Utilizing the ultrasonic pretreatment, flotation tests, ICP-OES, and XPS analysis, the effect of the different ultrasonic pretreatment methods on the flotation behavior of galena were investigated. The flotation recovery of galena was improved for pretreated single galena sample, which is mainly attributed to the efficient removal of the oxidized components and contaminants on the surface of galena by the acoustic cavitation. However, the flotation recovery of galena was decreased when pretreated mixture sample of galena and pyrite was used. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results reveal that ultrasonic pretreatment facilitates the conversion of PbS to Pb(OH)2 and PbSO4. Besides, the flotation recovery of galena was affected to varying degrees when the galena was mixed with the pyrite of the different particle sizes in the ultrasonic pretreatment process. The reason is that the change in the surface area ratio of these two minerals affects the electrochemical reaction rate between galena and pyrite.
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Badaniami objęto typowy fragment złoża rud miedzi, zlokalizowany w obrębie kopalni Lubin Wschodni (pochylnie: E-2 i L-731). Pobrano 35 profili pionowych do badań mineralogicznych oraz chemicznych. W profilach mineralogicznych pobierano próby reprezentujące wszystkie typy litologiczne skał, tj. piaskowiec, łupek i dolomit. Na profile do badań chemicznych złożyły się próby bruzdowe (ciągłe) reprezentujące poszczególne typy litologiczne rudy miedzi (rudę piaskowcową, łupkową i węglanową), przy czym rudę piaskowcową podzielono na część górną (0,5 m) oraz dolną. W pobranych profilach pionowych zbadano rozmieszczenie Zn, Pb i Cu. Oznaczono podstawowe parametry statystyczne zawartości tych metali oraz przedstawiono mapę Zn i Pb w rudzie piaskowcowej, łupkowej oraz w złożu bilansowym w badanym fragmencie złoża.
Typical section of the copper ore deposit (the Lubin Wschodni mine inclines: E-2 and L-731) are discussed in the paper. The samples were collected in 35 vertical profiles, and the mineralogical and chemical researches were done. The samples for mineralogical researches represented all of the lithological types of rocks, i.e. the sandstone, the Kupferschiefer and the dolomite. The samples for chemical researches have been taken by continuous method, and represented all of the lithological types of copper ore (sandstone-ore, shale-ore and carbonate-ore). The sandstone-ore was divided into two parts: upper (0.5 m of thickness) and lower. In such collected vertical profiles were tested the distribution of Zn, Pb and Cu, and also were calculated the basic statistical factors, which characterize the content of these elements. Based on this results, contour maps of Zn and Pb in sandstone-ore, shale-ore and in economic deposit respectively were constructed.
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Przedmiotem badań były wybrane siarczki miedzi, takie jak : chalkozyn, bornit i chalkopiryt oraz galena. W wyniku doświadczeń flotacyjnych stwierdzono, że w obecności siarczanu miedzi wszystkie badane minerały ulegały depresji, jednak w stopniu zróżnicowanym w zależności od czasu flotacji, ilości CuSO4 oraz sposobu jego podawania (przed czy po dodaniu ksantogenianu). W całym badanym zakresie stężeń CuSO4 (50-300 g/Mg) najsilniejszej depresji ulegał chalkozyn, niezależnie od czasu flotacji i sposobu podawania odczynników. Najmniejszej depresji ulegała galena. Flotowalność pozostałych siarczków (chalkopirytu, bornitu) w znaczącym stopniu zależała od wymienionych parametrów flotacji. Wraz z wydłużaniem czasu flotacji rósł wychód chalkopirytu i malały różnice pomiędzy wychodami galeny i wychodami siarczków miedzi. Można wnioskować, że selektywny rozdział omawianych siarczków miedzi od galeny, w obecności siarczanu miedzi będzie w sposób istotny zależał od ich ilościowego udziału w nadawie kierowanej do flotacji. Wyznaczone wartości elektrokinetycznego potencjału dzeta wykazały, że zarówno w wodzie destylowanej, jak i w obecności siarczanu miedzi badane siarczki wykazywały ujemne wartości potencjału dzeta.
Subject of investigations was of copper sulfides such as chalcocite, bornite and chalcopiryte as well as galena. As result of flotation investigations it has been noted that in the presence of copper sulfate all the tested minerals underwent depression though to a different degree depending on the time of flotation, amount of CuSO4 and the time it was supplied - before or after xanthate. In the whole tested range of concentrations (50-300 g/Mg) chalcocite underwent the greatest depression regardless the time of flotation and the way of supplying the reagents. Galena underwent the least depression. Flotability of the remaining sulfides depended, to a considerable degree on the mentioned flotation parameters. Together with the extension of flotation time, flotability of chalcopyrite increased and differences between the flows-off of galena and those of copper sulfides decreased. It can be concluded that the selective separation of the discussed copper sulfides from galena in the presence of copper sulfates will depend considenably on their participation in the feed given to flotation. Results of the elektrocinetic potential dzeta showed that both in distilled water and in the presence of copper sulfate, the tested sulfides showed negative values of the potential.
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W niniejszym artykule, na podstawie badań mineralogicznych i chemicznych podjęto próbę charakterystyki mineralizacji Pb i Zn w złożu rud miedzi, w obrębie kopalni Lubin. Badania przeprowadzono na 39 profilach pionowych do badań mineralogicznych i chemicznych. Próby do badań mineralogicznych pobierane były w taki sposób, aby reprezentowały wszystkie typy skał występujących w badanym fragmencie złoża (tj. piaskowiec, łupek i dolomit), a próby do badań chemicznych - rudę piaskowcową, łupkową i węglanową (n = 124 próby bruzdowe). Podjęto również próbę określenia charakterystyki występowania Pb, Zn i Cu w pobranych profilach pionowych oraz prześledzenia poziomego rozprzestrzenienia ołowiu i cynku w obrębie bilansowego złoża rud miedzi w badanym fragmencie kopalni Lubin.
The study on Pb and Zn mineralization in typical section of copper ore deposit (southern part of the Lubin-Małomice area) are presented in the paper. The samples were collected in 39 vertical profiles, and next have been done the mineralogical and chemical researches. The study samples represented all of the lithological types of rocks, i.e. the sandstone, the Kupferschiefer and the dolomite. The samples for chemical analysis have been collected using channel sampling method, and represent all of the lithological types of copper ores. The sandstone sections were divided into two parts: upper (0.5 m of thickness) and lower (over part). The mineralogical study has proved, that in southern part of the Lubin-Małomice area the copper sulfides are the major Cu-phases, and minor are chalcocite, covellite and digenite. The main Pb and Zn minerals are sphalerite and galena, which in the study are occur occasionally, and the highest concentrations were observed in the Kupferschiefer and in the upper most part at the sandstone. Both, horizontal and vertical distribution of Pb, Zn and Cu were studied in the all collected vertical profiles. In the most of these profiles (80%), the maximal concentration of Pb, Zn and Cu has been observed within the Kupferschiefer ore. The horizontal distribution of Pb and Zn within the sandstone-ore, shale-ore and in economic deposit in researched part of the deposit have also been studied. There were not observed any new rules regulating the distribution of lead and zinc in studied area of copper ore deposit. The lead and zinc concentration are less than 0.01% in the area of more than a half of studied part of the copper ore deposit. However, it was noticed that the areas of highest lead concentrations - >0.36% Pb and zinc concentrations - >0.14% Zn forms the isolated centers, which area are from 0.15 to 2.0 km2 in case of Pb and up to 0.009 km2 in case of Zn.
Although pyrite is one of the more abundant the earth crust, it has low economic value. When it reports to the concentrate during flotation along with the valuable minerals, it decreases the grade of the valuable minerals and leads to an increase in smelting costs. Numerous modifications have been suggested in the literature to increase the selective recovery of pyrite containing base metal-sulfide ores. The use of ultrasonic applications is one such method. In this study, the effect of the ultrasonic application on the flotation behavior of galena and pyrite mineral was investigated through systematic Hallimond Tube experiments. In the initial phase of the experiments, the optimum flotation conditions (particle size, pH, amount of air, and amount of reagent) were determined for the two minerals. Subsequent experiments were carried out under these optimums to distinguish the effect of the ultrasonic application. The influence of how the ultrasonic application was applied (i.e. before and during the conditioning stage or before the re-flotation of the concentrate) was also studied. It was observed that the ultrasonic application had a strong activating influence if it was administered before or during the conditioning stage. The effect was similar to whether the minerals were floated individually or from their mixtures. However, when it was applied to a flotation concentrate before reflotation, it selectively displayed a depressant action for the pyrite to the extent that no depressants were needed. The results conclusively showed that the ultrasonic application could drastically improve the selectivity of the complex ores.
The mining industry aims to promote responsible chemical use during mineral processing operations to minimize the chemical contamination. Hydroxamic acids, which can form strong chelates with metals, have been shown to have less health and environmental issues when compared to xanthate collectors. In this work, the performance of benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as a collector for galena, chalcopyrite, and quartz was evaluated. The minerals were conditioned with different concentrations (1.5, 3, and 4.5 kg/t) of collector at pHs 8, 9, and 10. The result showed that the treatment of the mineral surfaces with BHA enhanced the flotation recoveries of the sulfide minerals. High concentrations of benzohydroxamate anion, the protonic dissociation product of BHA, existed at basic pHs, where a chemical reaction between the anion and a metal cation on the mineral surface resulted in the adsorption of the collector onto the mineral surface. The microflotation results showed that the BHA collector was able to successfully recover galena and chalcopyrite. Their flotation recovery was dependent on the conditioning pH. Galena showed a high flotation recovery (up to 86%) at both pH 9 and 10, whereas chalcopyrite became most hydrophobic at pH values of 8 and 9 (up to 88%). None of the BHA concentrations or conditioning pHs was able to enhance quartz recovery beyond 7%. The research results have implications in the application of BHA for the froth flotation of galena and chalcopyrite.
An organic reagent, sodium salt of N,N-dimethyldi-thiocarbamate (DMDC) was investigated as a depressant for the separation of lead activated marmatite from galena in the presence of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC). The flotation tests of single mineral showed that lead-activated marmatite could be depressed efficiently using DMDC as the depressant. UV–vis spectroscopy and ICP study confirmed that DMDC had a stronger capacity of complexing with lead ions or hydroxy complexes of lead. FTIR and adsorption measurement showed that the adsorption of DMDC on galena and marmatite was chemisorption. In addition, after pre-treated with DMDC, DDTC could co-adsorb on the galena surface, however, less DDTC species adsorbed on the marmatite surfaces.
This study was performed to determine the effect of tannic acid (TA) on hydrophobicity of galena using Taguchi’s design of experimental methodology. Roles of metal ions, dithiophosphinate (DTPI) concentration, and conditioning time on TA-galena interaction were tested by contact angle measurements. Results were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. DTPI was found to be the most effective parameter on the hydrophobicity followed by TA and nobility of metal ions. Effect of conditioning time was statistically insignificant. Electrochemical activity of metal ions became effective on TA-galena interaction: more active metals exhibit synergic effect with TA on the hydrophilicity of galena whereas more noble metals reduced the adverse impact of TA. Taguchi’s design revealed that interactions between experimental variables were not statistically significant.
Raman spectroscopy as a high-resolution characterization technique was used to analyze various pure metal sulfides immersed in water, namely pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), marmatite (Zn1-XFeXS) and galena (PbS). The Raman characterization was undertaken in situ with the minerals immersed in water. Characteristic Raman spectrum that shows the vibrational modes of the atomic bonds in the mineral crystal structure is reported. This spectroscopic technique revealed that marmatite particles are composed of micro-size, perhaps nano-size, zones with different Fe and Zn content. With the intensity of the Fe-S and Zn-S Raman signals, the iron content of the zones was quantified. The copper ion up-take by marmatite particles was studied through this technique. It was found that the up-take of copper ions on the marmatite zones depended on their Fe content. Copper ion up-take occurred more preferentially on the zones of low Fe content than on those of high Fe content. The adsorption of the collector propyl xanthate on pyrite and chalcopyrite was also assessed by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum revealed that dixanthogen formed on the surface of these sulfides.
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