The Romanian population is the most important foreign population in Spain. Romanian migrants are characterized by their large number (about 800.000 residents and 268.000 contract workers) and their rapid growth. The economic and labour motivation for migration determines their geographical distribution, with high numbers of Romanian migrants in cities and in areas of agricultural, industrial and tourist industries. However, a high proportion of Romanian migrants also live in small towns and rural areas. Most of them were already illegal migrants when Romania entered the EU and they became EU citizens. From January 1st 2009, these once illegal migrants now have full freedom of employment in Spain. They adapt to circumstances of each period of time, in order to enter or to remain in the Spanish labour market. Most work in construction and agriculture as well as domestic services, trade, tourism and industries. The current economic crisis and the resulting unemployment have raised the issue of return migration to Romania.
Opis zawiera ważniejsze fragmenty historii Instytutu i wyniki jego działalności w okresie 50 lat istnienia. Przewijają się w nim dwa nurty powiązane odpowiednio z licznymi zmianami w jego organizacji i działalności naukowo badawczej oraz aplikacyjnej. Ta ostatnia podlegała znacznym fluktuacjom stosownie do zadań stawianych przed Instytutem najpierw jako jednostką naukową Polskiej Akademii Nauk, następnie instytutem badawczo rozwojowym należącym do Naukowo-Produkcyjnego Centrum Półprzewodników, a na końcu instytutem o statusie jednostki badawczo-rozwojowej. Przedstawiona w opisie historia została podzielona na etapy wyznaczane przez nominacje kolejnych dyrektorów, chociaż nie zawsze pociągały one za sobą zmiany w obszarze tematyki rozwijanej przez Instytut czy sposobu upowszechniania osiąganych wyników. Rysunki zawarte w tekście są kopiami slajdów prezentowanych na uroczystym Sympozjum poświęconym 50-leciu Instytutu.
The paper contains some selected fragments of the history and more important achievements of the Institute during its 50 year activity. There are two intermixing mainstreams connected respectively with multiple changes in its organization and scientific or industrial application activity. The latter has been subjected to significant fluctuations adequately to tasks set for the Institute which started as a unit of the Polish Academy of Sciences, next belonged to the Scientific and Production Semiconductor Center and finally has been supervised by the Ministry of Development. The history presented in the paper has been divided into stages corresponding to directors that had led the Institute although these personal changes not always have affected its activity in a particular scientific field or in the way the results were spread out. Figures included in the paper have been presented at the festive Symposium devoted to the 50 anniversary of the Institute.
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