HIROMB is a 3-dimensional baroclinic model of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, designed for daily operational use. The model is mainly developed by Eckhard Kleine at the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg, Germany, and is based on a similar model, running in operational mode at that institution. The operational forecasts at SMHI starled already in 1995 with a daily 24-hour forecast and were later extended to 48 hours. The model is forced by SMHI's operational atmospheric model (HIRLAM), but also by river runoff from an operational hydrological model and wave radiation stress from a wind wave model. The present version of the model is set up on a nested grid, where a 12 nautical mile (nm) grid covers the whole area, while Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Belt Sea and the Baltic Sea are covered with a 1 nm grid. A parallelized version of the model has been developed and runs on a distributed memory parallel computer.
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Using a theorem from pcf theory, we show that for any singular cardinal ν, the product of the Cohen forcing notions on κ, κ < ν, adds a generic for the Cohen forcing notion on $ν^+$.
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The goal of this note is to show the uniform continuity of definable functional in intuitionistic type theory as an application of forcing with dependent type theory.
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Given a partition P:L → ω of the lines in $ℝ^n$, n ≥ 2, into countably many pieces, we ask if it is possible to find a partition of the points, $Q:ℝ^n → ω$, so that each line meets at most m points of its color. Assuming Martin's Axiom, we show this is the case for m ≥ 3. We reduce the problem for m = 2 to a purely finitary geometry problem. Although we have established a very similar, but somewhat simpler, version of the geometry conjecture, we leave the general problem open. We consider also various generalizations of these results, including to higher dimension spaces and planes.
We study the existence of Borel sets B ⊆ ω2 admitting a sequence ηα : α<λ of distinct elements of ω2 such that (ηα +B)∩(ηβ +B) ≥ 6 for all α, β < λ but with no perfect set of such η’s. Our result implies that under the Martin Axiom, if ℵα < c, α<ω1 and 3 ≤ ι<ω, then there exists a Σ0 2 set B ⊆ ω2 which has ℵα many pairwise 2ι–nondisjoint translations but not a perfect set of such translations. Our arguments closely follow Shelah [7, Section 1].
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The Kalikow problem for a pair (λ,κ) of cardinal numbers,λ > κ (in particular κ = 2) is whether we can map the family of ω-sequences from λ to the family of ω-sequences from κ in a very continuous manner. Namely, we demand that for η,ν ∈ ω we have: η, ν are almost equal if and only if their images are. We show consistency of the negative answer, e.g., for $ℵ_ω$ but we prove it for smaller cardinals. We indicate a close connection with the free subset property and its variants.
The paper is concerned with the problem of building models for first-order languages from the perspective of the classic paper of Rasiowa and Sikorski [9]. The central idea, developed in this paper, consists in constructing first-order models from individual variables. The key notion of a Rasiowa–Sikorski set of formulas for an arbitrary countable language L is examined. Each Rasiowa–Sikorski set defines a countable model for L. Conversely, every countable model for L is determined by a Rasiowa-Sikorski set. The focus is on constructing Rasiowa-Sikorski sets by applying forcing techniques restricted to Boolean algebras arising from the subsets of the set of atomic formulas of L.
The paper aims to analyze relations between the farm size and return from investment in the vegetable forcing sector in Hungary. The most favourable results were gained in the case of plastic foil covered greenhouses heated by thermal water without pumping back, which met the requirements of practice at I ha farm size. The variations of the plastic foil covered greenhouses heated by thermal water with pumping back, coal or wooden chips were regarded as suitable concerning risk taking when the size reached or exceeded 3 ha. The versions of glasshouses heated by thermal water resulted in acceptable profits on 3 ha while their vegetable forcing models heated by coal or wooden chips on S ha or more.
W artykule podjęto próbę określenia wielkości gospodarstwa optymalnej z punktu widzenia efektywności ekonomicznej w odniesieniu do gospodarstw warzywniczych na Węgrzech specjalizujących się w pędzeniu warzyw. Stwierdzono, że najlepsze rezultaty uzyskiwano przy produkcji pod folią, przy zastosowaniu do ogrzewania wód termalnych - jednak produkcja powinna odbywać się na powierzchni co najmniej I ha.
Recently the cosmological evolution of the universe has been considered where 3-dimensional spatial topology undergone drastic changes. The process can explain, among others, the observed smallness of the neutrino masses and the speed of inflation. However, the entire evolution is perfectly smooth from 4-dimensional point of view. Thus the raison d’être for such topology changes is the existence of certain non-standard 4-smoothness on R4 already at very early stages of the universe. We show that the existence of such smoothness can be understood as a byproduct of the quantumness of the origins of the universe. Our analysis is based on certain formal aspects of the quantum mechanical lattice of projections of infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces where formalization reaches the level of models of axiomatic set theory.
In this article Whitehead’s philosophy of mathematics is characterized as a Structural Second-Order Platonism and it is demonstrated that the Whiteheadian ontology is consistent with modern formal approaches to the foundation of mathematics. We follow the pathway taken by model-theoretically and semantically oriented philosophers. Consequently, it is supposed that all mathematical theories (understood as deductively closed set of sentences) determine their own models. These models exist mind-independently in the realm of eternal objects. From the metatheoretical point of view the hypothesis (posed by Józef Życiński) of the Rationality Field is explored. It is indicated that relationships between different models can be described in the language of modal logics and can further be axiomatized in the framework of the Second Order Set Theory. In conclusion, it is asserted that if any model (of a mathematical theory) is understood, in agreement with Whitehead’s philosophy, as a collection of eternal objects, which can be simultaneously realized in a single actual occasion, then our external world is governed by the hidden pattern encoded in the field of pure potentialities which constitute the above mentioned Field of Rationality. Therefore, this work can be regarded as the first step towards building a Logic of Rationality.
We show that [wzór) together with CH and "all Aronszajn trees are special" is consistent relative to ZFC. The weak diamond for the covering relation of Lebesgue null sets was the only weak diamond in the Cichori diagramrne for relations whose consistency together with "all Aronszajn trees are special" was not yet settled. Our forcing proof gives also new proofs to the known consistencies of several other weak diamonds stemming from the Cichori diagramme together with "all Aronszajn trees are special" and CH. The main part of our work is an application [15, Chapter V, §§ 1-7] for a special completeness system, such that we have a genericity game. Thus we show new preservation properties of the known forcings.
The amendment of 13 January 2023 added provisions to the Penal Code that typify the crimes of female genital mutilation (Article 156 § 1 point 3 of the Penal Code) and inciting and forcing other people to submit to this procedure (Article 156a of the Penal Code). Both have been catalogued in chapter XIX “Crimes against life and health” as a modified type of the crime of serious bodily harm. The purpose of this study is to characterize and assess the introduced normative change.
Nowelizacją z 13.01.2023 r. dodano do Kodeksu karnego przepisy, w których zostały stypizowane przestępstwa okaleczania żeńskich narządów płciowych (art. 156 § 1 pkt 3 k.k.) oraz nakłaniania i zmuszania innych osób do poddania się temu procederowi (art. 156a k.k.). Oba zostały skatalogowane w rozdziale XIX „Przestępstwa przeciwko życiu i zdrowiu” jako modyfikowany typ przestępstwa ciężkiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest charakterystyka i ocena wprowadzonej zmiany normatywnej.
In the paper the possibility of the direct application of forcing computed function based on the elementary model of the diesel engine regarding issues of the rattle vibrations in modelling of gears was introduced. In this way the simulated indicator diagrams were created. After that, build diagrams were used to calculate tangential forces and torques operating in the drive system. Considering only the torsional vibrations, these calculated values of torques can be introduced as the forcing that are acting on gears inside of the gearbox. The presented in the article different models enable us to diagnose and analyse the neutral gear rattle. The forcing of the diesel engine introduced at the low range of rotation speeds is one of the most important parameters which may cause, within the clearance, the creation of the phenomenon of a lack of contact of the regular meshing of teeth, and, as a consequence vibrations and the difficult acoustic effects connected with rattle.
W pracy, dla zagadnień dotyczących drgań rattle w modelowaniu przekładni, przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania bezpośredniego wyliczania funkcji wymuszającej silnika na podstawie elementarnego modelu uwzględniającego zmiany ciśnienia czterosuwowego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Stworzono w ten sposób symulowane wykresy indykatorowe, które wykorzystano do obliczeń przebiegów sił stycznych i momentów działających w układzie napędowym. Zakładając jedynie drgania skrętne obliczany moment wprowadzić można jako wejściowe wymuszenie przekładni znajdujących się wewnątrz skrzyni biegów. Przedstawiono różne modele opisujące klekotanie zębów w biegu luzem, które umożliwiają diagnozę powstania tego zjawiska. Wymuszenie od silnika działające w niskim zakresie prędkości obrotowych jest jednym z ważniejszych parametrów, który spowodować może, w obrębie luzu międzyzębnego, powstanie zjawiska utraty prawidłowego styku zębów, a w konsekwencji drgań i uciążliwych efektów akustycznych związanych z klekotaniem.
The purpose of this work was the evaluation of yielding and the content of some chemical ingredients of Japanese bunching onion yield obtained from forcing in greenhouse conditions. Plants used for forcing were from field cultivation and had the pseudostem trimmed in the autumn of each year (2002, 2003 and 2004) at the height of 2-4 and 8-10 cm. In the spring of the following year (2003, 2004 and 2005) from the middle of March, the plants were forced in a heated greenhouse (temperature 16-20°C) and an unheated one (temperature 6-12 °C). The whole yield was evaluated when the plants reached the market size for bunching. The weight and height were determined in the plants, as well as the number of laterals and leaves in clusters. In green shoots and the pseudostem, the content of dry weight, total and reducing sugars, L-ascorbic acid, flavonoids and phenolic acids were determined. Very high yield of plants useful for bunching was obtained (average 13.7 kg·m⁻² of area). The plants with a longer pseudostem before forcing yielded better. The conditions of forcing did not have a significant influence on the size of the obtained yield, but the content of L-ascorbic acid and flavonoids was much higher (especially in green shoots) in the plants from forcing in the unheated greenhouse. Lower temperature at the time of forcing was favorable to higher reducing sugar content, especially in the pseudostem. Japanese bunching onion turned out to be useful for forcing for harvest in bunching form.
Celem pracy była ocena plonowania i zawartości niektórych składników chemicznych w plonie cebuli siedmiolatki uzyskanym z pędzenia w warunkach szklarniowych. Pędzeniu poddano roczne rośliny z uprawy polowej, u których jesienią każdego roku (2002 - 2004) przycięto łodygę rzekomą na wysokość 2-4 i 8-10 cm. Wiosną następnego roku (2003 - 2005) od połowy marca rośliny poddawano pędzeniu w szklarni ogrzewanej (temperatura 16-20°C) i nieogrzewanej (temperatura 6-12°C). Ocenie poddano plon całych roślin, gdy osiągały wielkość handlową do pęczkowania. Określono masę i wysokość roślin, liczbę odrostów i liści. W szczypiorze i łodydze rzekomej oznaczono zawartość suchej masy, cukrów ogółem i redukujących, kwasu L-askor- binowego, flawonoidów i fenolokwasów. Uzyskano bardzo wysoki plon roślin przydatnych do pęczkowania (średnio 13,7 kg m'2 powierzchni). Lepiej plonowały rośliny z wyżej przyciętą łodygą rzekomą przed pędzeniem. Warunki pędzenia nie miały istotnego wpływu na wielkości uzyskanego plonu, lecz zawartość kwasu L-askorbinowego i flawonoidów była istotnie większa (zwłaszcza w szczypiorze) u roślin z pędzenia w szklarni nieogrzewanej. Niższa temperatura podczas pędzenia sprzyjała gromadzeniu większej ilości cukrów redukujących, zwłaszcza w łodydze rzekomej siedmiolatki. Roślina ta okazała się w pełni przydatna do pędzenia na zbiór w postaci pęczkowanej.
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