W prezentowanej pracy podjęto próbę zróżnicowania szczepionkowego szczepu Sterne 34F2 i atypowych izolatów B. anthracis wyosobnionych w Polsce drogą wykorzystania 10 loci VNTR, a także sprawdzenia czy takie czynniki jak: anthrolizyna O (gen alo), cereolizyna (gen clo), hemolityczna enterotoksyna HBL (gen hblA) i mutacja typu stop w genie plcR mogą być związane z hemolityczną aktywnością tych izolatów. Potwierdzono klonalne pokrewieństwo szczepów hemolizujących i nie wykazujących tej cechy. Mimo, że nie zidentyfikowano czynnika genetycznego warunkującego zdolność do hemolizy badanych szczepów, to wykazano, że badane szczepy posiadały geny alo, clo i mutację typu stop w genie plcR przy braku obecności genu hblA. Zebrane informacje umożliwiły pełniejszą charakterystykę hemolizujących szczepów B. anthracis izolowanych na terenie kraju.
Bacillus anthracis is generally considered non-haemolytic, when cultured on the solid media. However, strains capable to lyse sheep erythrocytes have been reported. Anthrolysin O, an orthologue of cereolysin was proposed as a putative haemolysin of B. anthracis. AIM: to determine whether anthrolysin O, haemolytic enterotoxin HBL and the pleiotropic regulator PlcR that activates antrholysin O production are associated with a haemolytic activity of B. anthracis strains isolated in Poland. MATERIAL: in total 8 B. anthracis strains - the fully virulent BL1 and seven the pX02 lacking strains including: a vaccine strain Sterne 34F2 together with three haemolytic and three non-haemolytic strains isolated from different samples of the same animal died from anthrax in Poland. METHODS: The haemolytic activity was detected using Columbia agar plates supplemented with 5% of sheep blood. Anthrolysin O, cereolysin and gene hblA encoding the key subunit of the HBL were detected by PCR. In addition, the plcR gene fragment containing the B. anthracis specific non-sense mutation was analysed by the DNA sequencing. Ten marker loci based MLVA genotyping was performed to distinguish tested strains. RESULTS: The alo gene encoding anthrolysin O was detected in both the haemolytic and non-haemolytic strains while hblA was absent. The B. anthracis specific plcR non-sense mutation was detected in both the groups of tested strains, suggesting that the haemolysis in tested strains may rather be conferred by the PlcR-independent factors. Moreover, haemolytic and non-haemolytic strains were indistinguishable by the MLVA. Obtained results may argue the haemolytic and non-haemolytic strains are isogenic and most probably a single mutational event is responsible for the haemolytic phenotype induction.
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