Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie kondycji i kryzysu ludzkiej tożsamości w wyniku przemian, jakie dokonały się najpierw w epoce hellenistycznej, a na-stępnie w ponowoczesności. Przedmiotem analizy jest również – obecna w obu okresach – odpowiedź filozofii na ten kryzys. W tych bowiem szczególnych mo-mentach to właśnie filozofia ujawniła swe ludzkie – egzystencjalne oblicze: w czasach antycznych jako sztuka życia, a współcześnie jako jej kontynuacja, to zna-czy jako coaching i doradztwo filozoficzne.
The aim of my paper is to show the condition and the crisis of human identity as a result of changes, which take place, first in the Hellenistic era, and next in the postmodernism. The theme of analysis is existing in both periods the answer of the philosophy on that situation. In this special moment it just philosophy revealed its existential and close to human being visage: in the ancient times it was the philos-ophy as a way of life, and today as its continuation, as a coaching and philosophi-cal counseling.
Цель этой статьи - показать состояние и кризис человеческой идентичности в результате изменений, которые произошли сначала в эпоху эллинизма, а затем в постмодерн. Предмет анализа также - присутствующий в обоих пе-риодах - реакция философии на этот кризис. В эти особые моменты именно философия раскрыла свое человеческое экзистенциальное лицо: в древние времена как искусство жизни, а сегодня как его продолжение, т. Е. Как ко-учинг и философское консультирование.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is an attempt to show philosophy as an art of living and therapy by referring to the ancient philosophical schools founded by Epicurus of Samos and Zeno of Citium. Drawing on the ethical postulates of the systems indicated, the author proves their validity. Author argues that ethical assumptions of the distinguished schools are also revealed in many contemporary concepts of sustainable development; this could lead to further research. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses the method of comparative analysis (method), showing the way of possible adaptation of the ancient ideal of aretaic ethics to the contemporary, holistic views of human being in the 21st century. Findings: The analyses undertaken confirm the theses about the therapeutic role of philosophy, especially in its practical dimension. Classical philosophy as an art of living and therapy can also today become a source of inspiration referring us to a permanent and objective hierarchy of values, providing us with an inner sense of security, teaching understanding and distance to the world and to ourselves. Research limitations/implications: The author deliberately limits her research solely to characterizing the two leading philosophical schools of the ancient Hellas. Thus, she paves the way for further research on the role and significance of practical philosophy in shaping the condition of contemporary men (human being) and their environment. Practical implications: The issues raised in the article emphasize the practical dimension of philosophy. The domain of ancient systems of philosophy lies in their therapeutic, healing and strictly practical character. Ancient philosophy is an art of living focused on the realization of the ideal of eudaimonia (full/complete life). It is in such a handy and not only speculative- theoretical approach that its proper goal is expressed (results/conclusion). Social implications: The thematic scope of the thesis presented in the article includes both elements of value ethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of civilization and social philosophy. The author focuses her attention on the description of human condition and recognized forms of striving for its improvement, both in the dimension of individual and social life (results/conclusion). Originality/value: The article shows the possible use of classical humanistic knowledge, in particular philosophical knowledge, in combination with contemporary concepts of self-development that are part of a wide range of support professions developing rapidly in the 21st century: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, counseling and coaching (discussions).
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