The paper deals with a study of the nocturnal activity rhythm of Carabus hortensis L. with applying a harmonic radar system. Beetles withh a diode attached to their elytra were set into the terrain and tracked by help of a portable radar. The studies were carried out in a pine forest in which Carabus hortensis L. occurs regularly and in a beach forest in which this species was completely absent. The data show that Carabus hortensis L. is active mainly at the first hours after sunset, independently from time of sunset. A small peak of activity exists at about 9 - 10 hours after sunset. The nocturnal activity rhythm is similar in both forest sites, but the individuals show significantly higher activity in the beech forest. Based on the assumption that activity is connected with hunger level, the total activity may be useful as indicator of habitat quality (feeding conditions) for Carabus hortensis L.
We have compared the mean contents of Al, combined Ca + Mg as well as of the total content of elements (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, Fe, Mn, NH4, Cl, SO4 and NO3) in solutions obtained for the Ofh, AE and Bv soil horizons. Soils were sampled in dry coniferous (Bs), fresh coniferous (Bsw) and mixed deciduousconiferous (BMsw) forest sites. Higher values of combined Ca and Mg content and of total element content were found in the soil solution of all horizons in BMsw sites than in those in Bs and Bsw sites. The amount of Al migrating to aqueous solution is lower in Ofh horizons of BMsw sites than in Bs and Bsw sites. The soil sorption complex of BMsw sites, likewise respective soil solutions, is more abundant in combined bivalent basic cations than that of Bs and Bsw sites. Exchangeable Al content in the Ofh horizon is lowest in BMsw site, and highest in Bsw site. No direct effect was found on the forest floor vegetation on the concentration of soil solutions (expressed as element sum) or on the ionic composition of these solutions taking into account the elements analyzed.
Research carried out in the Western Beskid Mountains (Silesian Beskid, Beskid Mały and Beskid Żywiecki Mts) attempted to characterise the enzymatic activity of soils in various forest sites and associations. Twenty study plots were established to represent a range of sites and associations of the lower and upper mountain forest zones. The soils were analysed for the activity of dehydrogenases and phosphatases. Enzymatic activity was compared in the top soil (humus-accumulating mineral horizons) and soil columns of 1 dm² cross-section and 50 cm in depth. It was found that the activity of the studied enzymes, especially dehydrogenases, varied between the soils, suggesting that soils from different types of sites or associations have different microbiological activities. The results of the research contribute to the development of microbiological activity patterns for near-natural mountain forest sites and associations. Based on such patterns it would be possible to assess deterioration changes occurring in forest soils.
W pracy scharakteryzowano aktywność dehydrogenaz i fosfataz w glebach zróżnicowanych typów siedliskowych lasu oraz zespołów leśnych Beskidów Zachodnich. Aktywność badanych enzymów porównywano w analogicznych poziomach genetycznych gleb, jak również wyrażano ją jako aktywność sumaryczną w profilu glebowym. Stwierdzono, że aktywność badanych enzymów, a zwłaszcza dehydrogenaz różnicuje typy siedlisk i naturalne zbiorowiska roślinne, co stanowi świadectwo odmiennej aktywności mikrobiologicznej zajmowanych przez nie gleb.
The paper deals with a study of the nocturnal activity rhythm of Carabus hortensis L. with applying a harmonic radar system. Beetles with a diode attached to their elytra were set into the terrain and tracked by help of a portable radar. The studies were carried out in a pine forest in which Carabus hortensis L. occurs regularly and in a beech forest in which this species was completely absent. The data show that Carabus hortensis L. is active mainly at the first hours after sunset, independently from time of sunset. A small peak of activity exists at about 9–10 hours after sunset. The nocturnal activity rhythm is similar in both forest sites, but the individuals show significantly higher activity in the beech forest. Based on the assumption that activity is connected with hunger level, the total activity may be useful as indicator of habitat quality (feeding conditions) for Carabus hortensis L.
The sedge Carex pilosa Scop. was studied in beech forest sites situated on 470 m a.s.l. (Kremnické Vrchy Mts), 1290 m a.s.l. (Poľana Mts), 1275 m a.s.l. (Vtáčnik Mts) and 1170 m a.s.l. (Veľká Fatra Mts) in the Western Carpathians (Central Slovakia). The degree of leaf necrotisation was considerably lower in site Kremnické Vrchy Mts. The shortest mean length of shoots was observed in the Poľana Mts (27.3 cm) and the Kremnické Vrchy Mts (36.6 cm), i.e. in forest sites with lack of light in herb layer, the longest in the Veľká Fatra Mts (43.1 cm) and the Vtáčnik Mts (48.8 cm) with looser canopy of forest stands. The mean density of shoots (222> 211> 181> 26 per 1m²), aboveground weight of a one shoot (0.386> 0.345> 0.303> 0.166 g), phytomass (85.7> 72.8> 54.8> 6.2 g m⁻²) and energy storage (1669.4> 1326.5> 1052.8> 119.1 kJm⁻²) of Carex pilosa populations decreased in the following order according the sites: Vtáčnik Mts> Kremnické Vrchy Mts> Veľká Fatra Mts> Poľana Mts. Different sequence was in case of the mean energy content: Vtáčnik Mts> Poľana Mts> Veľká Fatra Mts> Kremnické Vrchy Mts. Significant differences in mean shoot length were found between Carex pilosa population growing in lowest site (Kremnické Vrchy Mts) and populations growing in highest sites (Vtáčnik Mts, Veľká Fatra Mts) with different climatic conditions. The energy content was distinctively higher in the case of the highest situated plots (19.21–19.48 kJ g⁻¹) in comparison with the lowest situated site at the Kremnické Vrchy Mts (18.22 kJ g⁻¹). The insignificant differences were found only between the Poľana Mts and Veľká Fatra Mts plots. Differences in the mean shoot weight were insignificant.
Soil chemistry, soil microbial biomass and mineralization rate of organic matter (OM) were estimated on plots, which were set up in Scots pine and Norway spruce forests in southern Poland. The aim of the study was to assess the relations between soil microbial biomass and chemical parameters associated with soil fertility. The size of microbial biomass was found to be significantly correlated with chemical parameters reflecting soil nutritional status (content of base cations, cation exchange capacity, base saturation) and organic matter quality (Corg to macronutrients ratios). In addition, soil microbial biomass appeared to be strongly correlated with OM mineralization rate. These findings point out a distinct relationship between soil fertility and soil microbial biomass, suggesting that microbial biomass measurements provide a valid estimate of soil quality.
Seasonal changeability of soil enzyme activity has not been entirely known. The aim of the paper was presenting the seasonal changeability in enzyme activity in fresh forest sites. From 10/06/2007 to 20/06/2008 samples were taken seven times at 6-weeks' intervals from two sample plots representing sites Lśw, LMśw, BMśw and one for Bśw site. Activity of dehydrogenase, protease and urease have been marked in the soil samples. As a result of conducted research the minimum value for enzymatic activity was found in October 2007 and April 2008. Maximum values for the activity of studied enzymes were noted in January and June 2007 and 2008, while no statistically significant differences were found between enzymatic activity marked in June 2007 and June 2008.
Sezonowa zmienność aktywności enzymów glebowych nie jest poznana do końca. Celem pracy było przedstawienie sezonowej zmienności aktywności enzymatycznej na świeżych siedliskach leśnych. Od 10.06.2007 roku do 20.06.2008 roku zostały pobrane próbki siedmiokrotnie, w odstępach 6-tygodniowych, z dwóch powierzchni reprezentujących siedliska Lśw, LMśw, BMśw i jednej - siedliska Bśw. W próbkach gleby oznaczono aktywność dehydrogenaz, proteaz i ureazy. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono minimum wartości aktywności enzymatycznej w październiku 2007 i kwietniu 2008 roku. Maksymalne wartości aktywności badanych enzymów zanotowano w styczniu i czerwcu 2007 i 2008 roku, nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych różnic pomiędzy aktywnością enzymatyczną oznaczoną w czerwcu 2007 roku i w czerwcu 2008 roku.
The species of vascular plants of the herb layer, were studied on ten forest sites representing pine forests of the alliance Dicrano-Pinion. These sites are located along the N-S transect in Northern and Central Europe, between 50°28′ and 70°09′ N - in Norway (NO1), Finland (FN1, FN2, FN3), Estonia (ES1), Latvia (LT1), Lithuania (LI1), and Poland (PL1, PL2, PL3). The relation was determined between the geographical location of these forests and the proportion in total species number and cover of the plants in the herb layer with known ecological, habitat and climatic requirements for light (L) and temperature (T) and soil requirements for moisture (F), acidity (R), and content of nitrogen (N). The indication method was applied using the species scale of Ellenberg et al. (1991), indicating the climatic and habitat requirements of the plant species on the basis of the values of the L, T, F, R and N in the macroclimatic gradient. The species which behave in a similar manner with respect to the habitat factors mentioned were clustered into the indicator species groups. The distinct directional changes of the share of these groups along the North-South transect were observed: 1) gradual appearance of the species characteristic for the moderately warm areas; 2) decrease of the share of the hygrophilous and acidophilous species.
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