A few years ago a new technology is born: Genetic therapy. A revoultionary technology that can edit DNA with incredible precision. Now a question we’ve been asking for decades is becoming very real. If humans had the technology to control the source code of life, what happens when we turn it on ourselves? Once we sart tinkering, where do we stop? And that’s where things get complicated. This technology is crucial to finding cures for countless diseases. Is this the way we want to nurture the next generation of children? This makes man his own god.
In this paper a new video watermarking scheme is proposed which depends on 2-level Discrete Wavelet Transform decomposition of each component of an RGB video frame. The scheme embeds independent watermarks into different shots. A genetic algorithm is employed to match shots to watermarks. The scheme chooses between the HLi of red or green or blue components of each frame based on a key and embeds error correcting code into one of them. The scheme is blind. Experimental results show that the scheme is robust against attacks such as frame dropping, frame averaging, frame swapping, statistical analysis, and MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 compression. The proposed scheme uses a composite three-element key to increase the security.
The objective of this discussion is an attempt to recall that already in Polish modernism, in the work of Tadeusz Miciński (1873-1918), the idea of modifying the human phenotype was signaled. Contemporary times offer the possibility of its partial (for the time being) realization. That is why it is worth confronting this idea with the foundations of religious ethics represented by the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. It is also worth recalling the concerns that Jürgen Habermas (b. 1929) raises about the possibility of the unrestrained development of genetic engineering. Being a secular thinker, the German philosopher analyzes the ethical dangers of liberal eugenics and, in this way, opens up the search for a consensus with religious ethics.
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The main goal of this present paper is to propose a structure for a tool helping to determine how algorithm would react in a real live application, by checking it's adaptive capabilities in an extreme situation. Also a different idea of an additional genetic operator is being presented. As Genetic Algorithms are directly inspired by evolution, extinction events, which are elementary in our planet’s development history, became a foundation for those concepts.
Celem autorów jest zaprezentowanie narzędzia, które pomoże określić możliwości adaptacyjne algorytmu ewolucyjnego poprzez sprawdzenie jego możliwości w sytuacji ekstremum. Oprócz tego, został przedstawiony pomysł dodatkowego operatora genetycznego. Obie koncepcje powstały w oparciu o zjawisko wielkiego wymierania w przyrodzie, które to stanowi ważny element w rozwoju życia na Ziemi.
Research of problem of general safety level determination of complicated technical object, affected by a number of negative factors of different nature, decreasing the safety level technological object were conducted. The general model for calculation current values safety level consists of basis genetic conversions. Due to use of genetic models to determine come components of safety value of technical object it is possible to calculate impact of various factors which determine change of main components of safety value. Due to use of service functions the relevant influence of factors of different nature can be described according to logic of those factors.
W artykule przeprowadzono badania poziomu bezpieczeństwa skomplikowanych technicznych obiektów, na które działają negatywne czynniki różnej natury, zmniejszające poziom ich bezpieczeństwa technicznego. Ogólny model obliczeń bieżącego poziomu bezpieczeństwa bazuje na genetycznych przekształceniach. Dzięki wykorzystaniu genetycznych modeli służących do określania składników bezpiecznej wartości obiektu technicznego, możliwe jest skalkulowanie różnych czynników, określających zmianę komponentów głównych czynników wartości bezpiecznej. Wykorzystując funkcje serwisowe, można określić relatywny wpływ różnych czynników w stosunku do logiki tych czynników.
The body, the bodily condition of the human being, or embodiment as an essential aspect of the human situation in the lived world are important topics of phenomenological research and phenomenologically oriented anthropology. On the other hand, today also cognitive research and neurosciences are dealing with the topic of embodiment, mainly focusing on so-called embodied cognition. Modern neuroscience claims that both, thought and action can only be interpreted in the light of interactions between brain, body and environment. New trends in phenomenology stress their familiarity with this position and focus on naturalizing phenomenology. In my view, this development disregards fundamental Husserlian claims concerning the naturalization of human subjectivity. In order to avoid such naturalizing effects, I focus on the transcendental-phenomenological interpretation of the lived body, and underline the intentional-genetic potential of Husserlian analyses. On this path, instead of relying on naturalizing embodiment, I develop a genetic understanding of the intentional embodiment of subjectivity and describe a peculiar form of intentionality as transbodily intentionality, thereby stressing its anthropological and socio-theoretical significance.
Rapid technological and social development means that new legal challenges are still being posed before legislators at the national and international level. The doubts that cloning aroused several decades ago are still valid, and the rapid progress of science makes new threats appear. It is topic that touches not only issues related to human morality and ethics, but also affects other fundamental rights about changing content. Therefore, legal decisions should also refer to such rights as human dignity, the right to identity or the right to physical and mental integrity of human being. All these issues should be considered in relations to the natural, traditionally educated form of human life.
Szybki rozwój technologiczny oraz społeczny sprawiają, że przed prawodawcami na poziomie krajowym i międzynarodowym stawiane są wciąż nowe wyzwania prawne. Wątpliwości, które klonowanie budziło kilkadziesiąt lat temu, wciąż pozostają aktualne, a szybki postęp nauki sprawia, że pojawiają się wciąż nowe zagrożenia. Jest to bowiem tematyka, która dotyka nie tylko zagadnień związanych z ludzką moralnością oraz etyką, ale oddziałuje także na inne prawa podstawowe o zmieniającej się treści. Prawne rozstrzygnięcia powinny być w związku z tym odnoszone także do takich praw, jak godność ludzka, prawo do tożsamości, czy prawo do integralności fizycznej i psychicznej człowieka. Wszystkie te kwestie powinny być zaś rozpatrywane w odniesieniu do naturalnej, tradycyjnie wykształconej formy życia ludzkiego.
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