This article is dedicated to detection of family traditions among the Afghans in modern Belarusian environment. The research is based on results of a field work conducted mainly in Belarus in 2009-2012 (it covered 93 informants). It consisted from a series of structured interviews with Afghans who arrived in Belarus and was able to speak Russian. Afghans who failed to learn the language passed a survey. Also I made a series of interviews with a number of Belarusian citizens who are in close cooperation with Afghans. Family traditions include a wide range of wedding, maternity and funeral traditions, the idea of choosing a spouse, an organization of family life and raising of children. In accordance to the results of survey 52% of Afghans perform traditional rituals of family cycle (mostly positive answer was given by a woman). Within the Belarusian society traditional family rituals are passed significant simplification in comparison with those described in ethnographic research made in Afghanistan
The article presents, on the basis of elderberries, birch, St. John’s wort, yarrow, poppy, mint, wormwood, various rituals. The article also contains folk descriptions of plants, combined with the Polish literary language and Latin names. nettle using the aforementioned plants in magical practices, religious beliefs and superstitions connected with family traditions in Hajnówka District. A special attention is paid to the positive and negative influence of plants, for instance hanging elder over the door to ward off bad powers. It has been stated that members of old generations still use the majority of the described plants in various rituals. The article also contains folk descriptions of plants, combined with the Polish literary language and Latin names.
W artykule podjęto próbę naświetlenia problematyki dotyczącej pamięci społecznej z uwzględnieniem jej komponentu – pamięci miejsca, na którą składa się topografia i struktura architektoniczna, ważne postaci, bohaterowie, społecznicy działający na rzecz środowiska lokalnego, zdarzenia wpisane w historię danego miejsca oraz tradycje charakterystyczne dla jego mieszkańców. W pracy skoncentrowano się na pokazaniu teoretycznego tła dotyczącego kwestii pamięci miejsca z wyróżnieniem jednego z jej składników – tradycji. W części empirycznej przedstawiono analizę przedwojennych obrzędów i zwyczajów kultywowanych w Białymstoku świadczących o tożsamości miasta.
The article is an attempt to exposure problems concerning social memory with regard to its component – memory of space, which consists of the topography and architectural structure, important characters, heroes, authorities, community workers, and also the events inscribed in the history of the particular place and the history of the characteristics of its inhabitants. The study focused on showing the theoretical background on issues of memory of space with particular reference to one of its components – tradition. In the empirical part is presented an analysis of prewar rites and customs which were cultivated in Bialystok and which providing the identity of the city.
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