W niniejszej pracy rozpatrujemy nieliniowe fale biegnące w cienkim pręcie zbudowanym z materiału Zahorskiego. Uśredniając równania ruchu, otrzymujemy rozwiązanie w postaci układu równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych. Do analizy fal biegnących wykorzystujemy właściwości płaszczyzny fazowej.
This paper describes the studies of propagation of the nonlinear dispersive waves in elastic thin rod. The results are specialized to Zahorski material [4]. First we derive an approximation of one-dimensional rod equation, and then show that traveling wave solutions are determined by a dynamical system of ordinary differential equations. The technique of phase planes is used to study of such solutions.
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This paper is dedicated to Witold Kosiński. Our contribution to this special issue will concentrate on the properties of thermal waves, one of many scientific interests of our friend and collaborator, and this article is dedicated to his memory. Working together with Witold was always an insightful and pleasant experience, and it benefited all of his coworkers including the authors of this note. His scope of research was broad, spanning many disciplines and applications. Here we focus on a few of those aspects to which he applied a deep knowledge of continuum thermodynamics and its mathematical foundations.
Niniejsza praca jest poświęcona pamięci naszego przyjaciela Witolda Kosińskego. Chcielibyśmy przedstawić jego najważniejsze osiągnięcia w dziedzinie propagacji fal termicznych, termodynamiki i teorii hiperbolicznych układów różniczkowych. Zakres badań Kosińskiego był bardzo bogaty. Obejmował wiele dyscyplin na pograniczu mechaniki, matematyki i teorii komputerowych. Współpraca z Witoldem była owocna, zawsze wypełniona entuzjazmem i wzajemnym szacunkiem. Autorzy tego artykułu jak i inni współpracownicy Witolda korzystali z jego wiedzy i zawodowego doświadczenia. Bedzie nam go bardzo brakowało.
This paper is devoted to analysis of the surface nonlinear elastic harmonic waves of four types (Rayleigh and Stoneley harmonic waves within the framework of plane strain state; Love and Mozhaev harmonic wave within the framework of anti-plane strain state). The nonlinear model is based on introducing the Murnaghan elastic potential, which includes both geometrical and physical nonlinearities. Each type of surface waves is discussed in four steps: statement of the problem, nonlinear wave equations, approximate solution (first two approximations), so-me conclusions. A nonlinear analysis of waves required many novelties: new variants of the Murnaghan potential, new nonlinear wave equations and new nonlinear boundary conditions. The nonlinear wave equations were solved by the method of successive approximations. A new approach to analyze the boundary conditions is offered. Some new nonlinear wave effects are observed theoretically: a wave picture is reached by the 2nd harmonic and becomes changing in time of propagation, the wave numbers become depending on the initial amplitude.
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