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The article is a contribution to the discussion on the possibility of empirical verifi cation of the theory related to the gender sources of violence against women (gender-based violence, GBV). For this purpose the data on the implementation of gender equality in individual EU states (gender equality index) have been compared with the data on violence against women as reported by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. In both cases the data were collected in 2012. The fi rst part of the article discusses the phenomenon of violence against women in the context of the GBV theory, which was manifested in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The authors present the GBV concept adopted in the Convention and evaluate the theory in the light of indicators set in order to empirically grasp and determine the social situation in the scope of implementing gender equality. They refer to the concept of the so-called Nordic paradox formulated in the scientifi c literature with relation to long-standing high level of violence in the countries leading in gender equality implementation. The article also contains information on the situation of women in Sweden and Denmark, as well as references to risk factors traditionally pinpointed as the foundations of violence against women, abstracting from the GBV theory.
In this article, we interpret some of the findings from an extensive explorative qualitative study conducted from April to December 2020 that used semi-structured interviews, interviews with clients of an assistance-providing organisation, and analyses of concrete cases from the period of the first pandemic lockdown in the Czech Republic. Domestic violence, especially in the form of intimate partner violence against women, was expected to grow in intensity as a result of the social crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The government of the Czech Republic did not introduce any special measures to address this during any of the lockdowns or as part of any counter-pandemic measures. To interpret the analysis, we deploy a conceptualisation of ignorance. Ignorance in the area of domestic violence is reflected in the inconsistency of the system of assistance, and this was observed during the pandemic as well. Ignorance is shown to be integral to the system of assistance to domestic violence survivors and a key factor in its efficiency. The article also brings concrete insights into the effects of ignorance, which could be used as a basis for introducing practical changes to the system of assistance to survivors of domestic violence.
Domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence remain a serious problem of Czech society. In Czechia, there is no definition of violence against women or gender-based violence against women, nor ‘gender’ enshrined in law or established in judicial practice. Similarly, no legislation, nor jurisprudence, acknowledges gender-based violence as a form of discrimination or violation of the principle of equality. The paper focuses on gender-based violence in the Czech Republic. It aims at mapping the current situation, identifying weaknesses in legislation as well as in practice and proposing some effective steps for the future. This paper aims at providing a broader view on the state of affairs in the field of gender based violence in order to keep the debate on this very important but neglected topic, alive. This paper draws a conclusion that in Czechia, a structural change is needed. Not only solid and robust legislation aimed at better protection of victims of gender-based violence should be adopted but also a change of mindset in the legal practice and judiciary should occur. EU law with some proposed changes could help a lot to make the abovementioned changes possible.
This article is an attempt to present the phenomenon of gender-based violence (violencia de género) in Spanish society. The author describes its presence in three areas – everyday life, legislation, and contemporary drama. An important turning point is the year 2004, when the Act on Integral Measures for the Protection against Gender Violence was adopted (Ley Organica 1/2004, de 28 de diciembre, de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género), thanks to which women have gained special legal protection. Furthermore, additional regulations were introduced to raise the effectiveness of the fight against macho cultural stereotypes. An element of this struggle are also three dramatic works written by contemporary authors – Angélica Liddell, Itziar Pascual and Antonio Morcillo López – which, through a different approach to the problem, reveal a multitude of its aspects as well as diverse creative models adopted by the playwrights.
Despite being an underreported topic in the news media, gender-based violence (GBV) undermines the health, dignity, security and autonomy of its victims. Research has studied many of the factors that generate or maintain this kind of violence. However, the influence of the media is still uncertain. This paper used Big Data techniques to explore how GBV is depicted and reported in digital news media. By feeding neural networks with news, the topic information associated with each article can be recovered. Our findings show a relationship between GBV news and public awareness, the effect of well-known GBV cases, and the intrinsic thematic relationship of GBV news with justice themes.
Without a doubt, the concern about ‘human rights inflation’ reflects the modern world’s increasing ambition, breadth and complexity in developing the human rights regime. This rapidly expanding catalogue of rights has generated discussion about human rights proliferation, devaluation and too vast interpretation. Consequently, some critics perceive new generations of human rights as less relevant, which ultimately is supposed to alter their purpose, legitimacy, and effectiveness. This article seeks to disentangle the inflation objection from other concerns about rights expansionism and to critically assess it. Therefore, it will both analyze the phenomenon of rights inflation as well as evaluate its scope of implication based on the progressive development of women’s rights in the domain of gender-based violence and conflict-related sexual violence. The article will also analyze examples of possible regresses of women’s rights in the topic of reproductive rights based on constitutional court decisions in the United States and Poland. To underline only a few examples, the most striking ones will be presented and they will relate to (i) the evolution of women’s rights invigorated by the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the interpretation of its provisions by the CEDAW Committee, (ii) the recognition of the crime of sexual violence in armed conflicts as well as a more accurate definition of the crime of rape and lastly (iii) the exponential progress of second generation rights, which include social, economic and political emancipation of women. The article will reach its conclusion by explaining the importance of generating a sense of closure in human rights interpretation through drawing strict boundaries around the corpus of ‘proper’ human rights without entitling to a suspicion of claims of too far-reaching cultural and political transformations within societal structure. Instead of calling it human rights devaluation, the author argues that it should be perceived as human rights evolution, which encompasses both a constant adjustment and reinterpretation of rights according to the rapidly changing world as well as the way people understand it.
Research on gender-based violence (GBV) is an important tool for assessing the scale of crime, especially the phenomenon of violence. International studies to date have focused primarily on violence against women. The first of these, IVAWS (International Violence Against Women Survey), was intended as a challenge to scientists, law enforcement agencies and NGOs. Another European study on violence against women was conducted by the FRA (Fundamental Right Agency). Eurostat is currently planning a new GBV study, which is more comprehensive because violence against women and men will be considered. This study faces new methodological challenges. The GBV project covers various forms of violence, from domestic violence to violence at work, online, mobbing, etc. The first stage is the so-called pre-test, and the pilot was implemented in several EU countries, including Poland. Basic research is planned for 2022 in all European Union countries. The basic GBV research tool is a questionnaire whose questions include the intensity of various types and forms of violence against women and men. In the interpretation of the results, especially in an international perspective, attention should be paid to the differences in the perception of violence by victims, as well as in the scale of reporting violence. The differences also concern the causes, forms and consequences of violence. How can discrepancies in the size and conditioning of gender-based violence be assessed? This article presents methodological issues and experiences related to the implementation of these pilot studies.
Badania na temat przemocy ze względu na płeć GBV (Gender-Based Violence) są ważnym narzędziem do oceny skali przestępczości, zwłaszcza zjawiska przemocy. Dotychczasowe badania międzynarodowe dotyczyły przede wszystkim przemocy wobec kobiet. Pierwsze z nich, IVAWS (International Violence Against Women Survey), stanowiło wyzwanie dla naukowców, organów ścigania i organizacji pozarządowych. Kolejne europejskie badanie przemocy wobec kobiet zostało przeprowadzone przez Agencję Praw Podstawowych (Fundamental Right Agency – FRA). Obecnie planowane jest przez Eurostat badanie GBV o szerszym zakresie, dotyczącym zarówno przemocy wobec kobiet, jak i mężczyzn. Jest to jednocześnie nowe wyzwanie metodologiczne. Projekt Eurostatu obejmuje różne rodzaje i formy przemocy, od przemocy domowej po przemoc w pracy, w sieci, mobbing itp. Pierwszym etapem był tzw. pretest oraz pilotaż realizowany w kilku państwach UE, w tym także w Polsce. Badanie podstawowe jest planowane na 2022 r. we wszystkich krajach Unii Europejskiej. Podstawowym narzędziem GBV jest kwestionariusz ankiety. Pytania obejmują intensywność różnych rodzajów i form przemocy wobec kobiet i mężczyzn. W interpretacji wyników, zwłaszcza w perspektywie międzynarodowej, należy zwrócić uwagę na różnice w postrzeganiu przemocy przez ofiary, a także w jej zgłaszaniu. Różnice dotyczą również przyczyn, form i konsekwencji przemocy. Jak właściwie ocenić rozbieżności w rozmiarach i uwarunkowaniu przemocy w ramach płci? W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia metodologiczne i doświadczenia związane z realizacją badania pilotażowego.   Research on gender-based violence (GBV) is an important tool for assessing the scale of crime, especially the phenomenon of violence. International studies to date have focused primarily on violence against women. The first of these, IVAWS (International Violence Against Women Survey), was intended as a challenge to scientists, law enforcement agencies and NGOs. Another European study on violence against women was conducted by the FRA (Fundamental Right Agency). Eurostat is currently planning a new GBV study, which is more comprehensive because violence against women and men will be considered. This study faces new methodological challenges. The GBV project covers various forms of violence, from domestic violence to violence at work, online, mobbing, etc. The first stage is the so-called pre-test, and the pilot was implemented in several EU countries, including Poland. Basic research is planned for 2022 in all European Union countries. The basic GBV research tool is a questionnaire whose questions include the intensity of various types and forms of violence against women and men. In the interpretation of the results, especially in an international perspective, attention should be paid to the differences in the perception of violence by victims, as well as in the scale of reporting violence. The differences also concern the causes, forms and consequences of violence. How can discrepancies in the size and conditioning of gender-based violence be assessed? This article presents methodological issues and experiences related to the implementation of these pilot studies.
Prawa kobiet są nieodłączną częścią praw człowieka, tak jak prawa człowieka są integralną częścią praw kobiet. Koncepcja feministycznej polityki zagranicznej, przyjętej przez szwedzki rząd ma na celu wzmocnienie tych praw na poziomie globalnym. Ciągłe łamanie praw kobiet narusza demokrację, porządek prawny, utrudnia zrównoważony rozwój i wzrost gospodarczy – podstawowe cele polityki międzynarodowej. Prawo kobiet do edukacji, środków finansowych i dostępu do rynku pracy jest kluczowe w zakresie ochrony praw człowieka oraz prowadzenia polityki dotyczącej 100 % światowej populacji. Kluczowym zadaniem feministycznej polityki zagranicznej jest wspieranie integracji kobiet we wszystkich strukturach decyzyjnych, zarówno na poziomie krajowym, jak i wielostronnym w celu przyjęcia szerszych założeń polityki zagranicznej, rozwoju i bezpieczeństwa – przez nowe podejście, inny sposób myślenia i różne rozwiązania.
Women’s rights are an inseparable part of the human rights, and human rights are an integrated part of women’s rights. The Swedish Government has adopted a concept of feminist foreign policy, aiming at strengthening these rights on a global level. Women’s rights are continued to be violated as much as ever, hindering democracy, peace, rule of law, sustainable development and economic growth – the overarching aims of international policy. Women’s rights to education, financial resources and access to the labour market are crucial in defending human rights and having a policy for 100 per cent of the world’s population. A priority task of the feminist foreign policy is supporting women’s inclusion in all decision-making structures, both on national and multilateral level. This in order to achieve wider foreign, development and security policy objectives through a new approach, different way of thinking and different solutions.
Medycyna Pracy
tom 71
nr 6
BackgroundPolish research on gender-based sexual harassment at the workplace is relatively rare. The presented work aimed at developing a reliable tool to measure this phenomenon.Material and MethodsThe analyses of the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Exposure to Workplace Sex-Based Harassment were carried out on the basis of questionnaire data from employees of different occupational groups (N = 333).ResultsOn the basis of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, 5 questionnaire scales were distinguished (5 types of behavior indicating sexual harassment): Sexual coercion, Unwanted sexual interest, Gender membership harassment, Harassment for deviating from gender role and Offensive comments on the employee or his/her private life. Cronbach’s α indicator of internal consistency for the whole questionnaire equaled 0.93; and for particular scales it ranged 0.85–0.90.ConclusionsThe results of the performed analysis show that the Questionnaire of Exposure to Workplace Sex-Based Harassment has satisfactory psychometric characteristic. Med Pr. 2020;71(6):699–713
WstępW badaniach naukowych prowadzonych w Polsce zjawisku molestowania ze względu na płeć w miejscu pracy poświęca się stosunkowo mało miejsca. Celem prezentowanej pracy jest dostarczenie rzetelnego narzędzia do mierzenia skali narażenia pracowników na molestowanie ze względu na płeć.Materiał i metodyAnalizy właściwości psychometrycznych Kwestionariusza do diagnozy narażenia kobiet i mężczyzn na zjawisko molestowania ze względu na płeć przeprowadzono na podstawie badań kwestionariuszowych na pracownikach różnych grup zawodowych (N = 333).WynikiNa podstawie eksploracyjnej i konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej wyodrębniono 5 skal kwestionariusza (5 typów zachowań o charakterze molestowania ze względu na płeć): Zachowania o charakterze przymusu seksualnego, Zachowania wyrażające niepożądane zainteresowanie seksualne, Molestowanie ze względu na przynależność do danej płci, Molestowanie za odejście od „typowej” roli płciowej i Obraźliwe uwagi dotyczące pracownika lub jego życia prywatnego. Współczynniki zgodności wewnętrznej α Cronbacha wynoszą: dla całej skali – 0,93, a dla podskal – 0,85–0,90.WnioskiRezultaty przeprowadzonych analiz wskazują, że Kwestionariusz do diagnozy narażenia kobiet i mężczyzn na zjawisko molestowania ze względu na płeć w miejscu pracy cechuje się zadowalającymi charakterystykami psychometrycznymi. Med. Pr. 2020;71(6):699–713
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