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nr 3(103)
The aim of this study was to determine the functioning of mothers in terms of communication and styles of education, including family structure, gender and age of the adolescent. Hypotheses were based on the assumption that if a mother is the most important person in the family, then there will be no differences between single mother and the mother from complete family in the assessment of communication and styles of education in adolescents’s opinion. It was assumed that the assessment of the quality of the relationship will be affected by gender and age of adolescents. There were studied 148 adolescents with complete families and 237 who raised by single mothers, using a Parent Adolescent Communication Scale (PACS) and a Survey of Upbringing Style. Analysis of variance revealed that communication with the mother is satisfying, regardless of family structure, which strongly differentiate the democratic parenting style, and gender-style liberal. There were seen a significant interaction between gender and age of adolescent, conditioning the open communication and interaction with the mother adolescent age and family structure substantially influences on the liberal loving style.
nr 4(104)
An attempt to assess the structure of the studied families, patterns of their functioning, home and environment provision of toys stimulating children’s development, as well as verification of possible relationships between these variables was undertaken in this study. In order to give suggestion of typology of families there was an analysis of clusters. The study involved 126 families with children aged from 3 to 18 months. Following instruments were used: AHEMD for children aged 3-18 months and HOME for children aged 0-36 months “Interview and observation”. On the basis of the cluster analysis five types of families were distinguished – “Families with training parents”, “Families with caring parents”, “Families with parents overcoming difficulties”, “Families with elitist parents” and “Families with not-involved parents”.
This article summarizes methodological procedures and data sources that are typically used in investigating the effects of family structure on the life chances of children. This study shows how these tools have developed over time and it is argued that the prevailing practice in Czech surveys is inadequate for stratification research because it does not reflect contemporary population trends; and can lead to seriously biased estimates. We propose new measurement tools that are appropriate for stratification research, and we appeal for their wider use in future surveys.
nr (2/2022)
Aim. The article presents the results of the analysis of the data illustrating the attitude of Poles towards two issues: the requirement of the completeness of the family as a condition for creating the most appropriate educational environment for a child, and traditional family roles, especially due to the tasks assigned to women and men. The most important socio-demographic variables were taken into account: age, sex, place of residence, level of education, which were important for differentiating the respondents’ opinions on the above-mentioned issues. Methods. The study was conducted in Poland in 2019 on a group of 2,119 participants, who responded to the proprietary questionnaire. Quota sampling has been used. Results. The article indicates the relationship between age, sex, place of residence, and the level of education of Poles, and their attitude to the issue of starting a family and the system of roles within the family. Younger respondents, higher educated, and urban-living, respondents turn out to be more accepting of non-traditional forms of family life. Women more often than men show disagreement with socio-cultural expectations both in terms of getting married and maintaining the traditional division of tasks in the family between them and men.
Cel. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy danych obrazujących stosunek Polaków do dwóch kwestii: wymogu pełności rodziny jako warunku tworzenia najwłaściwszego środowiska wychowawczego dla dziecka oraz tradycyjnego układu ról w rodzinie, szczególnie ze względu na zadania przypisywane kobietom i mężczyznom. Uwzględniono tu najbardziej istotne zmienne socjodemograficzne: wiek, płeć, miejsce zamieszkania i poziom wykształcenia, które mają znaczenie w różnicowaniu opinii respondentów wobec powyższych kwestii. Metody. Badanie przeprowadzono w Polsce w 2019 roku na próbie 2210 respondentów. Wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. W badaniach zastosowano kwotowo-warstwowy dobór próby. Rezultaty. W artykule wskazano na związek pomiędzy wiekiem, płcią, miejscem zamieszkania oraz poziomem wykształcenia Polaków a ich ustosunkowaniem się do kwestii zakładania rodziny oraz układu ról w niej. Respondenci młodsi, lepiej wykształceni i mieszkający w miastach okazują się bardziej akceptujący wobec nietradycyjnych form życia rodzinnego. Kobiety częściej niż mężczyźni nie zgadzają się ze społeczno-kulturowymi oczekiwaniami zarówno w kwestii zawierania związku małżeńskiego, jak i utrzymywania tradycyjnego podziału zadań w rodzinie między nimi a mężczyznami.
The general considerations presented in this article, referring to the pedagogical aspect of the functioning of the family in the context of socio-educational conditions show that the most important part in those conditions is played by the right organisation of relationships among the family members. The contemporary family functions in conditions dramatically different from those of a few decades ago. Taking that into consideration, we should bear in minds that the present conditions caused the constant presence of hatred, alienation and anxiety – and worse still – lack of the sense of safety among family members. In spite of the occurrences outside the family, it is essential to remember that each family creates its own micro-world giving the sense of cohesion which, at the same time, is the basis of its existence. Lasting emotional relationships in a family, the need to equalise personality differences and the influence of parents and children on one another – based on mutual partnership – lead to the creation of the psychological sense of unity and identity in the behaviour of all the persons in the family structure. Therefore for each of us the family is an imperishable value as, by the right relationships among its members, it builds lasting social and emotional bonds. It gives each person support and a firm basis for unquestionable principles and ways of solving problems, also those outside the family, as well as the ability to function in difficult life situations.
tom 18
nr 1
The aim of this study was to measure the quality of the relationship between the mother and the adolescent in a complete and incomplete family, expressed as a way of communication. The study was not expected to reveal differences in the assessment of communication between the mothers in complete families and those from incomplete families but it was suspected that communication depends on the sex and age of the adolescent. Communication with the mother was rated by 148 adolescents from families with both parents and 237 adolescents reared by single mothers. The method which was used was the Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale (PACS). The U Mann-Whitney Test showed that communication with single mothers is just as satisfying as communication with mothers – showed that positive adolescent communication does not depend on age, while difficulties in communication are the most intense in middle adolescence (15–16 years). In sons, this correlation is stronger than in daughters.
tom 11(47)
nr 4
W publikacji podano zasady tworzenia genogramu, zwanego też „mapą rodziny”, służącego gromadzeniu danych o rodzinie przy użyciu określonych symboli graficznych. Zaprezentowano znaki rysunkowe pozwalające zilustrować jak poszczególni członkowie rodziny są ze sobą biologicznie i prawnie powiązani w ciągu trzech pokoleń. Przedstawiono też główne obszary interpretacji genogramu – strukturę rodziny, miejsce rodziny w cyklu życiowym, krytyczne wydarzenia w życiu rodziny, powtarzanie się wzorców przez pokolenia, trójkąty rodzinne oraz równowagę i jej brak w systemie rodzinnym.
The author presents the principles behind creating a genogram, called also a “family map”, which serves the purpose of collecting data about a family with the use of defined graphic symbols. Consequently, graphic signs are presented, which illustrate how individual members of a family are biologically and legally linked with one another, spanning three generations. Apart from this, the main areas of interpreting a genogram, that is the structure of a family, its composition, the place of a family in the life cycle, critical events in the life of a family, repeating family patterns by generations, family triangles, as well as the state of equilibrium regarding the roles played by individual members in families and their functioning are discussed.
W artykule skupiono się na prezentacji pracy badawczej M. Regnerusa opublikowanej w 2012 roku, ukierunkowanej na rozpoznanie relacyjno-społecznego wymiaru funkcjonowania osób dorosłych, które w wieku rozwojowym były pod opieką osób żyjących w związkach jednopłciowych. Próbą badawczą byli młodzi dorośli w wieku 18–39 lat. Próba obejmowała respondentów stanowiących reprezentatywną próbę młodych dorosłych Amerykanów. W artykule ukazano podstawowe statystyczne różnice między grupami eksperymentalnymi (dzieci matek lesbijek i ojców gejów) a grupą kontrolną (dzieci wychowywane w pełnych rodzinach przez heteroseksualnych rodziców żyjących w stabilnym związku). Porównania dotyczyły między innymi pozycji społeczno-ekonomicznej, aktualnej sytuacji rodzinnej, więzi z rodziną macierzystą, identyfikacji seksualnej. Statystycznie istotne różnice między grupami eksperymentalnymi a grupą kontrolną wystąpiły w 25 na 40 (63%) zmiennych (grupa respondentów wychowywanych przez matki lesbijki) i 11 (28%) zmiennych (grupa respondentów wychowywanych przez gejów). Wszystkie te różnice wskazywały na lepsze wskaźniki rozwojowe młodych dorosłych wychowywanych w rodzinach heteroseksualnych. Omówione wyniki badań nie są spójne z badaniami, na które powołuje się w oświadczeniu z 2004 roku Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne (APA), domagające się prawa do adopcji dzieci dla związków jednopłciowych. Przyczyny tej niezgodności są szczegółowo dyskutowane w następnej części opracowania. Autorka zauważa między innymi, że prace badawcze uwzględnione w raporcie APA odnoszą się do pewnych wycinków życia psychicznego badanych dzieci, wychowywanych przez matki lesbijki i ojców gejów. Problemy identyfikacji płciowej i orientacji seksualnej nie były wnikliwie analizowane. Nie badano w ogóle wyższych mechanizmów kontroli i integracji zachowania (koherencji osobowości, systemu wartości, postawy wobec życia rodzinnego i tak dalej), których jakość ma szczególne znaczenie dla zdrowia psychicznego jednostki. We wnioskach zwrócono między innymi uwagę na fakt, że związki partnerskie osób jednej płci istniały zawsze i nie są fenomenem naszych czasów. Niektóre z nich bez względu na literę prawa będą sprawować opiekę nad dziećmi, stanowiąc wyzwanie dla służby zdrowia, organizacji pozarządowych, placówek psychoterapeutycznych, a także wymiaru sprawiedliwości.
The main content of the article is centered around the presentation of the research work of M. Regnerus published in 2012, aimed to recognize the social dimension of relational functioning adults who had developmental age were under the care of persons living in same sex relationships. An attempt to research were young adults between the ages of 18–39 years. The sample comprised a representative sample of respondents of young adults. The article shows basic statistical differences between experimental groups (children of lesbian mothers and gay fathers) and control group (children raised in heterosexual parent families by parents living in a stable relationship). Comparisons included the following socio-economic position, the current situation of familyties with the family home, sexual identity. Statistically signifi cant differences between experimental groups and the control group occurred in the 25 to 40 (63%) of variables (group of respondents raised by mothers lesbians) and 11 (28%) of respondents raised by gays. All of these differences showed a better development indicators of young adults raised in heterosexual families. Discussed findings are not consistent with the research, which refers to the statement of the 2004 American Psychological Association (APA), demanding the right to adopt children to same-sex unions. The causes of this discrepancy are discussed in detail in the next part of the study. Among other things, the author notes that the research included in the APA report relate to certain stretches of mental life of the children, raised by their mothers lesbians and fathers gay. Issues of gender identity and sexual orientation have not been thoroughly analyzed. Not been studied at all higher control mechanisms and the integration of behavior (personality coherence, system of values, attitudes towards family life, etc.), the quality of which is of particular importance to mental health unit. The conclusions requested, inter alia, that the compounds partner of the same sex have always existed and are not a phenomenon of our times. Some of them, regardless of the letter of the law will hold the child care represent a major challenge for health professionals, NGOs, educational psychotherapy, as well as justice.
nr (1/2015)
The development of this comparison is an attempt to present the life situation and the quality of the functioning of families with a child with Down syndrome against the background of the statistical situation of Polish families raising a child with normal development of a comparable age. The aim of the study was to answer the following questions: - Are there impacts and, if so, to what extent of the coming into the world and the existence of a family of a child with Down syndrome on the organization and the standard of living and in the family ties and cohesion among its members? - Whether and to what extent the situation of families with a child with Down syndrome is different from that of ordinary, contemporary Polish families? As a basis for these studies the diagnostic survey method was used, which was subordinated to the techniques of observation, targeted interviews and intelligence. The empirical material was collected using several tools (mostly drawn from the planned research program). The study included 186 families, including 86 (46.2%) of families with a child with Down’s syndrome (primary group – P) and 100 (53.8%) of families statistical reference (control group – K). The results were empirical and statistical verification in order to develop on the basis of their importance to the practice of generalizations and conclusions.
Opracowanie o charakterze komparatystycznym jest próbą ukazania sytuacji życiowej i jakości funkcjonowania rodzin wychowujących dziecko z zespołem Downa na tle sytuacji statystycznych rodzin polskich wychowujących dziecko o prawidłowym rozwoju i porównywalnym wieku życia. Celem podjętych badań była próba udzielenia odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: - Czy, i w jakim stopniu przyjście na świat i zaistnienie w rodzinie dziecka z zespołem Downa wywiera wpływ na organizację i standard życia w rodzinie oraz na spoistość więzi między jej członkami? - Czy, i w jakim stopniu sytuacja rodzin wychowujących dziecko z zespołem Downa różni się od sytuacji przeciętnych, współczesnych polskich rodzin? Za podstawę badań przyjęto metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, której podporządkowano techniki: obserwacji, rozmowy ukierunkowanej i wywiadu. Materiał empiryczny zebrano za pomocą kilku narzędzi (w większości opracowanych intencjonalnie na okoliczność zaplanowanego programu badań). Badaniami objęto 186 rodzin, w tym 86 (46,2%) rodzin wychowujących dziecko z zespołem Downa (grupa podstawowa – P) oraz 100 (53,8%) statystycznych rodzin odniesienia (grupa kontrolna – K). Uzyskane wyniki badań poddano empirycznej i statystycznej weryfikacji po to, by na ich podstawie opracować ważne dla praktyki uogólnienia i wnioski.
tom 80
The topic of the article is the influence of the rules and customs of succession on the family structures and life strategies in Southern Transdanubia. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists and the local administration observed significant differences between the demographical structures of the Hungarian and German inhabitants in both Tolna and Baranya counties. While a significant part of the Hungarian rural population followed the “single-child-policy” (“egyke” in Hungarian), German families in the same area did not have this concept. It was observed, that the villages with families following the singlechild-policy kept losing population and were endangered by a demographical collapse. Seeking the reasons behind the single-child-policy, the rules of succession were identified as the main difference between the Hungarian and German population. The German population practiced the so-called primogeniture (Anerbenrecht), probably brought along from the early 18th century Southern Germany, meaning that one single successor inherits the entire land asset of the family. In contrast, the custom of the Hungarian population was a proportional succession. As all heirs inherited part of the land asset, it fragmented from generation to generation. To avoid this, the rural population developed the singlechild-policy, which, on the one hand, was very effective in preventing the fragmentation of family assets and became an unwritten law in several villages, but on the other hand it caused radical demographical changes. Different measures to prevent the single-child policy didn’t have a markable effect.
The socio-cultural changes in the field of marriage and family related to the increasing number of divorces, postponing or avoiding decisions about marriage and procreation, as well as a significant increase in the number of informal relationships and the children in such families, inevitably leads to redefinition of the concept of family. Important question is how the contemporary Poles define the family, what roles family play nowadays and what are preferred and implemented models of family life in Poland? The article answers these questions based on the results of quantitative research carried out in recent years by the Public Opinion Research Center.
Zmiany społeczno-kulturowe w zakresie życia małżeńsko-rodzinnego, związane m.in. ze wzrostem liczby rozwodów, odraczaniem lub niepodejmowaniem decyzji o małżeństwie i prokreacji, istotnym zwiększaniem się odsetka związków nieformalnych oraz dzieci urodzonych w takich związkach, muszą – siłą rzeczy – prowadzić do redefinicji pojęcia rodziny. Pojawia się zatem pytanie, czym w rozumieniu współczesnych Polaków jest rodzina, jaka jest jej rola i znaczenie oraz jakie są obecnie preferowane i realizowane modele życia rodzinnego w Polsce? Artykuł stara się odpowiedzieć na te pytania w oparciu o wyniki badań ilościowych zrealizowanych na przestrzeni ostatnich lat przez Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej.
Introduction: Lack of physical activity has become a tremendous health problem in young people, notably in the digital communication era. Due to burdensome academic tasks, the situation may be more rigorous for medical students. The family structure is supposed to influence children’s physical activity patterns. Aim of the study: This study aimed to investigate the effect of family structure on physical activity levels in medical students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was followed by 109 students; 75 (68.8%) were female. Gender, family structure, parents’ level of physical activity, number of families, and the presence of grandparents were included as independent variables. In contrast, students’ level of physical activity was a dependent variable. Data on independent variables were obtained through a guided interview. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was applied to assess students’ level of physical activity. Variables were dichotomously categorized to simplify statistical testing. Chi-square was applied to reveal the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: 39 (35.8%) students had low IPAQ score, 47 (43.1%) moderate, and 23 (21.1%) high. Most students (61.4%) lived in a nuclear family. There were 55 students (50.5%) who lived with family members less than 5; only 31 (28.4%) reported the presence of grandparents in their homes. Most students’ parents reported doing sufficient regular exercise (73.1%). Students’ IPAQ score was associated with the family type (OR 3.56, 95% CI 1.53–8.20, p = 0.002) and the presence of grandparents (OR 3.76, 95% CI 1.57–9.00, p = 0.002). Conclusion: Medical students who lived in a nuclear family and lived without their grandparents had higher physical activity levels.
The aim of the article is to show a role and importance of a family background in a school child education. This work concerns aspects of family functioning which influence entire development of the child. Among the most essential factors there are: a structure of the family, implementation of its basic functions, emotional relationships in the family as well as parenting styles. Furthermore, the article focuses on areas of the family life which may cause the student’s failure in education, including: material conditions, cultural background of the family, pathologies and crisis in upbringing, parents’ marriage breakdown and social poverty of the mother and the father. Undoubtedly, the author places a particular importance on both the family which raises a mentally-disabled child and the role of the family environment in a process of rehabilitation.
This study examines the socio-spatial transformations of Djelfa, Algeria in the contexts of its urbanization from 1990 to 2024, focusing on the transition from extended to nuclear family structures and from monocentric to polycentric urban forms. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, including interviews, questionnaires, observations, and data analysis with 200 participants, the research outlines the adaptation of housing and urban space to meet the needs of Djelfa’s growing population. Key findings highlight a dramatic demographic shift marked by a 75.6% increase in population, a reduction in average household size from 6.3 to 4.1, and a 150% surge in the number of households. This demographic expansion has spurred extensive urban expansion, effectively doubling the built-up area and necessitating the development of sub-centres of the city to mitigate pressure on the primary city center (CC). This evolution underscores Djelfa’s progression towards a polycentric urban model, reflecting broader urban space decentralization and diversification trends to improve accessibility and reduce congestion. The study contributes to the understanding of complex effects that urbanization has on social and spatial structures in the Global South, highlighting the critical interplay between demographic shifts, urban planning, and social restructuring. Advocating for strategic, inclusive urban planning and policymaking, the research underscores the importance of addressing the diverse needs of rapidly urbanizing populations, offering invaluable insights into sustainable urban management practices applicable to similar urban scenarios worldwide.
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