Purpose: To investigate the cardio-pulmonary doses between Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) and Free Breathing (FB) technique in left sided breast irradiation. Materials & Methods: DIBH CT and FB CT were acquired for 10 left sided breast patients who underwent whole breast irradiation with or without nodal irradiation. Three fields single isocenter technique were used for patients with node positive patients along with two tangential conformal fields whereas only two tangential fields were used in node negative patients. All the critical structures like lungs, heart, esophagus, thyroid, etc., were delineated in both DIBH and FB scan. Both DIBH and FB scans were fused with the Dicom origin as they were acquired with the same Dicom coordinates. Plans were created in the DIBH scan for a dose range between 50 Gy in 25 fractions. Critical structures doses were recorded from the Dose Volume Histogram for both the DIBH and FB data set for evaluation. Results: The average mean heart dose in DIBH vs FB was 13.18 Gy vs 6.97 Gy, (p = 0.0063) significantly with DIBH as compared to FB technique. The relative reduction in average mean heart dose was 47.12%. The relative V5 reduced by 14.70% (i.e. 34.42% vs 19.72%, p = 0.0080), V10 reduced by 13.83% (i.e. 27.79 % vs 13.96%, p = 0.0073). V20 reduced by 13.19% (i.e. 24.54 % vs 11.35%, p = 0.0069), V30 reduced by 12.38% (i.e. 22.27 % vs 9.89 %, p = 0.0073) significantly with DIBH as compared to FB. The average mean left lung dose reduced marginally by 1.43 Gy (13.73 Gy vs 12.30 Gy, p = 0.4599) but insignificantly with DIBH as compared to FB. Other left lung parameters (V5, V10, V20 and V30) shows marginal decreases in DIBH plans compare to FB plans. Conclusion: DIBH shows a substantial reduction of cardiac doses but slight and insignificant reduction of pulmonary doses as compared with FB technique. Using the simple DIBH technique, we can effectively reduce the cardiac morbidity and at the same time radiation induced lung pneumonitis is unlikely to increase.
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Aim: To compare the dosimetric advantage of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for localized lung tumor between deep inspiration breath hold technique and free breathing technique. Materials and methods: We retrospectively included ten previously treated lung tumor patients in this dosimetric study. All the ten patients underwent CT simulation using 4D-CT free breathing (FB) and deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) techniques. Plans were created using three coplanar full modulated arc using 6 MV flattening filter free (FFF) bream with a dose rate of 1400 MU/min. Same dose constraints for the target and the critical structures for a particular patient were used during the plan optimization process in DIBH and FB datasets. We intend to deliver 50 Gy in 5 fractions for all the patients. For standardization, all the plans were normalized at target mean of the planning target volume (PTV). Doses to the critical structures and targets were recorded from the dose volume histogram for evaluation. Results: The mean right and left lung volumes were inflated by 1.55 and 1.60 times in DIBH scans compared to the FB scans. The mean internal target volume (ITV) increased in the FB datasets by 1.45 times compared to the DIBH data sets. The mean dose followed by standard deviation (x̄ ± σx̄ ) of ipsilateral lung for DIBH-SBRT and FB-SBRT plans were 7.48 ± 3.57 (Gy) and 10.23 ± 4.58 (Gy) respectively, with a mean reduction of 36.84% in DIBH-SBRT plans. Ipsilateral lung were reduced to 36.84% in DIBH plans compared to FB plans. Conclusion: Significant dose reduction in ipsilateral lung due to the lung inflation and target motion restriction in DIBH-SBRT plans were observed compare to FB-SBRT. DIBH-SBRT plans demonstrate superior dose reduction to the normal tissues and other critical structures.
Celem pracy jest dokonanie analizy porównawczej parametrów rozkładu dawki na swobodnym oddechu (ang. Free breathing, FB) i wstrzymanym głębokim wdechu (ang. Deep inspiration breath-hold, DIBH) dla pacjentek z lewostronnym nowotworem piersi napromienianych techniką VMAT. Praca została wykonana w Narodowym Instytucie Onkologii im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie – Państwowym Instytucie Badawczym przy ul. Wawelskiej 15 w Warszawie. Analizę parametrów rozkładu dawki przeprowadzono na grupie 30 pacjentek napromienianych na obszar blizny po mastektomii oraz na obszar loży pooperacyjnej. Plany napromieniania wykonane zostały w systemie planowania leczenia Monaco firmy ELEKTA. Porównanie planów leczenia na swobodnym oddechu i wstrzymanym głębokim wdechu wykazało, że pod względem objęcia targetu żadna z technik nie jest wiodąca. Technika DIBH pozwoliła na zmniejszenie dawki w narządach krytycznych, przede wszystkim w sercu, płucu po stronie napromienianej i lewej tętnicy wieńcowej. Uzyskane redukcje średniej dawki średniej wynosiły: 40,5%, 11,2%, 56,6%, odpowiednio dla serca, płuca lewego i lewej tętnicy wieńcowej. Redukcja V20Gy i V5Gy dla serca wyniosła 91,4 i 56,6%. Dla płuca lewego V20Gy i V10Gy zredukowano o 12,9 i 8,1%, a dawkę maksymalną dla lewej tętnicy wieńcowej o 44,3%.
The aim of the study is to perform a comparative analysis of the dose distribution parameters for free breathing (FB) and deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) for patients with left- -sided breast cancer irradiated with the VMAT technique. The work was carried out at the Maria Skłodowska-Curie – National Research Institute at Wawelska 15 Street in Warsaw. The analysis of the dose distribution parameters was carried out on a group of 30 patients irradiated on the scar after mastectomy and on the area after breast-conserving surgery. The irradiation plans were made in the Monaco treatment planning system by ELEKTA. A comparison of treatment plans with free breath and deep breath hold showed that none of the techniques was leading in terms of target acquisition. The DIBH technique allowed for dose reduction in organs at risk, mainly in the heart, lung on the irradiated side and left anterior descending. The obtained mean mean dose reductions were: 40,5%, 11,2%, 56,6% for the heart, left lung and left anterior descending, respectively. The reduction of V20Gy and V5Gy for the heart was 91,4 and 56,6%. For the left lung, V20Gy and V10Gy were reduced by 12,9 and 8,1%, and the maximum dose for the left coronary artery by 44,3%.
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