The governance of businesses tends to vary depending on the ownership, i.e., the private sector vs. the public sector, or the industry, for example, banking vs. non-banking, and many more. This paper aims to develop an analytical model in explaining the governance of family owned businesses more specifically. It argues that because of the family ownership and the family management, family businesses require a particular attention. Also, because family businesses appear to set non-financial goals in addition to financial goals the governance of family businesses cannot be equally treated as those of other firms in the private sector. Given the less developed nature of the capital markets in the developing countries such as Sri Lanka, family businesses play a significant role in the economic development of such countries. Nevertheless, family businesses face significant survival challenges, as they are likely to promote those who have family ties into management positions than the professional managers. By reviewing the existing literature critically, this paper identifies the variables, namely family power (i.e., ownership and management), experience and cultural factors, which influence the accomplishment of financial and non-financial goals of family owned businesses, and develops an analytical model to explain their governance.
Family businesses are enterprises characterized by a specific, broad set of goals of family and business nature, which can be in conflict with each other. The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of selected ownership-related factors on the process of setting the goals of family businesses, and more specifically, on the choice between alternative family and business goals. The data necessary for the analysis was collected through surveys of 300 family businesses managers. The hypotheses were verified using the non-parametric chi-square test. The analyses carried out showed that, of the determinants studied, the family’s share in the ownership of the business (whether family members are the only owners or whether there is a non-family partner in the company) is the greatest importance, while the number of family owners (one vs. at least two) does not significantly affect the choice between goals. This article makes an important contribution to research on family business, as it shows the role of family ownership factors in the process of choosing between alternative family and business goals. Such an approach is not very popular in the literature on the subject, but it is a valuable addition to existing approaches.
Firmy rodzinne to przedsiębiorstwa charakteryzujące się specyficznym, szerokim zestawem celów o charakterze rodzinnym i biznesowym, które mogą pozostawać ze sobą w sprzeczności. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie wpływu wybranych czynników związanych z własnością na proces ustalania celów firm rodzinnych, a dokładniej rzecz ujmując – na wybór pomiędzy alternatywnymi celami rodzinnymi i biznesowymi. Dane niezbędne do analizy zebrano w badaniu ankietowym przeprowadzonym wśród 300 menedżerów firm rodzinnych. Hipotezy zweryfikowano za pomocą nieparametrycznego testu chi-kwadrat. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że spośród badanych determinant największe znaczenie ma udział rodziny we własności przedsiębiorstwa (czy członkowie rodziny są jedynymi właścicielami, czy też w firmie jest wspólnik spoza rodziny), natomiast liczba rodzinnych właścicieli (jeden vs co najmniej dwóch) nie wpływa w istotny sposób na wybór pomiędzy celami. Artykuł wnosi istotny wkład w badania nad przedsiębiorstwami rodzinnymi, gdyż ukazuje rolę czynników związanych z własnością rodzinną w procesie wyboru pomiędzy alternatywnymi celami rodzinnymi i biznesowymi. Podejście takie nie jest zbyt popularne w literaturze przedmiotu, stanowi jednak cenne uzupełnienie dotychczasowych ujęć.
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