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Content available The algebra of fatherhood
Whereas women are sure of their biological maternity, men can never be fully certain of paternity and instead need to rely on indirect cues to assess whether they are likely to be father of their putative children. According to the psychological literature, men commonly use the information on the resemblance of offspring to self as an indicator of genetic relatedness. It seems, however, that in the absence of such a resemblance, similarity between a mother and a child might be important, because a man has additional reason to doubt his own biological paternity when the child is dissimilar to his partner. This assumption has been verified in two empirical studies.
Content available remote Literární prostory otcovství
The main goal of the article is to join the debate about literary images of fatherhood in the contemporary Czech and Polish prose. The article focuses on the analysis of the specific literary spaces that have appeared with a new type of literary characters, so-called “new fathers”. They renounce their professional activities and stay home looking after babies. The comparative analysis of two novels – Petr Šabach’s Putování mořského koně (Hiking of a Sea Horse) and Marek Kochan’s Plac zabaw (The Playground) – tries to present similarities in the structures of literary space, as well as the way of contextualisation of masculinity in the space of playground and home. The article also tries to place the analysis against the background of social changes of parenting and fatherhood in Poland and the Czech Republic during last decades.
This paper is an attempt towards better understanding of the fatherhood of incarcerated men. In particular, research results are reported concerning a tool to measure the paternal involvement of incarcerated fathers – Questionnaire of Paternal Engagement ZK (KOZ-ZK). An exploratory factor analysis has revealed three dimensions of paternal engagement of incarcerated fathers, namely (i) paternal engagement during the time of imprisonment, (ii) paternal engagement during the leave from prison, (iii) father’s accessibility. In a pilot research project examining the psychometric properties of the questionnaire took part 215 incarcerated fathers. The questionnaire contained 22 items and was proved to have good psychometric properties. Additionally, a qualitative survey was conducted using the KOZ-ZK questionnaire and structured interviews. It turned out that the questionnaire properly reflected different intensities of paternal engagement of incarcerated fathers, important role being played by the relationship of the men with the mothers of their children.
Content available Świadomość rodzicielska matki i ojca.
This article was devoted to the issues of modern family. The main goal is to show the value of what is in a person’s life becomes a family. Content presented indicates that prepare for its foundation and to take the role of father and mother puts before man great demands focus on awareness of their actions. What is important in the whole process of growing up and making life decisions is that we all learn from others to others once they learned from us.
Content available The Birth as a Rite of Passage from Man to Father
The article shows that the birth of a child is not just a physical, but also a social and cultural event. It might be considered as a rite of passage that turns women into mothers and men into fathers, and both into parents. For men, the birth of a child is a significant change in life that is commonly taken for granted. As a result, life for most men changes fundamentally with the birth of a child. In addition, many fathers see the pregnancy, birth and the months thereafter as an extremely important time in their lives, during which they turn from a man into a father. Simultaneously, many of them embrace the fact of what an enrichment the children are for their own personal development. In these months the fathers are undergoing consequent transformation processes which demand certain efforts and are sometimes painful. In the process, they train new practices of fatherhood in the familiar living together.
Being the biggest ethnic minority group in Norway, Poles not only dominate in the labourimmigration, but also rank first on the list of family immigration to the country. Atthe same time, the lack of research on parenting and gender roles among intra-Europeanmigrant families may reflect that the Polish migrant families, who have migrated to WesternEurope after 2004, are culturally assumed to be more similar to the host countries’populations. This article therefore aims at filling that gap by exploring the Polish migrantfathers’ conceptualisations of fatherhood and manhood in the migratory context. Thisarticle scrutinises the ways Polish migrant fathers interpret the perceived changes in theirparenting styles and practices after the emigration from Poland and settling with theirfamilies in Norway. It identifies and discusses three main theoretical categories, developedwith the content analysis method: encountering work-life balance, re-evaluating familylife, child and parenting, and reconquering manhood.
Content available remote Jeho a její pohled: Střídavá péče z perspektivy matek a otců
The number of children in shared custody has been growing slowly in the CR. Today shared custody presents about 8 % of divorce cases with dependent children decided by courts. Despite this trend, there is a lack of research on how shared custody is practiced and experienced by Czech parents. The aim of this paper is to partially fill this gap. In the paper I ask how shared custody is related to the disruption of traditional gender ideology and performance of paternal and maternal roles and gender inequalities between partners. The analysis is based on 13 in-depth interviews with couples (mothers and fathers separately) who have shared custody. The analysis indicated that even if shared custody may be considered to be a tool for disrupting gender stereotypes and gender inequality between parents, it proved to be associated both with the confirmation and disruption of gender stereotypes associated with fatherhood and motherhood. While certain aspects of the practices and culture of shared custody are associated with “undoing gender”(especially regarding fatherhood), in other aspects it enhances and reproduces the gender power inequality between ex-partners and traditional expectations associated with parental roles.
Being the biggest ethnic minority group in Norway, Poles not only dominate in the labourimmigration, but also rank first on the list of family immigration to the country. Atthe same time, the lack of research on parenting and gender roles among intra-Europeanmigrant families may reflect that the Polish migrant families, who have migrated to WesternEurope after 2004, are culturally assumed to be more similar to the host countries’populations. This article therefore aims at filling that gap by exploring the Polish migrantfathers’ conceptualisations of fatherhood and manhood in the migratory context. Thisarticle scrutinises the ways Polish migrant fathers interpret the perceived changes in theirparenting styles and practices after the emigration from Poland and settling with theirfamilies in Norway. It identifies and discusses three main theoretical categories, developedwith the content analysis method: encountering work-life balance, re-evaluating familylife, child and parenting, and reconquering manhood.
The aim of the article is to analyse the experiences of fathers, who decided to resign from their paid work to take care of their children. Their experiences are analysed in the context of the theory of caring masculinities, which provides theoretical tools for the study of relations between fatherhood and masculinity models. The study shows that the experience of care work has a potential to change men’s thinking – they resign from their independence, start to recognise the value of unpaid domestic work and become aware of the cultural dimension of traditional parental roles.
On the one hand, the man is supposed to show greater interest in the childcare, spend much more time with his offspring and put more effort in its education and upbringing. On the other, the very same man is simultaneously obliged to be the head of the family and take care of its safety, especially as far as money is concerned. Therefore, the man is expected to spend more time at home with his wife and children, participate in all housework, and be still responsible for the family's financial security. Would the new father be able to manage these new expectations, which seem a little bit to excess? Would these changes reflect identity and fulfill expectations of the new father? Of course we still have to wait for the answers, but it seems feasible to ask, following Melosik, whether, in the face of so many encroachments on the male personality and psyche, as well as feminization of his body, “... a man is still a man?” (Z. Melosik, Kryzys męskości w kulturze współczesnej, Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls 2006, pp. 22.)
Z jednej strony od mężczyzn wymaga się większego zainteresowania dzieckiem, większego wkładu czasowego i zadaniowego w jego rozwój i wychowanie, ale niezmiennie od mężczyzny oczekuje się jednocześnie, że nadal będzie on mocną głową rodziny, która przede wszystkim zadba o bezpieczeństwo swojej rodziny – szczególnie w zakresie finansowym. Zatem z jednej strony oczekuje się, że będzie on więcej w domu, z żoną, z dzieckiem, będzie partycypował w domowych obowiązkach, jednak nie zdejmuje to z niego odpowiedzialności za utrzymanie rodziny. Czy nowym oczekiwaniom, wydającym się trochę ponad miarę i możliwości, nowy ojciec podoła? Czy zmiany i współczesna figura ojca jest tą, w której określana na nowo tożsamość mężczyzny znajdzie odbicie i możliwość realizacji? Z pewnością na odpowiedź należy jeszcze poczekać, jednak, uzasadnionym wydaje się pytanie jakie stawia Z. Melosik, czy w obliczu wszystkich zmian w osobie, psychice, medykalizacji oraz feminizacji ciała męskiego „(…) mężczyzna to jest jeszcze mężczyzna?” (Z. Melosik, Kryzys męskości w kulturze współczesnej, Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls 2006, pp.
Content available Pełnienie roli ojca w kontekście ekonomicznym
Na skutek zmian społeczno-ekonomicznych tradycyjny podział ról rodzinnych został zaburzony. Współcześnie ukształtował się partnerski model rodziny, w którym mężczyzna i kobieta dzielą obowiązki wynikające z uczestnictwa w życiu rodzinnym. W rzeczywistości jednak proporcje obciążenia rodziców obowiązkami zawodowymi i rodzinnymi rozkładają się nierównomiernie. Wobec tych zmian ojcowie muszą na nowo zdefiniować swoją pozycję w rodzinie. Artykuł przedstawia ogólne sposoby pełnienia roli ojca w kontekście ekonomicznym. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy.
As a result of socio-economic changes, the traditional division of family roles has been disturbed. Nowadays a partnership family model has been formed, in which men and women share the obligations arising from participation in family life. In reality, however, the proportions of professional and family burdens of parents are unequally distributed. In view of these changes, fathers need to redefine their position in the family. This article presents general methods to perform the role of the father in the economic context. The article is to be treated as a review.
Jedną z przeszkód w dialogu małżeńskim jest ignorowanie istnienia rzeczywistości, jaką jest odrębność psychiczna między mężczyzną i kobietą. Każdy z nich przeżywa inaczej swoją wartość. Poczucie własnej wartości jest podstawą dobrego samopoczucia psychicznego. Od tego podstawowego nastroju zależą zainteresowania oraz stosunek do swojego partnera i do innych ludzi. Obserwując zachowania niektórych mężczyzn, można powiedzieć, że męski sposób myślenia jest typowy dla osób dotkniętych autyzmem. Według psychologii autyzm jest zaburzeniem przejawiającym się poważnym ograniczeniem funkcji intelektualnych i emocjonalnych. Terminu tego używa się, ponieważ opisuje on izolację osoby wobec przyjętych zachowań społecznych. Ma to istotne znaczenie w kształtowaniu komunikacji między małżonkami, gdyż wymusza na żonie zrozumienie i zaakceptowanie męskiego rozumienia dialogu. Mąż mówi, by wypowiedzieć jakąś treść, przekazać ją, komunikować, podczas gdy kobieta wyraża więź z innymi osobami przez sam fakt rozmowy. Różnica ta wiąże się z koniecznością poznania i wzajemnego zrozumienia dwóch koncepcji dialogu: kobiecego i męskiego.
One of the obstacles in the dialogue in marriage is ignoring the existence of mental distinction between man and woman. Each of them experiences his or her own value otherwise. Self-esteem is the foundation of well mental being. Interest and value to your partner and to other people are depended on this basic mood. Observing the behavior of some men, we can say that the male way of thinking is typical for people affected by autism. According to the psychology knowledge, autism is a disorder manifested by serious limitation in intellectual and emotional functioning. This term is used because it describes the isolation of a person against accepted social behavior. This term is used because it describes the isolation of a person against accepted social behavior. This is important in shaping the communication between spouses, because it forces the wife to understand and accept the male understanding of dialogue. The husband speaks to denounce some kind of content, pass it on, communicate, when a woman expresses a bond with others by the mere fact of conversation. This difference requires the knowledge and mutual understanding of the two concepts of dialogue: female and male.
Since the 1960s, in the circles of the so called feminist theology, there has been a strong call for a departure from the androcentric image of God in the exegesis of biblical texts. It initialized a differentiation, very radical at times, into fatherly and motherly features of God. This dualistic approach is evident especially in the aspect of God’s love to the human. However, a thorough analysis of the prophetic texts by Hosea and Isaiah, in which we find the metaphor of God’s motherly love, also leads to a significant observation that these authors never fragment God’s qualities, but present them as complementary: God loves the human with a love that is fatherly and motherly at the same time. God is a perfect being. The Scripture is a testimony of God who is Fullness (see: Col 1:19; 2:9; Eph 1:23; 3:19) and as such he gives himself to the human. Exposed to the effect of the loving God, the human receives a love that in the material world is associated with either male or female features, but which – in itself – is simply divine.
Content available remote Zapisać ojcostwo (Tomasz Jastrun, Jacek Podsiadło)
W artykule autor próbuje opisać literackie przedstawienia ojcostwa w najnowszej literaturze. Konstatuje, że po fali „literatury antyojcowskiej” (określenie Przemysława Czaplińskiego) kojarzonej z książkami Izabeli Filipiak, Wojciecha Kuczoka, Jacka Dehnela, Edwarda Pasewicza nadeszła fala „ojców, którzy mówią”. Egzystencjalne doświadczenie ojcostwa w twórczości Tomasza Jastruna i Jacka Podsiadły staje się przedmiotem literackiego przedstawienia w zapisach lirycznych (Jastrun i Podsiadło), a także w tekstach paraliterackich (felieton). Autor próbuje opisać specyfikę obu tych głosów, a także ukazać wyłaniającą się z opisów wspólnotę doświadczania ojcostwa poza patriarchalnymi schematami, a więc ojcostwa poszukującego swojej nowej definicji. Na tę wspólnotę składają się ojcowskie przeżywanie ciąży, detabuizacja cielesnego obcowania z dzieckiem, sakralizacja relacji dziecko–ojciec poza religijnym układem odniesienia, nasilona potrzeba ochrony dziecka przed niebezpiecznym światem zewnętrznym.
The article is an attempt of description of fatherhood in the newest polish literature. It claims that after the period of “anti-father” literature (a term coined by Przemysław Czapliński to describe novels by Izabela Filipiak, Wojciech Kuczok, Jacek Dehnel, Edward Pasewicz), the wave of “fathers who speak” has arrived. Existential experience of fatherhood in texts by Tomasz Jastrun and Jacek Podsiadło becomes the subject of description in lyrical and quasi-literary texts. The author tries to present specifity of both poets as well as their common experience of fatherhood as located out of patriarchal schemes. This common experience is constituted by: father’s experience of pregnancy, close bodily relationship with a child, sacralization of this relation outside the traditional religious points of reference, particularly strong anxiety of confrontation with outer world.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie fragmentu wyników badań, dotyczących postrzegania i kreowania męskiej tożsamości przez mężczyzn ćwiczących w siłowniach. Fragment ten dotyczy tacierzyństwa oraz budowania relacji w związkach. W artykule opisane zostało oscylowanie badanych między tradycyjnym a nowym paradygmatem męskości. Feministyczna koncepcja men’s studies przeplata się tu z tradycyjnym podejściem do męskości. Budowanie relacji damsko-męskich dla wielu mężczyzn odbywa się na drodze negocjowania praw i obowiązków. Współczesne podejście do męskości otworzyło mężczyznom drogę do pełnego korzystania z ojcostwa. Odnalezienie w sobie instynktu tacierzyńskiego i troska o dziecko, z czułością zarezerwowaną niegdyś wyłącznie dla matki, traktowane jest obecnie jako nadrzędny cel ojcostwa. Tacierzyństwo to w polskiej nomenklaturze nowe słowo, kojarzone przede wszystkim z urlopem tacierzyńskim (budzącym jeszcze wiele kontrowersji). Badacza interesowało, czy mężczyźni powielają wzorce ojcostwa wdrukowane w procesie socjalizacji, czy wypracowali własne, oparte na indywidualnych relacjach z dzieckiem.
The aim of this article is to present a fragment of research on the perception and creation of male identity by men exercising in gyms. This passage refers to fatherhood and creating relationships in the body building context. The article describes the oscillation between a traditional and a new paradigm of masculinity. The feminist concept of men’s studies is interwoven with the traditional approach to masculinity. For many men, building a male-female relationship takes place through the negotiation of rights and obliga tions. Contemporary approach to masculinity has opened a way to take full advantage of fatherhood. Finding a paternal instinct and care for the child, with affection once reserved exclusively for the mother, both of them are currently considered the ultimate goals of fatherhood. The researcher was interested in knowing whether men duplicate paternity patterns imprinted in the process of socialization, or have developed their own models, based on individual relationship with the child.
Tekst opisuje kwestię indywidualizacji ról płciowych i ich redefinicji w odniesieniu do rodziny. Analiza skupia się na nowej wizji ojcostwa – modelu dopuszczającym męską troskę i wrażliwość, co przekłada się na aktywną i zaangażowaną opiekę nad dzieckiem (caring masculinity). Artykuł poddaje analizie wybrane blogi i portale internetowe redagowane przez mężczyzn, co następnie służy do rozważań nad współczesną kondycją ojca w Polsce i powiązanymi z nią dylematami.
The text describes the question of gender roles individualisation and their redefinition in relation to the notion of family. The analysis focuses on a new vision of fatherhood, i.e. a model that allows male care and sensitivity, which translates into active and committed child care (“caring masculinity”). The article is the analysis of selected Internet blogs and portals edited by men – source that will serve as material for reflection on both the condition of the father in contemporary Poland and dilemmas related to this.
This text presents a fragment of a broader study of paternity in the perspective of the three generations. This is a topic that is current and important from a pedagogical point of view. New, changing family living conditions, emerging problems of raising children, raise questions about the role of the father in the changing social reality, what was its degree of involvement in family education, what sources and factors could and still could determine the extent to which faith and the Church as a community of individuals could help in this regard. It is still necessary to seek empirical research to answer questions about the role he plays and still be able to pursue his father in the family.
Tekst ten prezentuje fragment szerszych badań dotyczących ojcostwa w perspektywie trzech generacji. Jest to temat aktualny i ważny z pedagogicznego punktu widzenia. Nowe, zmieniające się warunki życia rodziny, pojawiające się problemy związane z wychowaniem dziecka, wzbudzają szereg pytań o rolę ojca w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości społecznej, min. o to jakie było i jaki jest jego stopień zaangażowania w wychowanie rodzinne, jakie źródła i czynniki mogły oraz wciąż mogą to warunkować, w jakim stopniu wiara oraz Kościół jako wspólnota osób mogły oraz mogą wspomóc w tym zakresie badanych ojców. Należy wciąż poszukiwać na drodze badań empirycznych odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące roli, jaką pełnił oraz wciąż może realizować ojciec w rodzinie.
tom 11
nr 3
Stawanie się nastoletnim ojcem. Dziecko jako punkt zwrotny w biografiach młodych mężczyzn o niskim statusie społeczno-ekonomicznym zamieszkujących enklawy biedy
The article discusses the phenomenon of transformation of masculinity which can be observed in Polish society. The text discusses this issue using the dichotomy between the "old" paradigm of masculinity, and the "new" one and presents the determinants of both of them. While the first one clearly defines masculinity and fatherhood leaving almost no space for self-reflection and redefinition of one’s role, the second paradigm provides a variety of possible patterns, with no indication which one is right. The article discusses the results of a quantitative study showing the degree of satisfaction of women and men with the division of duties that take place in their households. The complementary material for analysis is brought by selected contemporary TV series broadcast on Polish television in which the characters represent different models of masculinity, both assigned to the "old" and the "new" model. The author’s reflections on these two sources - the quantitative research and the analysis of TV series’ heroes - lead to conclusions concerning the relationship between the TV series “reality" and "real” world. The author hypothesizes that the TV series soothe the audience tension as regards appearing models of family relations and of masculinity, and that they transform the individual experience into the common one.
Parenthood used to be and in fact still is identified mostly with motherhood, not only in common thinking, but also in interdisciplinary studies. Until quite recently the main areas of reflection and discussion concerning parenthood were: the maternal instinct, maternity leave, maternal love and maternal bond. However, a change has been observed within the last decade. Now, the term fatherhood or the „new” fatherhood is becoming the subject of studies and analyses within the family studies (although it must be noted that the main focus is still on motherhood). The subject of fatherhood has been presented from the point of view of the evolution of fatherhood, the reasons of the crisis of fatherhood, and the characteristic of the „new” fatherhood. This article discusses the „new” (engaged) fatherhood as a currently promoted vision of the father role model.
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