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tom T. 23, z. 4
Analizowano rozkład średnic pęcherzy gazu otrzymywanych w aparacie z umieszczonymi na wale dwoma mieszadłami turbinowymi o takich samych bądź różnych średnicach. Opisano je rozkładem gamma, którego parametry uzależniono od prędkości przepływu gazu i mocy mieszania. Podano związek między tymi parametrami a średnią średnicą Sautera.
Gas bubble diameters distributions obtained in a vessel with two Rushton turbines of the same and of different diameters on a joint shaft were analysed. They were described by the gamma distribution, whose parameters were contingent upon gas velocity and mixing power. The correlation between these parameters and the mean Sauter diameter was given.
Content available remote The phenomenon of resonance in gas-steam bubbles
In the basis of many advanced industrial technologies there are such thermodynamic processes occurring on the surface of gas-particle bubbles as absorption [16], aeration [13], bubbling [9], vacuum distillation [5], degassing [3], boiling [18], cavitation [12], the production of heat-insulating materials by the method of blowing [19], gas hydrating [11], and many others. Active studies of the bubbles effect on sound vibrations were carried out to optimize the sonar operation. Existing literature [1, 4] highlights the issue of the damped oscillations at frequencies from 4 kHz to 150 kHz in seawater at different depths. Another direction of research was caused by the need for the use of cavitation [14]. The study of fluid degasification by cavitation method was carried out at frequency from 10 kHz to 1 MHz. In most cases, bubbles oscillation is damping. However, definitely during these oscillations, the most intense heat and mass exchange processes on the bubbles surface are observed. In the course of oscillation, there is a very rapid change in the thermodynamic parameters of the system "gas bubble-liquid". The urgency of the study of heat and mass transfer processes dynamics on the oscillating gas bubble surface is due to the need to optimize various technological processes.
The paper presents the results of measurements of gas bubble formation. Criterial numbers were used for classification of three basic structures of bubble formation. This classification is helpful in selection of a suitable theoretical model of bubble formation, important for people designing the devices for mass exchange.
Wytwarzanie pęcherzyków gazowych ma miejsce w urządzeniach i aparatach, w których zachodzi wymiana masy. Sposób, w jaki tworzą się pęcherzyki gazu, znacząco wpływa na jakość procesu wymiany masy. Ze względu na złożony charakter zjawisk zachodzących w procesie formowania się pęcherzyków w praktyce stosuje się różnego rodzaju modele teoretyczne tworzenia się pęcherzyków gazu. Modele te mają zastosowanie jedynie do wybranych ich struktur formowania się. W pracy podjęto próbę usystematyzowania zakresów powstawania określonych struktur tworzenia się pęcherzyków gazu w odniesieniu do znanych liczb kryterialnych.
Wykonano badanie prędkości przepływu pęcherzy gazowych w płynach nienewtonowskich. Na podstawie własnych danych doświadczalnych i opublikowanych w literaturze zaproponowano równania korelacyjne opisujące współczynnik oporu ośrodka dla szerokiego zakresu zmian wartości liczby Reynoldsa i różnych modeli reologicznych płynów.
The velocity of air bubbles moving in non-Newtonian liquids was investigated. On the basis of own experimental data and those published in the literature, correlation equations describing the drag coefficients for a wide range of Reynolds numbers and different rheological models of liquid have been proposed.
The study analyzes the effects of an underwater explosion recorded in the Baltic Sea on September 26, 2022, with coordinates: 54.675 North and 15.574 East at a depth of 76.2 m. Based on data from the seismic monitoring system, the detonated charges were estimated at 750 kg of TNT. Then, the empirical equations of R. H. Cole and Warren D. Reid were used to calculate water pressure distribution and determine the danger zones for marine technology, ships, people, and sea fauna. The results are presented in graphical and tabular form. Based on the calculations, the explosion impact area was determined at over 6,700 m from the epicenter.
Simultaneous measurements of bubble density in the sea subsurface and positive ions in the lower atmosphere were performed in the Baltic Sea in the summer of 1999. Bubbles in two size ranges, around 27 and 100 μm, were measured acoustically. Airborne positive charge was measured with a Gerdien instrument. Observed concentrations of air ions varied from 60 cm−3 up to 600 cm−3. The relative role of bubbles and wind speed on the positive air ion concentrations over the brackish water of the Baltic Sea is discussed. The parameters of a model of a log-log dependence between charge concentration and bubble density are calculated. The correlation functions between time series of concentrations of positive charges over the sea and gas bubbles averaged over a depth range from 0.4 to 4 m and wind speed are presented. There was zero lag between the cross-correlation maxima of charge and bubbles, but there was a phase lag of one and a half hours between charge and wind speed.
W pracy przedstawiono sposób analizy ruchu pęcherzyków powietrza oraz zwrócono uwagę na interakcje, jakie zachodzą pomiędzy nimi. Omówiono budowę stanowiska badawczego oraz ideę tomografu obrazowego za pomocą, którego dokonano pomiaru trajektorii ruchu pęcherzyków. Wyniki pomiaru przedstawiono w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej i na tej podstawie przeprowadzono analizę poszukując charakterystycznych zachowań pęcherzyków podczas ruchu. W pracy sklasyfikowano kilka podstawowych mechanizmów dzielenia się pęcherzyków gazu.
The paper presents a method to analyze the movement of gas bubbles and highlights the interactions that occur between them. The authors describe the construction of the test stand and the idea of tomograph used to measure the trajectory of bubbles. The measurement results are shown in three-dimensional space and on that basis the analysis of characteristic behavioral of bubbles during movement was done. The method of the trajectory determination has been analysed and a way of technical realization of the presented problem have been discussed. The study classified some basic sharing mechanisms of gas bubbles. This solution makes it possible to analyze trajectory of the moving gas bubbles.
Przedstawiono próbę oszacowania średniej wartości naprężenia stycznego i szybkości ścinania na powierzchni pęcherza gazowego przepływającego ruchem laminarnym w cieczach nienewtonowskich. Zagadnienie to rozwiązano dla pęcherzy kulistych oraz dla pęcherzy o kształtach zbliżonych do kulistego przez zaadoptowanie metody Cho, opracowanej pierwotnie do określania szybkości ścinania i naprężenia stycznego podczas opadania kulek w cieczach nienewtonowskich.
The first attempt to calculate the average value of shear stress and shear rate at the surface of gas bubble rising in non-Newtonian liquids is presented. On the basis of Cho method this subject has been developed for spherical and near spherical shapes of gas bubbles. The method of Cho originally describes the average shear rate and shear stress at the surface of a sphere rising in non-Newtonian liquids.
Content available The effect of an underwater explosion on a ship
This article contains a synthetic account of an underwater explosion and its effects. It presents diagrams of the gas bubble radius in the function of explosive charge mass and detonation depth as well the values of pressure on the front of a shock wave in the function of range and mass of TNT charge: 1, 10, 50, 250, 1000 kg (following T. L. Geers and K. S. Hunter). It also presents a classification of underwater explosions and their effect on a ship’s hull. It includes the classification of modern sea mines throughout the world and also contains a diagram which can be used to estimate the effects of a shockwave on a ship’s hull in the function of TNT charge mass, following the Cole’s formulas.
W artykule zamieszczono syntetyczny opis wybuchu podwodnego i jego skutki. Przedstawiono wykresy promienia pęcherza gazowego w funkcji masy ładunku i głębokości detonacji oraz wartości ciśnienia na froncie fali uderzeniowej w funkcji odległości i masy ładunku TNT wynoszącej 1, 10, 50, 250, 1000 kg (według T. L. Geersa i K. S. Huntera). Przedstawiono klasyfikację wybuchów podwodnych i ich oddziaływanie na kadłub okrętu. Przedstawiono klasyfikację współczesnych min morskich świata. Opracowano wykres umożliwiający szacowanie skutków oddziaływania fali uderzeniowej na kadłub okrętu w funkcji masy ładunku TNT według wzorów Cole’a.
tom nr 3
4757--4764, CD 1
W pracy zamieszczono syntetyczny opis zagrożeń minowych na morzach i oceanach świata i skutki oddziaływań wybuchów podwodnych na konstrukcje statków morskich. Przedstawiono klasyfikację współczesnych min morskich świata. Przedstawiono klasyfikację wybuchów podwodnych i ich oddziaływania na kadłub statku. Opracowano wykres umożliwiający szacowanie skutków oddziaływania fali uderzeniowej na kadłub okrętu w funkcji masy ładunku TNT wg wzoru Cole’a.
The paper presents description the effects of underwater mines explosions and effects of their interaction on structures of the ship. The classification of modern sea mines in the world and the classification of underwater explosions and their effects on the hull of the ship were presented Graph that allows estimation of the effects of the shock wave on the hull of the ship as a function of load mass TNT by Cole formula was created.
In the course of hyperbaric expositions divers undergo extremely stressful conditions. Insufficient compensatory mechanisms and/or inadequate procedure of decompression most frequently lead to the development of decompression sickness (DCS). The formation of gas bubbles in tissue is thought to be a key factor in the onset of DCS. However there are several reported cases of DCS in which gas bubbles could not be detected. Thus a predictive biochemical marker of increased risk of DCS is still much sought after. There is also no general agreement on the nature of reported changes in the number of circulating blood cells induced by diving and decompression. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different breathing mixtures used in simulated hyperbaric expositions on circulating blood cells and its predictive role in DCS risk assessment. 60 healthy divers underwent hyperbaric exposures at 0.7 MPa with 35 min plateau. 21 divers used air and the other group of 39 divers used trimix (pO2-0.04 MPa, pN2-0.08 MPa, pHe-0.71 MPa) as a breathing mixture. Total decompression time in both groups was 3 hours and 7 min. The following parameters were measured: erythrocyte, leukocyte, neutrophile, and platelet count, haematocrit, MPV, MCHC, MCV, CD61, CD62P expression on platelets, and microplatelets. Hyperbaric exposures and decompressions had a pronounced effect on platelets in the group using air as a breathing mixture contrary to the group using heliox as a breathing mixture where in fact the number of platelets decreased. There were also observed increased amounts of microplatelets in the group using air. CD62P expression in the air group increased after decompression whereas expression of CD61 was not affected in both groups of divers. We observed an increased number of leukocytes and neutrophiles in both groups of divers. Diving and decompression had no significant effect on the number of erythrocytes and their morphology in both groups. Conclusion: Measurements of platelet count, microplatelets as well as the expression of CD62P on platelets seem to be of importance in the assessment of the risk of DCS. The predictive role of the observed changes in leukocyte and neutrophile count after decompression should be further investigated.
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