This article is dedicated to detection of family traditions among the Afghans in modern Belarusian environment. The research is based on results of a field work conducted mainly in Belarus in 2009-2012 (it covered 93 informants). It consisted from a series of structured interviews with Afghans who arrived in Belarus and was able to speak Russian. Afghans who failed to learn the language passed a survey. Also I made a series of interviews with a number of Belarusian citizens who are in close cooperation with Afghans. Family traditions include a wide range of wedding, maternity and funeral traditions, the idea of choosing a spouse, an organization of family life and raising of children. In accordance to the results of survey 52% of Afghans perform traditional rituals of family cycle (mostly positive answer was given by a woman). Within the Belarusian society traditional family rituals are passed significant simplification in comparison with those described in ethnographic research made in Afghanistan
Contemporary folklore studies use photographs, especially family snapshots, to conduct narrative interviews in the course of a field work. They treat photography, which has broken the monopoly of spoken word in traditional culture, as a carrier of memory, human experiences and emotions, as images supported with words influence ways of comprehending the past and shaping the memory within local communities. New image-recording techniques also affect the method of carrying out field work, makingit possible to perpetuate the situation under investigation not only on a photographic platebut also on video carriers and digital tapes, thus extending the possibilities of interpreting the current folklore sources. Documentation collected in this way may be published on professional web portals along with the text. The fact that image-recording tools have become so widespread also increases the pace of the changes taking place within the domain of traditional family and annual rituals: recordingvarious events (e.g. wedding receptions or Shrovetide ceremonies) on a videotape and then posting those videos on the Internet, especially on YouTube, sets a new area of field work for folklorists and speeds up the process of theatricalization and carnivalization of contemporary culture.
Przed współczesnym rolnictwem stoją ogromne wyzwania. Z jednej strony w szybkim tempie wzrasta liczba ludności na świecie, z drugiej zaś kurczy się powierzchnia upraw. Jak zatem zapewnić niezbędną ilość pożywienia jak najlepszej jakości? Kluczem do sukcesu w tej dziedzinie może być szeroko pojęte rolnictwo precyzyjne, dzięki któremu możliwe staje się zwiększenie plonów, przy jednoczesnym racjonalnym wykorzystaniu środków produkcji.
The emerging trends in the automation and autonomization of agricultural machines are mainly the result of the development of other sectors of the national economy and the defense industry. The paper presents requirements for autonomous technologies related to positioning systems, wireless communication, communication on the machine, and data transmission in the aspect of development of agricultural machines for field works. Limitations and challenges for introducing autonomous systems in agricultural machines for field works were also discussed.
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Wstęp i cele: W pracy opisano przemianę izentropową i adiabatyczną. W szczególności celem pracy jest opis pola pracy przemian izentropowych i adiabatycznych na wykresach Belpaire’a. Materiał i metody: Materiał stanowią źródła z literatury z zakresu termodynamiki. W pracy zastosowano metodę analizy teoretycznej. Wyniki: Rezultatem analizy jest opracowanie i podanie wzorów opisujących pracę bezwzględną i pracę techniczną zarówno w przemianie izentropowej jak i przemianie adiabatycznej. Z wyprowadzonych zależności wynika, że pole pracy bezwzględnej przemiany izentropowej jest równe polu ciepła przemiany izochorycznej w zakresie takich samych temperatur. Pole pracy technicznej przemiany izentropowej jest równe polu ciepła przemiany izobarycznej, gdy temperatury początkowe i końcowe są takie same w każdej z tych przemian. Praca bezwzględna przemiany adiabatycznej jest mniejsza od pracy przemiany izentropowej o pracę tarcia, w tym samym zakresie zmian objętości właściwych. Wniosek: Wykresy Belpaire’a przestawiają pola pracy przemian izentropowych i adiabatycznych.
Introduction and aim: In particular, the purpose of the work is to describe the field of work of isentropic and adiabatic transformations in Belpaire’s graphs. Material and methods: Material covers some sources based on the literature in the field of thermodynamics. The method of theoretical analysis has been shown in the paper. Results: The result of the analysis is the development and application of patterns describing absolute work and technical work in both isentropic transformation and adiabatic transformation. The derived dependencies show that the field of absolute isentropic transformation is equal to the temperature of the isochoric transformation at the same temperature. The field of technical work of isentropic transformation is equal to the heat of isobaric transformation when the initial and final temperatures are the same in each of these transformations. Absolute work of adiabatic transformation is less than the work of isentropic transformation for the work of friction, within the same range of changes in specific volumes. Conclusion: Belpaire’s graphs show the fields of isentropic and adiabatic transformations.
Soil, as a tractive surface for agricultural tractors as well as military and off-road vehicles, is required to withstand dynamic loads occuring under wheels or tracks. mechanical properties of soil medium result in dependence between load, velocity of sytain and stress- deformation relationships. These information are of the major importance when considering soil compaction as well as tractive performaces of the vehicles. Having analyzed results pulished by many researches, the autors of this work haveconcluded the lack of a proper method for soil stress- deformation measurements. Therefore, the aim of the work is to desing and research some new methods of soil stress- deformation measurements. In the second chapter results of experimental research with a SST transducer are shown. The transducer allows to measure strasses for complete soil stress state calculations. Additionally, a mechanical system was used for soil deformations measurements in the three direction in space.The third chapter contains numerous details on desing of an improved version of the measuring system with an triaxal head. Soil deformations are measured with a novel method, which uses laser and a CCD camera.The next chapter describes another version, which is suitable for field experiments. Detailed descriptions of field procedures are given. A system for soil stress- deformation measurements developed with laser and optical fibers is shown in the last numbered chapter. There are also described some future designs, containing nanotechnology and telemetries.