This research dealt to two grasslands potentially developing the same vegetation type because sited in the same environmental contest (bioclimate, substratum, soil, slope, altitude) but under diverse management regimes (grazing and mowing) for many decades. The evidenced differentiation between the two pastoral vegetations can be attributed to disturbance type and the statistical functional analysis performed through seven plant traits (prostrate form, early flowering, storage organs, clonal ability, basal meristems, chemical defences and hairs), revealed the distinguishing patterns. Discriminant analysis pointed out typical biological attributes for each disturbance conditions, while from correlation analysis emerged different possible traits combinations which do not follow the previous traits separation. Such outcomes are explainable because both grazing and mowing provoke aboveground phytomass removal, although grazing is a selective pressure, while mowing gives to all the species the same development chances. It is reasonable to conclude that convergent strategies within the two systems are possible and frequent.
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European semi-natural calcareous grasslands are species-rich ecosystems, considered as priority habitats by the European Union (92/43/EEC Directive) and judged worthy of conservation. They are in strong decline in extension and are threatened by abandonment throughout Europe. It is known that grasslands management (grazing, mowing) acts as driving force in plant community diversity, which in turn is an important conservation aim of European environmental policies. The area of current pastoral landscape (about 1000 ha) of the North Adriatic (Cicarija, Croatia) was studied in order: 1/ to understand which factors drive floristic differentiation . environmental features and/or grassland management conditions, 2/ to identify indicator species sets linked to those factors and 3/ to appraise the effects of management type on the coenological and functional composition of indicator species. 73 phytosociological releves were carried out; for each of them field data (altitude, aspect, slope and land form), productivity measurements and information on grassland management were collected. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified a productivity-related soil moisture gradient as the environmental driving force of grassland floristic differentiation. Indicator species analysis (ISA) detected the indicator species sets related to environmental features and management type. The results indicate that undergrazing and the lack of periodic mowing are responsible for the higher total variance of floristic data set explained by environmental parameters rather than by management (use/not use). For the same reasons, the variations that emerged from comparison of the functional characteristics of the indicator species of grazing and of mowing (avoidance strategy, life form, and storage organs) proved more important than those observed in comparing used and abandoned grasslands. The management system adopted (grazing or mowing) appears in turn to be conditioned by the soil moisture/productivity gradient.
Szereg metod rekultywacji zostało opracowanych w celu przyspieszenia procesu przekształcania mocno zdegradowanych pustyń islandzkich w porośnięte roślinnością ekosystemy lądowe. Wpływ rekultywacji na organizmy glebowe jest rzadko badany, mimo że odgrywają one decydującą rolę w wielu kluczowych procesach zachodzących w ekosystemach. Celem przeprowadzonego na dużą skalę eksperymentu było zbadanie wpływu różnych zabiegów rekultywacyjnych na skład taksonomiczny i funkcjonalny zespołów skoczogonków Collembola. Próbki gleby pobrano z poletek (każde o powierzchni 1 ha), na których zastosowano różne zabiegi; i: trawa + nawóz, ii: sadzonki brzozy, iii: sadzonki wierzby, iv: łubin i v: kontrola. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że po 20 latach od rozpoczęcia rekultywacji, poszczególne zabiegi przyczyniły się do powstania zróżnicowanych pod względem zagęszczenia, składu taksonomicznego i funkcjonalnego zespołów skoczogonków. Stwierdzono wyraźną zależność udziału form życiowych skoczogonków od metody rekultywacji, co daje podstawę sądzić, że zastosowane zabiegi zainicjowały różne trajektorie sukcesji, prowadzące do powstania odmiennych zwłaszcza pod względem czynników abiotycznych warunków siedliskowych. Inaczej niż we wcześniejszych badaniach, wykazano, że gatunki euedaficzne dominowały na poletkach narażonych na wysoki poziom zakłóceń i wahania czynników abiotycznych. Zwrócono uwagę, że konieczne są dalsze badania, które pozwolą określić w jakim stopniu zasoby i warunki abiotyczne siedliska wpływają na kształtowanie się zespołów Collembola w różnych przebiegach sukcesji.
Several restoration methods have been developed to aid ecosystem development from highly degraded Icelandic deserts into fully vegetated functional ecosystems. Despite the critical role of soil biota in many key ecosystem processes, the effect of restoration efforts on soil biota has rarely been explored. We took advantage of a large-scale restoration field experiment, to study the effect of distinct revegetation treatments on the taxonomic and functional composition of Collembola communities. Soil samples were taken from plots (one ha. each), that had received functionally distinct revegetation treatments; i: grass + fertilizer, ii: birch seedlings, iii: willow cuttings, iv: lupine and v: control. We were able to show that different revegetation treatments led to the establishment of distinct collembola communities in terms of density and taxonomic and functional composition, 20 years after the revegetation process had started. Life-forms were responsive to revegetation treatment, which suggests that the treatments had induced successional trajectories that lead to distinct habitat conditions, especially with respect to abiotic stress. In contrast to literature, eu-edaphic species were dominating in plots, which were exposed to high levels of disturbance and fluctuations in abiotic conditions. Further research is needed to unravel, to which extent resource supply and abiotic habitat conditions steer Collembola community development across successional trajectories.
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