The article presents the character of the norms regulating the co-ownership in the Polish Civil Code of 1964. It is argued that the Polish legislator used – exceptionally – default rules to set forth the management and the manner of using a co-owned thing. As the co-ownership (like ownership) is an absolute right, the legislator at the same time protects the interests of third parties by conditioning the effectiveness of the legal act of the co-owners changing the default rules on co-ownership on the awareness of the acquirer of the share in co-ownership of these acts. It is disputed that the effectiveness of these acts is limited not only to acquirers of shares but also any third parties – i.e. co-owner’s creditors. As the result co-owners are free to shape their common right as they choose. Their freedom is vast as it is said that it should be proportional to the effects of encumbering the thing with a limited real right – a right of usufruct (as then the owner or co-owner is left with just ius nudum). The legal act of shaping the co- ownership is deemed as the act of disposition of the co-ownership (the change of its substance) as the opposition to the concept of real obligations (the concept of real obligations is deemed as inapt to regulate especially the management of the co-owned thing). The article focuses on compulsory or quasi-compulsory co-ownership as it is more likely that in those cases co-owners will try to stabilize their rights and obligations under co-ownership, especially they will divide the usage of the thing or entrust a natural or a legal person to manage the co-owned thing or set forth the rules of management. The article is an introductory study to default rules in ius in re regulations.
A contract for specific work regulated in art. 627–646 of the Civil Code belongs to the result agreements. The division into obligations of result and due diligence is sometimes questioned in the literature in the field of civil law. In the opinion of the author of the article, however, it is legitimate. Each contract for specific work is a result agreement, however, not every result agreement must be a contract for specific work. A specific work cannot be referred to as any result of work. Issues of the legal character of the contract for specific work, together with the concept of work, is generally discussed in this article, including selected decisions of the Supreme Court and Appellate Courts. Indisputably, proper comprehension of the concept of specific work should facilitate the qualification of a specific civil law relationship as a contract for specifi c work, or another contract, e.g. a service contract. Assessment of the nature of contracts concluded by civil law entities may sometimes pose difficulties which is illustrated by judicial decisions quoted in the article.
Umowa o dzieło uregulowana w art. 627-646 k.c. należy do umów rezultatu. Podział zobowiązań na zobowiązania rezultatu i starannego działania bywa kwestionowany w piśmiennictwie z zakresu prawa cywilnego. W ocenie autora artykułu jest on jednak uprawniony. Każda umowa o dzieło jest umową rezultatu, jednak nie każda umowa rezultatu musi być umową o dzieło. Dziełem nie można nazwać jakiegokolwiek rezultatu pracy. W artykule omówiona zostanie ogólnie, z uwzględnieniem wybranych orzeczeń Sądu Najwyższego i Sądów Apelacyjnych, problematyka charakteru prawnego umowy o dzieło, w tym pojęcie dzieła. Właściwe rozumienie pojęcia dzieła niewątpliwie powinno ułatwić zakwalifi kowanie określonego stosunku cywilnoprawnego jako umowy o dzieło, bądź innej umowy, np. umowy o świadczenie usług. Ocena charakteru prawnego umów zawartych przez podmioty prawa cywilnego może niekiedy nastręczać trudności. Ilustrują to podane w artykule orzeczenia sądowe.
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In 1952 Witold Czachórski posited as a general principle of Polish contract law that legal actions leading of a transfer of wealth require for their validity a proper cause; the rule was construed as a mandatory one and precluded the creation of abstract obligations unless expressly permitted by law. Czachórski’s theory was underpinned by an in-depth analysis of the entire body of civil law, as well as axiological considerations that emphasized the need to control contractual fairness (Section 1). After 40 years of largely uncontroverted acceptance the rule was abruptly abandoned by the Supreme Court on grounds of freedom of contract (Section 2). Despite its fundamental nature, this change was not accompanied by any in-depth discussion in legal doctrine (Section 3). While unsatisfactory on a theoretical level, it seems in retrospect that this was, at a time of systemic transformation to a liberal market economy, a pragmatic and perhaps inevitable approach that served to further the newly re-established principle of freedom of contract. Paradoxically, however, with the contemporary shift to a more control-oriented approach to freedom of contract it would not be entirely surprising to see a rebirth of the role of cause and of Czachórski’s theory some time in the future (Section 4).
The article is devoted to the analysis of legal provisions, positions of doctrine and judgments of the judicature concerning the fixing by insurance companies of the costs of repairing a damaged vehicle in voluntary motor vehicle insurance contracts. The study presents the concept and legal nature of this contract, with particular emphasis on the restriction of the principle of freedom of contracts under art. 3531 of the Civil Code as well as improper practices in the field of settlement of vehicle repair costs depending on whether the damage is classified as total or partial damage.
Artykuł poświęcono analizie przepisów prawnych, stanowisk doktryny oraz orzeczeń judykatury dotyczących ustalania przez zakłady ubezpieczeń kosztów naprawy uszkodzonego pojazdu w umowach dobrowolnego ubezpieczenia majątkowego autoca-sco. W opracowaniu przedstawiono pojęcie i charakter prawny tej umowy ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ograniczenia zasady swobody umów wynikającej z art. 3531 k.c., a także niewłaściwe praktyki w zakresie rozliczenia kosztów naprawy pojazdu w zależności od zakwalifikowania szkody czy to do szkody całkowitej, czy to częściowej.
The issue of freedom of contract in the individual labour law is discussed in this text taking into account the additional conctracts, concluded by the employer and the employee in addition to the primary contract (i.e. employment contract). The scope of freedom of contract which is construed in the relation to the additional contracts shows deviations from the basic model. The main difference is the recognition of the rule of numerus apertus (as opposed to numerus clausus rule) of additional conctracts. The specifity of additional contracts extends the freedom of parties of an employment relationship to form the content of that legal relationship. This, however, does not prejudge a question of a regulatory model of the above-mentioned freedom.
Zagadnienie swobody umów w indywidualnym prawie pracy jest omawiane w niniejszym opracowaniu przy uwzględnieniu problematyki umów dodatkowych, zawieranych przez pracownika i pracodawcę obok umowy podstawowej (umowy o pracę). Pierwsza część artykułu zmierza do ustalenia wzorca regulacyjnego swobody umów w prawie stosunku pracy. W jego dalszej części przedmiotem analizy jest zakres swobody zawierania umów dodatkowych, który wykazuje odstępstwa od modelu ogólnego, polegające przede wszystkim na nieokreśleniu przez ustawę numerus clausus tych umów. Specyfika umów dodatkowych sprzyja umocnieniu kompetencji stron do kształtowania treści stosunku pracy, nie stanowiąc jednak argumentu przesądzającego o przyjęciu w tej dziedzinie wzorca kompetencji generalnej lub szczególnej.
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