The article is focused on the study of the innovative personal oriented technologies as effective student training method. The effectiveness of training manifests personal oriented education. The traditional methods are considered not to suffice while modern technologies provide the alternative model of connection between teaching and learning. This approach may facilitate modern teaching techniques provoking students’ keenness. As the research proves the students are more involved into the subject-matter, more motivated and achieve proficiency, mastering knowledge of the subject, cooperation and partnership skills. Effective learning is the mainstream of the current educational reforms. Personal oriented education positions a student as the main object of the process that starts from the comprehension of the educational contexts. The teacher estimates the student’s progress in accordance with the aim of education. This approach is supposed to be individual, flexible, competent, various in technics and not restricted by time or place. Therefore, this technology makes up the strategy of education, which places the student’s academic progress in the focus of the process and decision-making policy at all levels. The process succeeds due to the determined aim and direct involvement of the students into the activity inducing the comprehension of the contents through the achievement of proficiency and acquisition of necessary practical skills. To train self-motivated students who are able to continue their further education is of primary importance too. Working out of the result is regarded to be the objective of the creative lesson. Conducting varied activities results into some educational outcome. Consequently creative lessons may be specified into several types regarding their purposefulness cognitive, creative, administrative, etc. Problem-solving, developing, learner-centered, productive, multi-staged and heuristic educational models are dwelled upon in the article. A model of personal oriented technologies depends upon the way the teacher is viewed: as a facilitator or as a traditional source of knowledge. The new technologies of education are claimed to meet the student’s personality. It also makes students responsible.
Polska administracja celna podjęła działania mające na celu budowanie relacji z biznesem jako drogi realizacji przyjętych polityk przez oba środowiska, promocję programu „3i” oraz kreowanie pozytywnego wizerunku Służby Celnej. Działania powyższe w znacznym stopniu przyczyniają się do ułatwień w obrocie towarowym z zagranicą, co z kolei przyczynia się do rozwoju oraz wzrostu konkurencyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw. Głównym dokumentem określającym kierunek i zakres zmian jest Strategia działania Służby Celnej na lata 2014-2020. Ukierunkowana w dużej mierze na wspieranie aktywności gospodarczej przedsiębiorców oraz podniesienie standardu obsługi klienta, stanowi podstawę działań które przyspieszają i ułatwiają obrót towarowy z zagranicą, między innymi programu i-cło, programu i-granica. W artykule podjęto próbę analizy i oceny działań realizowanych w ramach powyższego dokumentu. Wskazano również zakres zmian wymaganych w kolejnych etapach przeprowadzanych na rzecz przedsiębiorców ułatwień w zakresie obrotu towarowego z zagranicą. Rozważania zawarte w artykule przeprowadzono opierając się na analizie podstawowych dokumentów określających kierunki działań Służby Celnej.
Polish customs administration undertakes activities aiming at building relations with the business, which can be seen as the realisation of the policies adopted by both sides, at the promotion of the "3i" programme and at the creation of the positive image of Customs Service. The above activities mostly contribute to the facilitation of the goods trade abroad, which in result contributes to the development and to the increase of the competitiveness of Polish enterprises. The major document defining the direction and the range of changes is the Customs Service Business Strategy for the years 2014-2020. It is directed towards supporting economic activities of enterprises and at the increase of customer service standards. It constitutes the basis for supporting activities which accelerate and facilitate the trade of goods abroad, for example the “i-duty” and “i-abroad” programmes. The article attempts to analyse and assess the activities implemented as follow-up to that strategic document. The scope of the required changes in the further entrepreneur-oriented actions facilitating the cross-border trade in goods have been indicated. The considerations in the article are based on the analysis of basic documents defining activities of Customs Service.
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