In the paper the results of experimental researches carried out for polymer strengthened carbon fibres-metal couple were presented. The binary scheme of surface layer’s wear in microarea was assumed. The attempt of kinetic’s analysis between matrix and filler with taking into consideration percentage share was carried out. The experiment were done using tribological model such as: probe-pin and antiprobe-disk. Qualitative and quantitative dependences of tribological couples in water and oil environment were determined.
Szeroka komercjalizacja i wdrożenie stopów na osnowie Fe 3Al do praktyki przemysłowej są istotnie ograniczone, głównie przez ich małą odporność na pełzanie powyżej 600°C. Poprawę tej właściwości można uzyskać między innymi przez umocnienie wydzieleniowe, tj. domieszkowanie Zr, Ta, Nb. Na szczególną uwagę w tym obszarze zasługuje materiał Fe-Al-Zr (Fe-30% Al-0,35% Zr-0,1% B). Niewielka ilość dodatku cyrkonu umożliwia tworzenie się dyspersyjnych cząstek (o wielkości ~100÷150 nm), w tym faz Lavesa Zr(Fe, Al)2, zwiększających istotnie odporność na pełzanie Fe3Al, która jest w tym przypadku zbliżona do żarowytrzymałego stopu IN-787. W prezentowanej pracy technikę LENS wykorzystano do kształtowania mikrostruktury (w tym morfologii wydzieleń cyrkonowych) stopu na osnowie fazy Fe3Al domieszkowanego cyrkonem i borem (Fe-30% Al-0,35% Zr-0,1% B), stosując w tym celu różne parametry technologiczne procesu nanoszenia. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że zaproponowana metoda wytwarzania umożliwia szybkie kształtowanie prostej lub złożonej geometrii wyrobu, zapewniając równocześnie szeroką kontrolę i możliwość precyzyjnego sterowania morfologią składników strukturalnych, w tym wydzieleń zwiększających odporność na pełzanie w podwyższonej temperaturze. Dla szybkości przemieszczania stołu roboczego powyżej 10 mm/s otrzymano próbki charakteryzujące się średnią wielkością ziaren Fe 3Al na poziomie 65 μm (tab. 2, rys. 8) oraz sferycznymi równomiernie rozmieszczonymi w objętości i na ich granicach wydzieleniami cyrkonowymi (w tym fazy Lavesa) o średnicy równoważnej rzędu 300 nm (tab. 3, rys. 9).
The wide commercialization process of Fe3Al alloys is not completely possible because their creep properties above 600°C are not optimal for structural application. Current research is focused on improvement of high temperature mechanical properties of Fe 3Al with different methods. One of them is strengthening by incoherent precipitates which may be either formed due to addition of Zr, Ta or Nb. In this case special attention should be taken with regard to the Fe 3Al intermetallic alloy with Zr and B addition Fe-30% Al-0.35% Zr-0.1% B. Small amount of Zr leads to the formation of Fe-Zr precipitations which improves creep resistance at high temperature (comparable to creep resistance of IN-787 alloy). In this work the LENS method was applied to Fe-30% Al-0.35% Zr-0.1% B alloy microstructure shaping, especially precipitations morphology. During the deposition process different technological parameters were used. Finally, it was stated that proposed manufacturing method simultaneously makes possible shaping of simple or complex product geometry and accurate control morphology of structural components, especially Zr precipitations improved creep resistance of Fe3Al alloys. For travel speed greater than 10 mm/s obtained samples had an average grains size about 65 μm (Tab. 1, Fig. 8). The spherical precipitations were uniformly distributed into Fe 3Al intermetallics grains and along their boundaries at average size about 300 nm (Tab. 3, Fig. 9).
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This paper presents the analyses of the welding terms and estimation of the welded joints quality for intermetallic Fe3Al. Materials, on the base which, joints were made and some welding technologies has been examined. Results of that investigations let one to type welding methods and materials that gives the best physicochemical effects of the joints. Regarding to the specific properties of the welded material especially its quite high hardness and fragility, it has been proposed that when joining intermetallic Fe3Al advisable would be welding in an argon cover with using Es9CrNiB electrode optionally electrowelding with Es 9CrNiB electrode. Welds made that way are thought to have the best properties within methods and welding materials being tested.
There is an industry interesting in intermetallic alloys in recent years. There are widely possibilities to adopt this kind of materials for structural units. More expensive materials can be replaced by them. A property which limits their wider application is the low plasticity at environment and elevated temperatures. In paper the results of the thermal microstructure modification are shown. To this end, the influence of annealing time and temperature on the intermetallic phase Fe3Al grain size was investigated. The impact of these factors on micro-hardness was examined as well. It was found that these operations cause the grain size reduction and the micro-hardness decrease.
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The paper presents the results of analyzing the surface texture of samples obtained in the process of casting with the use of the Fe3Al intermetallic phase after selected abrasive machining options have been applied - milling, wet polishing. The analysis of the surface texture after machining was carried out by examining such parameters as: Ra, Rz, RSm, and the profile function - the materiał ratio curve and the amplitude density curve.
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