In the paper, the author outlines the subject of crime among foreigners of Vietnamese origin in Poland. The Vietnamese residing in Poland were characterised as an introduction. Subsequent waves of immigration, their causes, problems of integration with the society, feeling of dissimilarity, and general features of this minority were analysed. Basic statistical data regarding the size of this group, regulations regarding the legality of their stay, and other important information were presented. Work performed in Poland, carrying out business activities, and everyday life were taken into account. In the second part of the paper, crime among the citizens of Vietnamese origin was analysed. The analysis was based mostly on figures extracted from police, penitentiary, and judicial statistics. Data on the number of persons of Vietnamese nationality in prisons and detention centres, the amount of crime related to irregular crossing of an external border, and other data characterising criminal behaviours of this group were presented. Moreover, examples of illegal activities including areas particularly at risk were given. The author emphasised that the Vietnamese are suspected of illegal crossing of external borders, smuggling, drug offences, and unlawful acts related to the widely understood commerce. A statistic regarding the Vietnamese convicted by a final court judgement in 2014 in view of the full extent of crime was demonstrated. In this case, penalties and penal measures ordered by the Polish judicial system and the categorisation of offences compliant with the legislation in effect. To conclude, the crime dynamics in Poland in 2003–2005 was presented.
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The influx of refugees from Ukraine over the past year could have led to an uncontrolled increase in unemployment in Poland and Europe, but this did not happen. European countries took immediate measures to support Ukrainian refugees and their integration into the labour markets. In Poland, at the end of January 2023, there were 15.6 thousand unemployed citizens from this country registered in labour offices, who accounted for only 1.8 per cent of the total number of unemployed. In 2022, on the other hand, more than 1 million Ukrainian citizens were legalised for work, which indicates their good integration into Polish society. In the article, I analyse the measures taken in the wake of Russia’s attack on Ukraine and show that the European economy, despite the crisis caused by the war, requires a continuous replenishment of the labour supply of workers. I address the issues of European labour markets, the activities of employment services in other countries receiving refugees and I also cite the results of research conducted in Polish and European employment services.
Napływ uchodźców z Ukrainy w ostatnim roku mógł doprowadzić do niekontrolowanego wzrostu bezrobocia w Polsce i Europie, jednak tak się nie stało. Państwa europejskie podjęły natychmiastowe działania w zakresie wspierania uchodźców z Ukrainy i ich integracji na rynku pracy. W Polsce, w końcu stycznia 2023 r., w urzędach pracy zarejestrowanych było 15,6 tys.1 bezrobotnych obywateli z tego kraju, którzy stanowili niewiele, bo zaledwie 1,8% ogółu bezrobotnych. W 2022 r. zalegalizowano natomiast pracę ponad 1 mln obywateli Ukrainy, co świadczy o ich dobrej integracji w polskim społeczeństwie. W artykule analizuję działania podjęte wskutek napaści Rosji na Ukrainę w pierwszym roku wojny i pokazuję, że europejska gospodarka, mimo kryzysu wywołanego wojną, wymaga ciągłego uzupełniania podaży pracy pracowników. Poruszam kwestie europejskich rynków pracy, działań służb zatrudnienia w innych państwach przyjmujących uchodźców oraz przytaczam wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w polskich i europejskich służbach zatrudnienia.
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The outbreak of the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 resulted in the introduction of regulations in Poland containing a number of facilities for Ukrainian citizens, including full access to the labour market, including labour market services and instruments. On the one hand, the fact of the arrival of Ukrainian citizens to the territory of Poland may constitute a positive impulse for the Polish labour market, e.g. by filling the current labour shortages in certain occupations and industries. On the other hand, the question arises whether the mass influx of Ukrainians may limit Polish citizens' access to jobs, especially those that do not require high qualifications. The article presents Polish and European legal regulations, their changes after the outbreak of the armed conflict and an analysis of the available data on Ukrainian citizens in the labour market.
Wybuch wojny na Ukrainie 24 lutego 2022 r. spowodował, że w Polsce wprowadzono regulacje zawierające szereg ułatwień dla obywateli Ukrainy, pełny dostęp do rynku pracy, w tym do usług i instrumentów rynku pracy. Z jednej strony fakt przybycia na terytorium Polski obywateli Ukrainy może stanowić pozytywny impuls dla polskiego rynku pracy, poprzez uzupełnienie istniejących aktualnie niedoborów pracowników w niektórych zawodach i branżach. Z drugiej strony pojawia się pytanie, czy masowy napływ Ukraińców może ograniczyć obywatelom polskim dostępność do miejsc pracy, w szczególności tych, które nie wymagają wysokich kwalifikacji. W artykule przedstawiono przepisy prawne polskie i europejskie, ich zmiany po wybuchu konfliktu zbrojnego oraz analizę dostępnych danych na temat obywateli Ukrainy na rynku pracy.
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