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Influenza viruses are the worldwide major causative agents of human and animal acute respiratory infections. Some of the influenza subtypes have caused epidemics and pandemics among humans. The varieties of methods are available for the rapid isolation and identification of influenza viruses in clinical and environmental samples. Since nucleic acids amplification techniques such as RT-PCR have been adapted, fast and sensitive influenza type and subtype determination is possible. However, in some ambiguous cases other, more detailed assay might be desired. The genetic material of influenza virus is highly unstable and constantly mutates. It is known that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) results in resistance to commercially available anti-viral drugs. The genetic drift of the virus could also result in weakening of immune response to infection. Finally, in a substantial number of patients co-infection with various virus strains or types has been confirmed. Although the detection of co-infection or presence of minor genetic variants within flu-infected patients is not a routine procedure, a rapid and wide spectrum diagnostics of influenza virus infections could reveal an accurate picture of the disease and more importantly, is crucial for choosing the appropriate therapeutics and virus monitoring. Herein we present the evidences that native gel electrophoresis and MSSCP - a method based on multitemperature single strand conformation polymorphism could furnish a useful technique for minor variants, which escape discovery by conventional diagnostic assays.
Complexes of Cu(II), Fe(II), and Fe(III) have been synthesized by reaction of their metal salts with bis(4-hydroxy-2oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)-methane or bis(4-hydroxy-2oxo-2Hchromen- 3-yl)-thiophene-2yl-methane or bis(4-hydroxy-2oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)-pyri -din-3yl-methane in molarratio 1:2. They have been characterized using 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, IR spectra, electronic spectra, magnetic measurements and elemental analyses and screened for their in-vitro antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella typhi, and Serratia marcescens. The metal complexes exhibit moderate antimicrobial activity compared to parental compounds and standard drugs. In-vi tro nuclease activity has been determined using agarose gel electrophoresis. The synthesized compounds show effective nuclease activity.
A fast two step method of agarose gel electrophoresis for separation of different conformational forms of DNA is described. In the first step the gel is run in the buffer without ethidium bromide and then the gel is stained with that dye. After staining the second step of electrophoresis is performed in the buffer without ethidium bromide. This two step procedure allows one to receive very good resolution between bands corresponding to relaxed, supercoiled, open circular, and linear forms of DNA.
Opisano budowę i zasadę działania aparatury do elektroforezy planarnej. Scharakteryzowano odmiany metody, związane przede wszystkim z rodzajem nośnika i techniką rozdziału. Podano przykłady zastosowań elektroforezy niskonapięciowej i elektroforezy żelowej, koncentrując uwagę na analizach białek i kwasów nukleinowych.
The construction and operation principles of the basic instrumentation of the planar electrophoresis (PE) are presented. The modifications of the method are characterized, with regard to the kind of the carrier and separation techniques. The examples of the applications of the gel and low-voltage electrophoresis are presented. Particular concern to the application of PE in analyses of proteins and nucleic acids was given.
This study evaluated agronomic traits of 111 genotypes of black gram Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper, mainly from Pakistan, to determine the extent of genetic diversity. Seed proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. High genetic variance was observed for days to flowering, days to maturity, number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, biomass/plant, grain yield/plant and harvest index, whereas low genetic variance was observed for pod length, seeds/pod and 100-seed weight in both years studied. SDS-PAGE of seed proteins showed low inter-accession diversity and no clear differentiation on the basis of origin or source. The genotypes in one cluster with similar agronomic characters did not necessarily belong to the same origin or source. The lack of a geographic pattern of germplasm collected from Pakistan was probably due to exchange of germplasm between neighbouring regions, or because germplasm represented progenies of the same ancestors. Clustering of advanced breeding lines along with an approved variety in one group revealed that only a portion of the genetic diversity has been exploited for improvement of black gram. It is suggested that the genetic base of cultivated black gram should be broadened by involving diverse parents in the breeding programme. Expansion of the genetic base for black gram breeding might be accomplished by systematic use of germplasm that differs in protein profiles and has better quantitative traits.
Human cystatin C (HCC) shows a tendency to dimerize. This process is particularly easy in the case of the L68Q HCC mutant and might lead to formation of amyloid de­posits in brain arteries of young adults. Our purpose was to find ligands of monomeric HCC that can prevent its dimerization. Eleven antisense peptide ligands of monomeric HCC were designed and synthesized. The influence of these ligands on HCC dimerization was studied using gel electrophoresis and molecular modeling methods. The results suggest that all the designed peptides interact with monomeric HCC facilitating its dimerization rather than preventing it.
Większość prac poświęconych badaniom specjacji selenu w roślinach dotyczy głównie identyfikacji związków niskocząsteczkowych. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia możliwości identyfikacji związków makrocząsteczkowych, w szczególności selenobiałek, co jest możliwe dzięki wykorzystaniu elektroforezy żelowej (GE) z mikropróbkowaniem za pomocą ablacji laserowej (LA) połączonej ze spektrometrią mas z jonizacją w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (ICP MS).
Content available remote The use of chemometrics to analyse protein patterns from gel electrophoresis
Chemometrics involves strategies to analyse multivariate data using interdisciplinary approaches aiming to extract relevant information from complex data. Chemometric strategies comprise both the pre-processing of the data, where the choice of methodology is domain-specific, and analysis of the resulting data after preprocessing using multivariate methodology. Although use of multivariate data analysis for gel electrophoresis images has increased substantially in the last decade, its use is still much less frequent than use of univariate approaches. Considering the complexity of the electrophoresis gel images and the multivariate nature of the proteome, applying multivariate data analysis for gel electrophoresis images gives information which is otherwise lost. This paper is written as a review and guideline of chemometric strategies used for analysis of gel electrophoresis images. The multivariate data analyses described are, however, also relevant for other proteome data, for example mass spectrometry, and for functional genomics in general.
Dwuwymiarowa (dwukierunkowa) elektroforeza żelowa (2-DE) jest metodą znaną od lat 70. poprzedniego stulecia. Zainteresowanie badaczy metodą 2-DE wynika z możliwości separacji nawet kilku tysięcy białek w jednym żelu, co pozwala na ich detekcję i identyfikację. Dzięki wysokiej rozdzielczości wyników separacji możliwe staje się ustalenie roli biologicznej poszczególnych białek czy odkrywanie wpływu czynników zewnętrznych na organizmy żywe na poziomie proteomu. Metoda 2-DE wciąż ewoluuje. W ostatniej dekadzie nastąpił ogromny postęp w sposobie przeprowadzania eksperymentów z dużą powtarzalnością. Zmieniło się też całkowicie podejście do analizy obrazów żeli i wykorzystywane do tego celu algorytmy. Ze względu na tak szybki rozwój technik dwuwymiarowej elektroforezy żelowej autorzy postanowili przedstawić obecny stan wiedzy w tym zakresie. Praca składa się z dwu części. W pierwszej opisano zmiany, jakie zaszły w technikach przeprowadzania eksperymentów elektroforetycznych. Druga część skupia się na analizie obrazów uzyskanych za pomocą metody 2-DE, z uwzględnieniem zmian w schemacie analizy. Pierwsza część pracy koncentruje się na eksperymencie dwuwymiarowej elektroforezy żelowej. Opisano poszczególne kroki eksperymentu: od przygotowania próbki, przez ładowanie próbek do pierwszego wymiaru, IEF, SDS-PAGE, barwienie żeli, aż po zapis obrazów żeli. Praca nie porusza szczegółów biochemicznych eksperymentu. Opisane zostały również formaty plików, technika DIGE, wpływ eksperymentu na dalszą analizę, modyfikacje posttranslacyjne oraz pozyskanie próbek protein z żeli do ewentualne identyfikacji za pomocą innych technik proteomicznych.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) is a method commonly used since seventies of the previous century. It owns its non weakening interest of researchers because of the possibility of separation even a few thousands of proteins in one gel, what allows for protein detection and identification. Thanks to high resolution of separation results, it is possible to determine a biological role of particular proteins or to discover influence of external factors on living organisms on the proteome level. Though 2-DE is still evolving. In the last decade, a great progress has been made in the way of performing experiments and their reproducibility. Approach to the analysis of gel images and algorithms used for the analysis have been entirely changed. For the reason of such instant changes of methods and techniques of the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the authors decided to describe state of the art. This work consists of two parts. The first part describes changes that have been made in performing of electrophoretic experiments. The second part concentrates on the analysis of obtained images, with emphasis the analysis workflow. The first part focuses on the experiment of the dwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Description of particular steps of the experiment is given: from the sample preparation, through loading of samples for the first dimension, IEF, SDS-PAGE, gels staining, to recording of gel images. This work does not bring up biochemical details of the experiment. File formats, DIGE technology, influence of the expriment on the further analysis, posttraslational modifications and acquisition of protein samples from gels for identification using other proteomic techniques have been described in detail.
The process of complex formation between cationic gemini surfactants, 3,3'-[a,w-(dioxaalkane)]bis(1-dodecylimidazolium) dichloride, with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was studied. The study was performed for ten surfactants having spacer groups of different lengths used in 6 concentrations (5 mM, 2 mM, 1 mM, 0.5 mM, 0.2 mM, 0.1 mM) and a 6.5 µM DNA solution. The complex formation was verified by circular dichroism spectroscopy and gel electrophoresis. The complexes were found to be stable and the process of complex formation was reproducible, efficient and immediate.
Zbadano proces kompleksowania kationowych surfaktantów typu gemini — dichlorków 3,3'-[a,w-(dioxaalkane)]bis(1-dodecyloimidazoliowych) z kwasem deoksyrybonukleinowym (DNA). Wykorzystano dziesięć surfaktantów różniących się długością grupy łącznikowej, w postaci roztworów o 6 różnych stężeniach (5 mM, 2 mM, 1 mM, 0,5 mM, 0,2 mM, 0,1 mM), oraz 6,5 µM roztwór DNA. Za pomocą spektroskopii dichroizmu kołowego oraz elektroforezy żelowej wykazano, iż zachodzi proces kompleksowania tych cząsteczek. Stwierdzono, że otrzymane kompleksy są stabilne a proces ich powstawania — natychmiastowy, wydajny i powtarzalny.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad miniaturowym systemem do elektroforetycznej separacji DNA, wykorzystującym układ detekcji fluorescencyjnej. Opisano technologię całkowicie szklanego biochipa z krzyżową konfiguracją kanałów mikrofluidycznych. W opracowanym stanowisku laboratoryjnym przeprowadzono elektroforezę żelową DNA znakowanego barwnikami „czerwonymi” (Cy5, TO-PRO-3) z detekcją fluorymetryczną w czasie rzeczywistym. Sygnał detektora przetworzono cyfrowo, uzyskując charakterystyki intensywności fluorescencji w funkcji czasu.
In the paper, miniature system with fluorometric detection for electrophoretic separation of DNA is reviewed. Technology of all-glass biochip with cross-shaped microfluidic channels is described. Gel electrophoresis of DNA labeled with red-line markers (Cy5, TO-PRO-3) was conducted in laboratory set-up with real-time fluorometric detection. Detection signal was processed into time-graphs of fluorescence intensity.
This work presents some properties of Sunn-hemp mosaic tobamovirus (SHMV) orginally isolated from bean plants. Virus infected host range and induced symptoms that were typical for SHMV. Following plant species distinquished SHMV from tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV): Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Lupinus albus and Lycopersicon esculentum. In immunoblotting the serum against SHMV did not react with TMV and Tomato mosaic tobamovirus (ToMV). The electrophoretical patterns of whole virions and capsid proteins were characteristic for SHMV and different from that of TMV and ToMV.
W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę wirusa mozaiki krotalarii (SHMV) wyizolowanego z siewek fasoli wyrosłych z zainfekowanych nasion. Stwierdzono, że zakres roślin gospodarzy badanego izolatu SHMV oraz wywoływane przez niego objawy chorobowe były typowe dla tego wirusa. Gatunki roślin takie jak: Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Lupinus albus i Lycopersicon esculentum różnicują SHMV od TMV. W teście immunoblotingu surowica przeciwko SHMV nie reagowała z TMV-U i ToMV-2., z kolei surowica przeciwko TMV reagowała jedynie z TMV-U₁ i ToMV-2. Obrazy elektroforetyczne zarówno całych virionów jak i białek otoczki wirusowej były charakterystyczne dla SHMV i różne od tych dla TMV-U₁ oraz ToMV-2.
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