Omówiono czynniki decydujące o wartości prądu wywołującego fibrylację komór sercowych oraz przedstawiono probabilistyczny model prądów fibrylacyjnych, uwzględniający ustalenia IEC.
The paper discusses factors that determine current causing fibrillation of ventricles. Analitical description of probabilistic model of fibrillation currents is presented, which takes into consideration new IEC settlements.
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Wandering is a popular way of spending leisure time especially for the urban population. Health problems arising from such outdoor recreational activities are better understood today and may improve survival in case of accidents if sufficient awareness of clinical staff is established. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on this physiological phenomenon by investigating the connection between the physics associated with lightning strikes and the physiological response of the human body. From the results a minimum safety-distance from different trees species is derived. Flat rooted trees are more dangerous than tap rooted trees. In the worst case it may be considered safe if a distance of at least 25 meters to tree trunks is maintained.
Turystyka piesza jest popularnym sposobem spędzania wolnego czasu, szczególnie dla mieszkańców miast. Problemy zdrowotne wynikające z tej aktywności są dobrze poznane, ale w szczególnych przypadkach wiedza o zagrożeniu może być pomocna i może się przyczynić do zwiększenia szans na przeżycie. Celem tej publikacji jest pokazanie związku pomiędzy wyładowaniem piorunowym a reakcją organizmu ludzkiego. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników wyznaczono bezpieczny odstęp od drzew podczas wyładowań piorunowych. Drzewa z systemem poziomym systemem korzeniowym stwarzają większe zagrożenie niż drzewa z systemem palowym. W najgorszym przypadku bezpieczny odstęp od pnia drzewa wynosić powinien co najmniej 25 metrów.
The paper presents the probabilistic model of fibrillation currents containing two components with different frequencies. An analysis was conducted of the threat of ventricular fibrillation which occurs in consequence of the electric shock with the highest permissible contact shocking voltage of the network frequency (50 Hz), taking into account the threat caused by the second component of the voltage which has the frequency higher than the network frequency. The sample results of calculations apply to the probability of the ventricular fibrillation in case of a shock caused by the highest permissible contact shocking voltage, for the defined time of shock duration, without and with the participation of an additional voltage component with higher frequency. The formula has been presented for the calculation of the highest permissible contact shock voltages with taking into account the voltage component of the frequency higher than the network frequency. The results of calculations indicate that a considerable reduction of the highest permissible contact shock voltage is necessary in order to compensate for a growth of the ventricular fibrillation threat caused by the presence of an additional component with the frequency other the network frequency. This applies in particular to the long shock duration times and low frequencies (up to 500 Hz) of an additional component of the shocking voltage.
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