High fuel efficiency of a gas turbine that utilises heat from external sources (the so called external recuperation) provides advantageous economic and environmental conditions for electricity generation combined with industrial processes. An influence of external recuperation on efficiency and power of a gas turbine set, as well as compressor cooling have been analysed on the basis of examples of several gas turbines produced by well-known manufactures.
This paper presents the life cycle of the fuel with the use of LCA. This method is taken from the management theory allows to describe and predict the impact of production processes, transport and use of fuels on the environment. The aim of the study is to compare the energy consumption of the test fuels (diesel, a blend of rapeseed oil and butyl alcohol) in the process of their production. The results indicate that most energy is consumed during the processing of crude oil. This process produced a large quantity of sulphur oxides. Very energy intensive (53,859 GJ per 10 k litres of fuel produced) part of the production is rape culture. This is due to the long working hours of agricultural tractors and combines. In this process, are secreted large amounts of exhaust gas: CO (2.664 kg), NOx (23.31 kg). Inter alia, environmental life cycle assessment, schematic structure of the LCA, the energy balance of the life cycle of diesel oil, the energy balance of the life cycle of rape oil mixed with butyl alcohol, the balance of raw material sourcing, the balance of the materials necessary to production of a mixture of rape oil and butanol alcohol are presented in the paper.
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Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie utylitarnych możliwości nowo opracowanej metody oceny energooszczędnego stylu jazdy kierującego dowolnym samochodem osobowym w rzeczywistych warunkach ruchu. Ostatecznie w 2005 r. dopracowana empirycznie 81-stopniowa skala współczynnika dynamiki jazdy KD na każdej trasie przejazdu pozwala na precyzyjną ocenę kierującego i wdrażanych przez niego udoskonaleń energooszczędnego sterowania prędkością samochodu.
The aim of this study is to present functional benefits of the innovative method of energy- -efficient driving style of a driver who uses a passenger car in real traffic conditions. The 81-degree scale of the coefficient of drive dynamics KD can be employed for a precise assessm of driving and the improvements in energy-efficient vehicle speed control the driver makes.
The Euro 6 emission standard requires compliance with tough legal exhaust emissions limits for newly registered vehicles and obligates light-duty vehicle manufacturers to respect the 160,000 km durability requirements for in-service conformity. Although there is no legal limit set for fuel consumption, manufacturers are obligated to decrease the carbon footprint of vehicle fleets in order to obtain carbon neutral mobility beyond 2035. The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of various oils’ and viscosity grades’ degradation on the change in break specific fuel consumption (BSFC) measured over a standardized durability test cycle. Each oil candidate underwent 300 h of durability test running performed on a test bed without any oil changes. The purpose of the laboratory test was to reproduce the worst-case operating conditions and degradation process of the long-life engine oil type that can be experienced during extreme real life driving of a vehicle. In order to define the influence of the engine oil deterioration on the BSFC profile, the engine operation parameters were continually monitored throughout the test run. Additionally, chemical analysis of the oil was performed and the solid deposits formed on the turbocharger’s compressor side were evaluated. The test results revealed differences up to 5% in the BSFC values between the oil candidates tested over the durability cycle. The observed BSFC increase was directly related to the decrease in engine efficiency and can cause higher fuel consumption of the engine, which in turn has an adverse effect on environmental protection goals.
The article examines the level of perfection of the modern internal combustion engine design, their impact on the environment and population. A new engine concept has been developed. As a result a decrease in fuel consumption by 80% has been discovered as well as the effects of the new engine in the field of ecology such as a decrease in the number of diseases caused by poor environmental conditions, a lower risk of global warming, lower health care costs, an increase in life expectancy, etc. Also, for countries with fossil fuel deposits, can be anticipated dropping treasury income, factory closures, high unemployment, the likelihood of protests and uprisings.
Celem artykułu jest analiza struktury zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych w Unii Europejskiej ze szczególnych uwzględnieniem transportu oraz wskazanie możliwości poprawy efektywności zużycia paliw oraz redukcji emisji zanieczyszczeń w sektorze przewozu drogowego ładunków. Największym odbiorcą energii w Unii Europejskiej jest sektor transportu, na który przypada 32% ogółu energii. Jednocześnie udział transportu w ogólnych emisjach gazów cieplarnianych wynosi 26%. W odniesieniu do obu wskaźników dominujący jest transport drogowy ładunków. Oznacza to konieczność podjęcia zdecydowanych działań na rzecz poprawy efektywności paliwowej oraz redukcji emisji zanieczyszczeń. Cele te można osiągnąć poprzez szeroki wachlarz aktywności, w których zaangażowane będą przedsiębiorstwa transportowe świadome aktualnych i przyszłych zagrożeń. Instrumenty, które należy wspierać, podzielić można na związane z technologią środków transportu, zarządzaniem ruchem, rozwiązaniami operacyjnymi i logistycznymi oraz czynnikami behawioralnym związanymi z zachowaniem kierowcy.
The purpose of this article is to analyse the structure of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union with particular attention to transport as well as to identify opportunities to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions in the road freight transport. Transport sector is the most significant energy consumer in the European Union with the share of 32% of the total energy consuming. At the same time share of transport in total greenhouse gas emissions is 26%. In the case of both indicators road freight sector is dominant. This should result in taking action on improving fuel efficiency and reducing emissions. Such objectives can be achieved only through involving transport companies aware of the present and future threats. Instruments that should be supported can be divided into technology of vehicles, traffic management, operational and logistical solutions and behavioural factors related to the driver.
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