Safety work behavior has continued to attract the interest of organizational researchers and practitioners especially in the health sector. The goal of the study was to investigate whether personality type A, accident optimism and fatalism could predict non-compliance with safety work behaviors among hospital nurses. One hundred and fifty-nine nursing staff sampled from three government-owned hospitals in a state in southeast Nigeria, participated in the study. Data were collected through Type A Behavior Scale (TABS), Accident Optimism, Fatalism and Compliance with Safety Behavior (CSB) Scales. Our results showed that personality type A, accident optimism and fatalism were all related to non-compliance with safety work behaviors. Personality type A individuals tend to comply less with safety work behaviors than personality type B individuals. In addition, optimistic and fatalistic views about accidents and existing safety rules also have implications for compliance with safety work behaviors.
Purpose: The three goals of the article are: first, to show some arguments surrounding the notion of capitalism in theoretical perspective, and also somewhat bashful connotations since it was intro-duced in Poland after the fall of communism; second, to present some historical facts about the rise of capitalism in Poland in comparative perspective, mostly European; third, to look for cultural categories necessary for analysing the peculiarities of Polish socio-economic development as the part of so-called „the second Europe”. Methodology: I go back to the history of European patterns of capitalist formation: Anglo-Saxon, French, German, Russian in order to show the Polish trajectory as strikingly different. Before enter-ing the Polish case, I present Mary Douglas and Aaron Widavsky’s proposal – how to analyze four cultures: individualist, egalitarian, hierarchical and fatalistic (authoritarian). Implications: The main finding is that economic interests are always socio-cultural constructions, hence all definitions of the real life decisions (on public vs private, risk, externalities etc.) that the people make, must frame them within working life of given culture as the combination of universa-lism and particularism (of above-mentioned four cultures).
Artykuł poświęcony jest kompatybilistycznemu rozwiązaniu problemu relacji między Boską przedwiedzą a ludzką wolnością. W tekście argumentuje się, że asymetria polegająca na naszej zdolności do wypływu na przyszłość i braku analogicznej zdolności do kontroli przeszłości jest rezultatem asymetrii otwartości między przyszłością a przeszłością interpretowanej w kategoriach asymetrii kontrfaktycznej zależności. W konsekwencji, jeśli asymetria otwartości nie stosuje się do pewnych typów faktów, wówczas możemy posiadać zdolność do kontroli tych faktów, nawet jeśli są to fakty dotyczące przeszłości. Okazuje się, że z najbardziej rozpowszechnionych ujęć natury i genezy Boskiej przedwiedzy wynika, iż asymetria otwartości nie stosuje się do posiadanych przez Boga w przeszłości przekonań na temat przygodnych zdarzeń przyszłych. Zatem nieuzasadnionym pozostaje twierdzenie, że jesteśmy pozbawieni zdolności do uczynienia teraz czegoś takiego, że jeśli byśmy to zrobili, to Boskie przekonania byłyby w przeszłości inne niż były.
The paper defends a compatibilist solution to the problem of the relationship between divine and human freedom. It is argued that the asymmetry of ability constituted by our ability to foreknowledge influence the future and our inability to control the past results from the asymmetry of openness between fixed past and open future interpreted in terms of the asymmetry of counterfactual dependence. Therefore, if the asymmetry of openness is not true of some types of facts, then we may be able to control them even if they are facts about the past. It turns out that widely shared accounts of the nature and source of God’s foreknowledge entail that the asymmetry of openness does not apply to God’s past beliefs about future contingencies. Thus, it is unjustified to claim that we are unable to now do anything such that, if we were to do it, God’s past beliefs would have been different.
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