The distinction between arguments and margins within a simple nuclear sentence is sharp at conceptual level in that it is grounded in explicit relevance criteria: arguments are saturated referential noun phrases that are essential for the integrity of the process; different layers of margins enrich different kinds of processes according to different consistency requirements. If one observes the syntactic structure of linguistic expressions, on the other hand, the same distinction seems to shade into a sort of continuum owing to two orders of factors. First, there is a cleavage between the model sentence, whose main function should be the expression of the process, and the utterances actually documented in texts and corpora, whose structure is shaped by the incommensurate function to adapt the structure of the process to the communicative dynamism of a text. Moreover, within the model sentence itself, the coding regime of arguments and the coding regime of margins shadow into one another: some margins are coded, like arguments, through formal grammatical relations, while some arguments are coded, like margins, directly as conceptual relations through a set of forms of expression motivated by their conceptual content.In spite of these obstacles, the conceptual distinction between arguments and margins and the hierarchy of margins can be identified at the level of model sentence thanks to adequate and differentiated criteria. These criteria are formal where the difference of coding regime draws a sharp formal distinction between arguments and margins, and conceptual and textual where the structure of the forms of expression neutralises the distinction. Conceptual and textual criteria also make the identification of a clear hierarchy of margins possible.
The paper discusses the syntactic status of the Polish demonstrative pronoun ten ‘this’ in the light of grammaticalization theory. The discussion begins with establishing formal (morphosyntactic) as well as semantic criteria for discriminating between articles and demonstratives. Then it reviews arguments for the demonstrative status of ten put forward in the literature. The paper ends with providing evidence for the definite article status of ten. Although the primary function of ten is still that of a demonstrative pronoun, it reveals some traces of categorial change on the grammaticalization cline in spoken Polish.
Niniejszy artykuł omawia składniowy status polskiego zaimka wskazującego ten w ramach teorii gramatykalizacji. W pierwszej części artykułu zostały ustalone kryteria formalne (morfoskładniowe) i semantyczne pomocne w odróżnianiu zaimków wskazujących od przedimków. Następnie przedstawione zostały argumenty potwierdzające status zaimka wskazującego omawianego elementu. Ostatnia część artykułu jest poświęcona przedimkowym właściwościom zaimka ten. Pomimo że podstawową funkcją tej części mowy jest funkcja zaimka wskazującego, artykuł pokazuje, że ten zdradza również cechy przedimkowe szczególnie w potocznym języku polskim.
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