The aim of the paper is to study the propagation of plane harmonic waves in homogeneous, piezothermoelastic materials having hexagonal symmetry. After deriving the secular equation, it is found that four dispersive modes are possible. The low and high frequency approximations for the propagation speeds and attenuation coefficients have been obtained for quasi-longitudinal (QL), quasi-transverse (QT), and quasi-thermal (T-mode) by using the theory of algebraic functions. The limiting cases of the frequency equation have also been discussed in addition to the paths of particles during the motion. The paths of particles during the motion have been found to be elliptic, in general. The velocities and attenuation coefficients for various waves have been computed numerically for cadmium selenide material (6mm class) having hexagonal symmetry and are represented graphically. The inclinations of major axes of the paths of particles of QL and QT waves during the motion with wave normal have also been computed and represented graphically with respect to frequency.
W pracy przeanalizowano zagadnienie rozpraszania fal harmonicznych na niejednorodnościach porowatego materiału modelowanych jako periodyczny ośrodek złożony z naprzemiennie ułożonych dwóch rodzajów warstw o różnych własnościach mechanicznych. Otrzymano równanie dyspersyjne oraz amplitudowy współczynnik odbicia od półprzestrzeni takiego ośrodka przy prostopadłym padaniu fal. Pokazano występowanie ujemnej dyspersji fal w ośrodku warstwowym oraz zakresów częstotliwości, dla których staje się on nieprzeźroczysty.
The problem of wave scattering at inhomogeneities of porous material is analyzed. The model of periodic medium is considered. The structure is formed by alternately arranged two kinds of layers with different mechanical properties. The dispersion relation and reflection coefficient for perpendicular wave incidence at halfspace of layered medium are derived. It was shown the existence of negative dispersion and the ranges of wave frequencies for which the total reflection is observed.
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