The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of photocatalytic ionisation as a disinfection method for filter materials contaminated by microorganisms, and to assess how air relative humidity (RH), time and microbe type influence the effectiveness of this disinfection. In the quantitative analysis of a used car air filter, bacterial contamination equalled 1.2×10⁵ cfu/cm² , fungal contamination was 3.8×10⁶ cfu/cm² , and the isolated microorganisms were Aspergillus niger, Bacillus megaterium, Cladosporium herbarum, Cryptococcus laurenti, Micrococcus sp., Rhodotorula glutinis and Staphylococcus cohnii. In the model experiment, three isolates (C. herbarum, R. glutinis, S.cohnii) and 3 ATCC species (A. niger, E.coli, S. aureus) were used for photocatalytic ionisation disinfection. The conditions of effective photocatalytic ionisation disinfection (R≥99.9%) were established as 2–3 h at RH=77% (bacteria) and 6–24 h at RH=53% (fungi). RH has an influence on the effectiveness of the photocatalytic disinfection process; the highest effectiveness was obtained for bacteria at RH=77%, with results 5% higher than for RH=49%. The studies show that the sensitivity of microorganisms to photocatalytic ionisation disinfection is ordered as follows: Gram-positive bacteria (S.cohnii, S. aureus), Gram-negative bacteria (E.coli), yeasts (R. glutinis), and moulds (C. herbarum, A. niger). Of all the mathematical models used for the description of death dynamics after photocatalytic ionisation disinfection, the Chick-Watson model is the most useful, but for more resistant microorganisms, the delayed Chick-Watson model is highly recommended. It therefore seems, that the presented disinfection method of photocatalytic ionisation can be successfully used to clean filtration materials.
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Geosyntetyki są powszechnie wykorzystywane w budownictwie, gdzie pełnią rolę separacyjną, drenażową, ochronną czy wzmacniającą. W Polsce w zdecydowanej większości stosowane są w projektach infrastrukturalnych, szczególnie w drogownictwie. Szczególnie istotna jest pełniona przez nie funkcja filtracyjna.
A geosynthetic is a product in the form of a tape, a sheet or spatial form in which at least one ingredient has been produced from a natural or synthetic polymer. Geosynthetics are widely used in construction, where, among others, they are functioning as a separation, protection, strengthening and drainage layer. In Poland in the vast majority of cases, they are used in infrastructural projects, especially in road engineering. Particularly important is the filtration function role they play.
W artykule przedstawiono opis zautomatyzowanego procesu wytwarzania wielowarstwowych wyrobów filtracyjnych z polipropylenowych materiałów włóknistych, na przykładzie linii do automatycznego montażu masek przeciwpyłowych, która była przedmiotem wdrażania w zakładzie produkcyjnym.
This paper presents a description of the automated manufacturing of the multilayer filter products made from polypropylene fibre structured materials as an example of assembly line for dust filter masks. This assembly line was the subject of implementation in production facility.