej. W części trzeciej analizie poddana zostanie polityka Niemiec w okresie kryzysu strefy euro. W ostatniej części przedstawiony zostanie rozwój stosunków bilateralnych Niemiec z mocarstwami wschodzącymi. Artykuł ten potwierdza tezę, iż strategia geoekonomiczna jest korzystna dla Niemiec.
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