The article presents issues in the area of succession of family enterprises. Particular attention has been paid to succession processes in Polish enterprises, with particular emphasis on the upcoming generational change of family entrepreneurs. The factors determining a successful succession process in family enterprises were indicated on the basis of the research cited in the authors' study and the methodology for examining the factors determining the succession process of Silesian family enterprises was presented. The results of the own research questionnaire in the form of a ranking of factors according to the successors and nestors of the examined production and mixed enterprises were presented.
The aim of this paper was to indicate prerequisites for successful succession in a family company from the successor’s point of view. The author presented the methods used to assess the conditions of the succession process with the use of observations and an individual semi-structured interview. Particular emphasis was placed on the influence of being brought-up in an entrepreneurial family on the further development of the successor’s professional career. Special consideration was given to finding out why a successor chose a particular area of education and what the parents’ influence on was shaping his/her entrepreneurial attitudes. The author underlined the role of emotional intelligence, as the latter is a part of the successor’s competencies. In this field, the author defined the competencies that are of crucial importance for the given process. The author enumerated factors affecting the succession process to the greatest extent, and the key role of the senior member in ensuring the continuity of the family company was also shown. Furthermore, the paper indicated the course of the succession process in the family business, as the former should be a comprehensive, long-term, and meticulously planned process in which (apart from the formal requirements and competencies) one should take into consideration family values, rules of the behavior and traditions of the company.
Pandemia COVID-19 w krótkim okresie rozprzestrzeniła się na całym świecie, negatywnie wpływając na życie społeczne i gospodarcze. Wprowadzone ograniczenia wpłynęły na wydajność przedsiębiorstw. Firmy rodzinne, które stanowią znaczną część sektora biznesowego, to podmioty, które z reguły nastawione są długą działalność, zorientowane są na przyszłość i charakteryzują się wytrwałością. Ze względu na wielopokoleniową perspektywę i swoją specyfikę podmioty te zmuszone były do szybkiej reakcji na pandemię chcąc łagodzić negatywne skutki spowolnienia gospodarczego, które wiązały się ze spadkiem przychodów i okresowymi trudnościami z zatrudnieniem.Celem artykułu jest ustalenie rodzajów reakcji podjętych przez przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne jako remedium na negatywne skutki szoku pandemicznego. W artykule przedstawiono dane zgromadzone w kwietniu i na początku maja 2020 r. wśród 202 przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych z Polski. Do analizy użyto modele regresji logistycznej. Na tej podstawie udało się ustalić, że firmy rodzinne w obliczu spadku zatrudnienia zdecydowały się wysłać pracowników na bezpłatne urlopy, obniżyć wynagrodzenia, wysłać pracowników na pracę zdalną i korzystać z rezerw płynnych środków finansowych. Ponadto, firmy zaczęły likwidować mniej rentowne obszary działalności, jeśli spodziewały się dalszego spadku zatrudnienia. W przypadku spadku przychodów podmioty te obniżyły także płace, wstrzymały spłatę kredytów oraz obsługę leasingu, a także wydłużyły terminy płatności zobowiązań. Badane firmy rodzinne, które szacowały niższy poziom przeżywalności, zdecydowały się również na likwidację mniej rentownych obszarów działalności, sprzedaż mniej istotnych aktywów produkcyjnych, wstrzymanie spłaty kredytów i obsługi leasingu, wydłużenie terminów spłaty zobowiązań oraz zawieszenie procesów inwestycyjnych.
Theoretical background: A pandemic shock caused by the COVID-19 virus spread around the world, negatively affecting social and economic life in short term. Lockdowns, shutdowns and restrictions hit business performance extremely hard. Family businesses, a significant part of the business sector, are entities focusing generally on continuity, futurity and perseverance. Due to their multi-generational perspective, these firms are forced to react in the short term to deter negative impacts of the pandemic, including a drop in revenue and employment alongside doubtful prospects of survival. As an anti-crisis remedy, family businesses have drawn from their economic specificity to implement several intrinsic solutions aimed at mitigating the negative impacts of an economic downturn.Purpose of the article: The purpose of the paper is to isolate and determine which retrenchment, persevering and innovating responses to crisis were undertaken by family businesses as a remedy for the negative consequences of the pandemic shock.Research methods: The data collection was conducted in April and early May 2020. The final sample totalled 202 family businesses from Poland, and research questions were investigated by employing logit regression models. The dependent variables were various actions undertaken by family firm due to the crisis and independent variables were negative pandemic impact in businesses and self-estimated probability of their survival.Main findings: Family businesses facing a drop of employment decided to switch employees to non-paid holidays, reduce wages, switch employees to remote work and further tap liquid finance reserves. In addition, they started to liquidate less profitable areas if they expected a further employment drop. In the case of revenue decrease, these firms also reduced wages, suspended repayment of loans and leasing handling and extended payment terms of liabilities. The family firms investigated in this study that estimated a lower level of capital survivability also decided to liquidate less profitable areas of activity, sell less important production assets, suspend repayment of loans and leasing handling, extend payment terms of liabilities and suspend investment processes.
The article is a descriptive study of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the city of Tehuacán, Mexico. The analysis of the responses to a questionnaire, enable us to understand the management practices that have allowed the companies to survive in the long term, remaining as MSEs. In the survey carried out in 2023, 67 cases were considered. 46 MSEs were identified that had been founded before the year 2000 and twenty-one in that year. However, the publication aims to study are the cases of MSEs that have survived for more than ten years in the markets where they are located. The Mexican government has recognized that MSEs have a useful life of less than 8 years, and that once reached, MSEs grow and jump to the next level of business size or otherwise, they reach a closing point resulting from the increase in costs above the marginal income line, and their exit from the market. Descriptive statistics measurements were performed, a normality test was run, and linear regression was developed to understand the perceptions of their business line. Selected results are presented that show why these businesses have achieved longevity in their regional market.
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