The attention to effective logistics system and material flow promotion has been increased in up-today economic transformation in Ukraine. Meanwhile, core process of any firm or system functioning still have place. The profit motive and high level of services for consumers’ purposes miss risk of capital erosion due to delaying of payments. Lack of financial flows make difficult of making any action, especially supporting high level of logistics servicing. Existing scientific and methods to the logistics management consider individually financial and material flows separately. The interaction of them needs further exploring. A frequency and transportation volume of logistic chain is unevenness and depends on seasonal consumption. Authors simulate the transportation service numerous different logistics chains with compatible cargos. Schedule of vehicles analysis per months and years shows irregularities of vehicles use in different systems. Orders redistribution between vehicles, led to synergetic effect that demonstrated by vehicles’ quantity decrease. Authors modelling and simulate the transportation service mode for manufacture of building material. Estimating the total cost for using auto and rail transport. Wilson models, just-in-time models for stock management have been used. Result of using auto transport instead of rail a been reduce of costs for more than 20%. Releases operating capital can effectively use in the logistics system operation cycle. Also, such actions provide acceleration of costs movement. The paper formalized relationship models of material and financial flows interaction. The proposed approach will allow evaluating the efficiency of various modes of transport, as well as improving the efficiency of the logistics system.
Podstawowym celem funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa jest rozwój i zwiększenie wartości rynkowej spółki lub przynajmniej utrzymanie dotychczasowej pozycji Szansę na osiągnięcie tego celu mają wyłącznie ekspansywne i dynamicznie rozwijające się firmy. Powoduje to wzrost zapotrzebowania na kapitał inwestycyjny. Rozwój gospodarczy oraz przemiany rynku kapitałowego umożliwiają korzystanie z zupełnie nowych form pozyskiwania kapitału. Istnieje wiele źródeł pozyskiwania środków finansowych oraz sposobów ich wykorzystania, jednak każdy instrument finansowy posiada cechy, decydujące o osiągnięciu potencjalnych korzyści. Przykładem nowej techniki finansowej jest sekurytyzacja, która oznacza emisję papierów dłużnych zabezpieczonych aktywami. Transakcja sekurytyzacji zwiększa dostęp do kapitału dla pożyczkobiorców, zmniejsza ryzyko dla pożyczkodawców, jak również stwarza inwestorom nowe możliwości lokat.
Main objective of enterprise is development and increase of market value or at least maintaining of current position. Potential for achieving this target have only rapid developing firms. It causes the demand on investment capital. Economic development and changes on capital market enable applying new ways of searching for capital. There are a lot of capitars sources and in many ways it could be used, however, each financial instrument has its own features, that decide about achieving potential gains. The example of the financiai techniques is securitization, which means the issue of securities quaranteed by assets. Securitization process enables the bigger access to lender' s fund, it also reduces the risk of borrowers as well as it creates the new possibility for investors to make deposits.
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