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Spontaneous flora offers many functions and potentialities in the urban ecosystem. However, few studies have been carried out on this subject in Morocco. The present study aimed to analyze the diversity of spontaneous flora in the urban area of Temara, to contribute to interpreting the structure and dynamics of Moroccan spontaneous flora. During the study, 90 floristic surveys were carried out along four transects, marked A, B, C, and D so that each transect started from the city center and went in one of the four directions of the study area. Transect A ran northwards from the city center, transect B westwards, transect C southwards, and transect D eastwards from the city center. To carry out the floristic surveys, several survey areas were chosen, given the heterogeneity of the urban environment. These areas ranged from a few cm2 for rock fissure plants, through 10 to 25 m2 for grasslands, to 25 to 100 m2 for forest cuttings. The results revealed a total of 137 taxa grouped in 116 genera and belong to 33 floristic families. The Asteraceae family came out on top, with 30 species (21.90%) and 24 genera, and the Poaceae family was in second place with 21 species (15.33%) divided into 20 genera. Analysis of this floristic list indicates a predominance of the therophyte life form (48.90%), then hemicryptophytes (26.28%) followed by geophytes (10.22%) in terms of biological type, and a predominance of the Mediterranean element (31.19%) in terms of chorological type. Of the 137 taxa inventoried, 10 are very rare, 1 is rare, 1 has a doubtful presence, and 2 are endemics. This study showed that even in a disturbed and fragmented environment, such as the urban environment, certain spontaneous plant species adapt to the conditions prevailing in this habitat and show considerable diversity, thus contributing to a better interpretation of the composition and dynamics of the country’s flora.
The stronghold complex in Gniezno located on the Lech's Hill belonged to the main centers of the early Polish State described for the first time in historical documents as Civitas Schinesghe - the Gniezno State. Recent archaeological studies indicate that the site on Lech's Hill was originally a tribal cult center. Palaeoecological studies provided records of environmental changes and cultural landscape development in the prehistoric periods and early historical times. Reconstructed changes of floristic diversity correlate well with the cultural processes.
Species composition of lawns in the housing estates, planted – among other reasons – in order to diversify the urban landscape, is often modified and enriched with other, spontaneously appearing species. The aim of the present work was to determine the floristic and phytosociological diversity of selected housing estate lawns of three different age groups, in the city of Szczecin, in three neighbouring housing estates (Niebuszewo, Warszewo, and Żelechowa). It was assumed that over the years, lawns are gradually becoming weaker, which may be due to the occurrence of negative anthropogenic factors of increasing intensity. It was found that despite the one designated plant community in all the analysed housing estate lawns (namely, Poa pratensis – Festuca rubra), there are differences between the studied areas, in terms of the number of species occurring therein, and the values of selected ecological (environmental) indicators.
Skład gatunkowy trawników osiedlowych, zakładanych w celu urozmaicenia krajobrazu miejskiego, ulega często zmianom poprzez wzbogacanie ich przez gatunki pojawiające się spontanicznie. Celem pracy było określenie zróżnicowania florystyczno-fitosocjologicznego wybranych trawników osiedlowych w trzech różnych grupach wiekowych w mieście Szczecin w trzech sąsiadujących ze sobą osiedlach mieszkaniowych (Niebuszewo, Warszewo, Żelechowa). Założono, że wraz z upływem lat powierzchnie trawnikowe ulegają stopniowemu zubożeniu gatunkowemu, co może być spowodowane występowaniem nasilających się negatywnych czynników antropogenicznych. Stwierdzono, iż pomimo wyznaczonego jednego zbiorowiska na wszystkich analizowanych trawnikach osiedlowych (Poa pratensis – Festuca rubra) występują różnice pomiędzy punktami badawczymi pod względem liczby występujących gatunków oraz wartości wybranych wskaźników ekologicznych.
The aim of this study was to determine floristic diversity, the chemical composition, nature value and energy value of selected sedge communities in view of habitat conditions in the Noteć valley. This study was based on a total of 46 relevés prepared according to Braun-Blanquet. The identified communities were represented by common plant associations, both natural or semi-natural. They comprised mainly vegetation of meadows excluded from agricultural use, on fresh and partly moist and very moist soils, of weak acid and neutral reaction. Analysed communities had moderate or high nature value. Sedges and Cyperaceae predominated in their structure, with the greatest share of Caricetum lasiocarpae (76%) and the lowest share of Caricetum distichae (44.6%). No Fabaceae were reported in any of the two plant associations, while herds were found in all associations. The greatest higher heating value and lower heating value were found for communities with Carex lasiocarpa and Carex disticha.
The study area covered communities of inundated meadows mainly from the class Phargmitetea, from the Magnocaricion and Phragmition alliances, located in the Noteć Bystra valley. Plant associations were evaluated in terms of their floristic diversity, Ellenberg’s phytoindication indexes: moisture content (F), soil nitrogen content (N), soil reaction (R), as well as yielding and fodder value. The calculated floristic diversity (H’) of communities ranges from 1.22 to 3.8, which results from their limited use and high groundwater levels, with dry matter yields ranging from 4.1 to 12.7 t.ha-1, and FVS ranging from 0.4 to 7.6.
Obszar badań obejmował zbiorowiska łąk zalewanych głównie z klasy Phargmitetea, ze związku Magnocaricion i Phragmition, usytuowane w dolinie Noteci Bystrej. Asocjacje roślinne zostały ocenione pod względem różnorodności florystycznej, wskaźników fitoindykacyjnych według Ellenberga: wilgotności (F), zawartości azotu w glebie (N), odczynu gleby (R) oraz plonowania i liczby wartości użytkowej. Wyliczona różnorodność florystyczna (H’) zbiorowisk wynosi od 1,22 do 3,8, co jest wynikiem ograniczonego użytkowania i wysokiego poziomu wód gruntowych, a plony s.m. wynoszą od 4,1 do 12,7 t.ha-1, na-tomiast wartość Lwu wynosi od 0,4 do 7,6.
The paper presents research results of roadside halophytes and soil salinity which were carried out along public roads with hardened surface within the forest and agricultural areas in Szczecin Lowland (W. Poland). Using ice-removing chemicals on road surfaces in winter causes growth of road shoulder soil salinity especially in early spring and favour settling roadsides by halophytes. In total 34 species of halophytes were stated from 10 families. Among them Asteraceae and Poaceae families were represented the most numerously by facultative halophytes like Dactylis glomerata L, Poa pratensis L. and Achillea millefolium L. Spatial distribution of roadside halophytes was related to different soil salinity (the range within forest roadsides: 0.035-0.321 g NaCl kg^-1 soil and field ones: 0.140-1.295 g NaCl kg^-1 soil) observed within zonal structure of roadside profile. The road shoulder soil salinity should be admitted to be raised, this however not qualifying them into category of saline soils. The highest salinity was detected in soil samples from the roadside edge adjoining directly the road surface. However most halophilous species were found in the zone of proper road shoulder, both on forest and field roads.
Content available remote Gravel pits as habitat islands : floristic diversity and vegetation analysis
Open-cut excavations formed as a result of exploitation of mineral deposits are the least studied ecological sites. Habitat heterogenity is reflected by remarkable floristic and phytocoenotic diversity. Being isolated by the surrounding vegetation of contrasting types - they can be considered as "habitat islands". Twenty excavations (area from 100 m[^2] to 2 ha) were selected - 10 located in cropland, 10 - in coniferous forest. The intensiveness of gravel pit exploitation was differentiated. Some of them were exploited, other ones were abandoned 10.30 years ago. The floristic records were taken during summer period in each pit and in near-by vegetation at the distance not larger than 200 m. As much as 280 species of vascular plants were found in 10 selected gravel pits surrounded by coniferous forest communities, which contained only 111 taxa. The flora of mid-field excavations was definitely richer that the flora of their surroundings. Sorensen.s similarity index (S[o]) for mid-forest gravel pits and their surroundings ranged between 27% and 40% while that for midfield gravel pits and their neighbourhood - from 15% to over 27%. The U Mann-Whitney test demonstrated that the number of species noted in selected gravel pits significantly differed from that in the surrounding. It was true for both (mid-forest Z = 3.70; P = 0.00021) and mid-field gravel pits (Z = 3.78; P = 0.00016). Native species were dominating in the flora of both mid-field and mid-forest excavations (77% and 82 % respectively). Hemicryptophytes were found to dominate (46%) over other groups of life forms in both types of gravel pits. A high contribution of terophytes - over 19% in mid-forest excavations and over 25% in mid-field ones is noteworthy. The results showed that gravel pits could play a role of enclaves for natural and semi-natural vegetation thus acting as local centres of floristic diversity in human modified monotonous agricultural or monospecies pine forest landscape.
The vascular flora in the “Łąki w Komborni” Natura 2000 site comprises 219 species representing 44 families and 147 genera. Species from the families Asteraceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Polygonaceae, Cyperaceae, Apiaceae, and Ranunculaceae were found to dominate. A geographical and historical analysis of species confirmed the clear dominance of apophytes (84%) over anthropophytes (16%) as well as perennials (69%) over short-lived (23%) species. The biological spectrum was dominated by hemicryptophytes (54%) and therophytes (19%), compared with other life forms. In terms of synecology, the flora was mainly represented by species from the classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea vulgaris and Phragmitetea. The “Łąki w Komborni” site is a habitat for 82 (37%) medicinal species and 155 (70%) forage species for bees. Noteworthy is the occurrence of protected species, e.g. Gladiolus imbricatus, Trollius europaeus, Centhaurium erythraea, Dactylorhiza majalis, Platanthera bifolia and Primula elatior.
Changes in the floristic composition of meadows and pastures may provide information on the human impact on the habitat conditions and intensity of land use. The aim of the study was to present the floristic diversity of the Lolio-Cynosuretum association and its relation with the habitat conditions evaluated using the phytoindication method with Ellenberg indicators. The study was conducted in five river valleys in the years 1999-2012. For the analysis, 100 relevés were selected, which were subject to floristic, habitat (phytoindication), and statistical analysis. In the Lolio-Cynosuretum phytocoenoses, the total number of 178 taxa of vascular plants from 33 families was recorded. It was demonstrated that the differentiation in the floristic composition of Lolio- -Cynosuretum phytocoenoses remains in relation with the habitat conditions, which may be evaluated basing on the ecological preferences of plant species that form the taxa. The species were established as differential for the lower units, that is four subassociations and eight variants.
Zmieniający się skład florystyczny zbiorowisk łąkowych i pastwiskowych może dostarczyć informacji o działalności człowieka w zakresie modyfikacji warunków siedliskowych i intensywności użytkowania. Celem pracy było przedstawienie zróżnicowania florystycznego zespołu Lolio-Cynosuretum oraz jego powiązanie z warunkami siedliskowymi ocenionymi metodą fitoindykacji z zastosowaniem wskaźników Ellenberga i in. Badania prowadzono w pięciu dolinach rzecznych w latach 1999-2012. Do analizy wybrano zbiór 100 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych, które poddano analizie pod względem składu florystycznego, wymagań ekologicznych gatunków oraz statystycznym. W fitocenozach Lolio-Cynosuretum zanotowano łącznie 178 taksonów roślin naczyniowych z 33 rodzin. Wykazano, że zróżnicowanie składu florystycznego fitocenoz zespołu Lolio-Cynosuretum pozostaje w związku z warunkami siedliskowymi, które można ocenić na podstawie preferencji ekologicznych budujących je gatunków roślin. Gatunki te uznano jako wyróżniające dla niższych jednostek, tj. 4 podzespołów i 8 wariantów.
Content available Synantropizacja wybranych zbiorowisk łąkowych
Zbiorowiska trawiaste, podobnie jak inne zbiorowiska roślinne, podlegają przeobrażeniom wywołanym zmianami zachodzącymi w siedlisku, będącymi bezpośrednim lub pośrednim skutkiem działalności człowieka. Celem wieloletnich badań było określenie zmian we florze wybranych zbiorowisk łąkowych pod wpływem antropopresji oraz wskazanie przyczyn i stopnia ich synantropizacji. Ocenę synantropizacji wybranych zbiorowisk, występujących w dolinach większych rzek Wielkopolski, opracowano na podstawie analizy ok. 3200 zdjęć florystycznych. Posługiwano się wskaźnikami: synantropizacji, apofityzacji i antropofityzacji. Do oceny warunków siedliskowych zastosowano liczby wskaźnikowe Ellenberga, a wpływ zakresu synantropizacji flory łąk i pastwisk na różnorodność florystyczną określono wskaźnikiem Shannona-Wienera H'. Największe zmiany powstałe w wyniku antropopresji stwierdza się w zespołach klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, szczególnie z rzędu Arrhenatheretalia. Zbiorowiska siedlisk bagiennych z klasy Phragmitetea oraz trwale lub okresowo z klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea rzędu Molinietalia są bardziej odporne na inwazję obcych gatunków związanych z działalnością człowieka. Synantropizacja flory zbiorowisk łąkowych wpływa na liczbę gatunków i ich różnorodność florystyczną zależnych od aktualnego stadium sukcesji.
Grass communities, similarly to other plant communities, undergo various transformations caused by habitat changes resulting, directly or indirectly, from human activity. The aim of the long-term study was to determine changes in the flora of some selected meadow communities affected by the human impact and to indicate the causes and extent of its synanthropisation. The assessment of synanthropisation of selected communities in the valleys of major rivers in Wielkopolska was based on some 3200 floristic surveys. The following indices were used: the index of synanthropisation and anthropophytisation. Site conditions were assessed with Ellenberg's index numbers, while the influence of synanthropisation on floral diversity of meadows and pastures was determined with the Shannon-Wiener's index. Floristic analysis of the examined communities revealed the greatest anthropogenic changes in associations of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, especially from the Arrhenatheretalia order. On the other hand, marsh communities from the Phragmitetea class and from sites with variable moisture content from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class of the Molinietalia order exhibited a higher resistance to invasions of alien species associated with human activities. Floral synanthropisation of meadow communities affects the number of species and their floristic diversity. These values depend on the current stage of succession.
Zachowanie różnorodności florystycznej użytków zielonych wymaga odpowiedniego ich użytkowania. W wielu wypadkach, szczególnie na obszarach chronionych staje się to podstawowym celem zabiegów agrotechnicznych. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu zróżnicowanych sposobów rolniczego użytkowania na skład gatunkowy runi. Doświadczenie było prowadzone w Krynicy (Beskid Sądecki) w latach 2001-2007. Zastosowano dziesięć sposobów użytkowania różniących się poziomem nawożenia i terminami pokosów. Brak użytkowania spowodował największe zmiany w roślinności. Na poletkach niekoszonych dominowała kłosówka miękka, liczba gatunków była także najmniejsza. Nawożenie obornikiem spowodowało zwiększenie udziału roślin bobowatych. Koszenie dwukrotne w ciągu roku oraz nawożenie fosforem i potasem promowało rozwój koniczyny białej. Zastosowanie wczesnego koszenia umożliwiło silny wzrost mietlicy zwyczajnej i przywrotnika pasterskiego. Różne sposoby użytkowania wpłynęły na udział poszczególnych gatunków w runi ale nie na liczbę gatunków. W celu zwiększenia różnorodności ubogich gatunkowo łąk konieczna byłaby introdukcja nowych gatunków.
Preserving grassland biodiversity requires their proper management. In many cases, especially in protected areas, preserving species diversity becomes the main task of agricultural measures. The aim of the study was to asses the effect of different ways of extensive utilization on the floristic composition of sward. The experiment was carried out in years 2001 - 2007 in Krynica (Beskid Sądecki Mts.). Ten different treatments of fertilization and time of cut was applied. The biggest change in botanical composition was recorded on plots left uncut, where Holcus mollis dominated. Fertilization with manure led to increase in share of legumes. Cutting two times a year and fertilization with potassium and phosphorus prornoted Trifolium repens expansion. Early cut resulted in development of Agrostis capillaris and Alcherralla manticola. The effect of different management caused changes in the share of species in the sward but the not in their number on plots. To increase the biodiversity of species-poor meadows it would be necessary to introduce new species.
Trawniki zakładane w miastach wzbogacają się z czasem o gatunki pojawiające się spontanicznie. Aby określić zróżnicowanie tych muraw, wykonano badania fitosocjologiczne. Wśród trawników wyróżniono trzy grupy: osiedlowe, przyuliczne i parkowe różniły się one składem gatunkowym oraz występującymi zbiorowiskami. W runie odnaleziono aż 224 gatunki, w tym 53 na trawnikach osiedlowych, 190 na przyulicznych i 105 w parkach. Pomimo trudności z przyporządkowaniem występujących na trawnikach zespołów do jednostek fitosocjologicznych wyróżniono 9 zbiorowisk należących do zespołów synantropijnych i muraw deptanych. Zróżnicowanie muraw trawnikowych zależne jest od siedliska, zajmowanej powierzchni oraz oddziaływania człowieka (pielęgnacji i deptania). Duże zróżnicowanie jest korzystne pod względem ekologicznym i estetycznym.
Lawns of urban areas are enriched over time by species occurring spontaneously. To determine the diversity of the lawns, phytosociological studies have been performed. They have shown significant differences. The lawns were distinguished into three groups: settlement lawns, street lawns and park lawns – each group having different species composition. Almost 224 species have been found in the ground cover, 53 in the settlement lawns, 190 in the street lawns and 105 in the parks. Despite the difficulties with the assigning the lawns to phytosociological units, nine synanthropic communities and trampled turf have been distinguished. Differentiation of lawn turf is dependent on the habitat, the area occupied and human interaction. On the other hand, large variation is beneficial ecologically and aesthetically.
Shrub development on road outside verges can provide alternative wildlife habitat. However, management of inside verges should keep vegetation at a height consistent with proper road visibility and safety. The influence of management on vegetation was analyzed on the inside verge of two Portuguese roads, one mown once and another twice a year. Specifically, the effect of mowing frequency on shrub abundance and the combined effect of management and shrubs on floristic diversity were addressed. One stretch of each road was surveyed for shrub abundance and for herbaceous species diversity and cover. The effect of mowing frequency on shrub growing and biomass production and allocation was also evaluated along two years. Results indicate that vegetation mowing yearly in spring is enough to keep the inside verge free from most shrubs. However, summer growing shrubs like Dittrichia viscosa can persist, decreasing both floristic diversity and cover, particularly of meadow species. Moreover, in response to spring mowing, shrubs grew fast and were able to disperse efficiently. An additional autumn mowing significantly decreased not only shrub height and canopy area, but specially seed production and dispersal. Thus, the inside verge management should be based on two mowing periods. The first in spring to control winter and spring growing species, and an additional autumn mowing to control growth and dispersal of summer growing shrubs and trees, or even tall grasses. This management regime will combine safety with improvement of the amenity and habitat value of the road verges.
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