Every year official data on forest area in Poland is published by the Statistics Poland. Some of this data is based on land use information contained in the Land and Property Registry (LPR). The aim of this study was to examine compliance between forest areas obtained from official land use maps and from aerial photos. Another purpose was to investigate the impact of forest complexes fragmentation on the accuracy of forests area evaluation, using land use data. The Łódź voivodeship was selected as the study area and 280 sample plots (1 km²) were established in systematic 8×8 km grid on aerial photos. Forest areas were manually inventoried using GIS software and compared with LPR maps. In the next step inventoried forests were combined into complexes using spatial analysis. The results from this study demonstrate that 3,4% of the Łódź voivodeship is covered by forest vegetation on lands not recorded as a forest in the LPR. Therefore real value of forest area is possibly higher than those based upon data published by Statistics Poland. Additionally, the part of lands with forest vegetation not recorded as a forest in LPR in total forest area has a statistical relationship with forest complex fragmentation. Much of inventoried forest complexes (41%) officially are not considered as such because of different land use record in LPR. However, our research shows that most of them (given area not the number of objects) is located in forest complexes partly recorded in LPR with correct land use record.
Starodrzew jest miejscem o wysokich wartościach przyrodniczych. Wartości te są zagrożone z powodu jego fragmentacji. Można jednak przeciwdziałać negatywnym skutkom fragmentacji poprzez świadome zmiany w gospodarce leśnej.
Old-growth is a source of high nature value. This value is threatened by fragmentation. One can diminish negative results of fragmentation by adjustment of management.
The aim of this work was to present changes in the fragmentation of forest area characterised by a two−fold increase in forest cover during the last century. The Forest Area Density (FAD) indicator was utilised in order to determine the forest fragmentation for the raster analysis of numeric maps. Its calculation was made using GuidosToolbox software. The research covered 1862 km² of a predominantly post−glacial area of the Ińsko Lakeland, located in the north−western part of Poland. At the end of the 19th century, forests occupied 273.0 km² of this area, while at the beginning of the 21st century their area coverage increased to 612.5 km². The observed increase in the forest cover was associated with changes in forest fragmentation, which was analysed using the FAD. When comparing the two surveyed periods on the synthetic result maps obtained by utilising the FAD method, visible changes can be seen in individual forest categories, which indicate a decrease in the fragmentation of forest areas. The use of fragmentation measures is justified because according to the data found in the literature, the recently observed increase in forest coverage in many areas of Europe does not always determine the decrease in their fragmentation. This verifies the legitimacy of using the FAD indicator in the context of ecological and economic assessments.