The paper deals with the role of gender in the context of witchcraft. It focuses on the situation in a rural area in eastern Slovenia, where the author and her students researched witchcraft in 2000 and 2001. The meaning of a gender in witchcraft accusations is presented with respect to various levels and types of witch (social level - neighborhood witches, village witches; supernatural level – night witches; counter witches). Among neighborhood witches (about whom people believe that they perform some kind of magic: placing eggs etc. in the hope that they will hurt neighbors; intentional praise), women are typically assumed to be guilty; men appear only in the subcategory of people with evil eye. Similar holds for all the subcategories of village witches, except for those who earned their reputation because of the assumption of their possession of a book of magic (where men predominate). Night witches (in the form of lights or vague presences which make it difficult for people to find their way) are always female (they are spoken about using the feminine gender; when they are recognized as people from the village, they are always women). In contrast, the ratio of men to women among counterwitches, to whom people turned for help against witches, rises dramatically. The most influential counterwitch whom people visited in this area was a men. The relationship between the sexes can also be seen through an analysis of (migratory) legends about witches whereby many of them reveal a concealed misogyny.
The purpose of this article is to address the links between minority culture, education and identity in the context of Palestinian Arabs in Israel (PAI). In an effort to demonstrate the unique socio-political status and cultural orientation of the PAI, the historical background of Palestinians in Israel is provided as well as a description of the educational system in Israel, with emphasis on Arab sector education. Against this background, I examine: (1) issues of education and identity among PAI and (2) the potential for identity conflict. Since the majority of teachers in the Arab sector are women, issues of gender relations are also discussed. The narrative methodology is recommended for further research on the way in which Palestinian Arab teachers, as potential agents of social change, relate to the broader cultural context in which they live and how identity issues are managed and expressed in the context of professional roles. The author of this article is a Palestinian Arab teacher in the Israeli educational system. This provides an opportunity for an in-depth analysis of the phenomena presented from an “insider” perspective.
Pomimo przemian w sferze życia małżeńsko-rodzinnego oraz intymnych relacji osoby samotne nadal często pytane są o powody pozostawania w stanie wolnym. Od dorosłej osoby wciąż oczekuje się, że wyjdzie za mąż/ożeni się. Niniejszy tekst przedstawia rezultaty brazylijskich badań poświęconych problematyce „singielstwa”. Autorki pracy skupiają się zwłaszcza na głównych powodach pozostawania w stanie wolnym przez osoby dorosłe z klasy średniej, zamieszkujące stan Bahia, miasto Salvador. Do analizy omawianego w tekście zjawiska zastosowano perspektywę feministyczną oraz kategorię gender. Zastosowano podejście intersekcjonalne, biorąc pod uwagę zarówno klasę społeczną, rasę, pokolenie, seksualność, jak i miejsce zamieszkania respondentów- -singli. Zastosowano metody mieszane z wykorzystaniem takich technik badawczych jak: kwestionariusz ankiety, zogniskowane wywiady grupowe (FGI), wywiady biograficzne oraz obserwacje terenowe. Wyniki badań pozwoliły na zaobserwowanie różnic i podobieństw w kwestii przyczyn pozostawania singlem między kategoriami płci. W przypadku kobiet główną przyczyną pozostawania w stanie wolnym są problemy w relacjach z innymi (partnerami), natomiast główną przyczyną bycia singlem w przypadku mężczyzn jest dobrowolny wybór takiego stanu.
Single people are often asked about the reasons for non-marriage, in a context where, despite several changes in the field of intimacy, adults are still expected to marry. Based on a thesis study on the subject of singleness in Brazil, in the city of Salvador, Bahia, this text presents the main reasons for singleness, declared by single middle-class adults who live alone in this city. The study used a feminist perspective, with the category gender as the basis for data analysis, in an intersectional way with social class, race, generation, sexuality and territoriality. It used mixed methods with a combination of instruments: questionnaire, focus groups, biographical interviews, and field observations. The findings collaborate to observe gender differences and closeness in reasons for singleness: relational reasons prevailing for women and being single as a choice for men.
The paper looks at the way in which the notion of queenship - in connection or in contrast with that of kingship and royalty in general - is reflected in Shakespeare’s historical tetralogies and in Henry VIII. It is argued that all royal figures, male and female, featured in these plays, are presented by Shakespeare in accordance not only with Tudor historiography, but also with Elizabeth I’s own strategies of self-representation. Thus, the major notions to be looked into are virtue, legitimacy, agency, as well as, more generally, early modern religious and political issues concerning gender relations
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Сопоставительное исследование существительных-номинаций лиц в словаре устаревших слов Розы П. Рогожниковой, Татьяны С. Карской помогает выяснить прошлое состояние гендерных отношений в России.
The dictionary of obsolete words by Roza Rogozhnikova and Tatyana Karskaya includes nouns naming individuals according to various criteria, which sheds light on the state of gender relations in the past.
The article offers an analysis of a once-famous Polish TV narrative for young audiences Stawiam na Tolka Banana [I’d bet on Tolek Banan] (1973, dir. Stanisław Jędryka), casting non-professional children actors and actresses whose superb and effortless performance still amazes. Beginning with the notion of TV series as a “repository of memory,” i.e. a document of cultural consciousness of its own era, the paper employs the Lacanian concepts of “fantasy,“ “Great Other,” “Master-signifier,” and the three registers of Lacan’s triadic division of human experience as analytical tools for the exploration of the mechanism of self-limiting, preemptive tools of subversion of official discourses present in the movie, such as: the discourse of Communist power and the patriarchal and androcentric discourse. In conclusion, the perspective is outlined for reading the film as an “incomplete deconstruction” of the discourse(s) of power, the notion of incompleteness pointing to a negotiation between the historical impossibility of a full rejection of those discourses by the movie and the incomplete control over the movie narrative and representation by those discourses.
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