The main objective of the study was to estimate the mean horizontal wind action on a façade scaffolding on the basis of full-scale data. Measurements of climatic parameters were carried out for a number of façade scaffoldings (120 structures) located in Poland over a 30-month period. The measurement points were located on 2–3 deck levels of each structure and at 2–4 points placed in each level. The measurements were carried out 3–4 times during each day for 5 consecutive days. At each point, two components of wind speed were measured: first with the vane probe directed perpendicular to the façade and then parallel to the façade. Each measurement lasted 60 s, and the data were recorded every 1 s. On the basis of wind speeds, a procedure was suggested that enabled estimation of the static wind action on façade scaffoldings. The responses of structures to this action were computed via FEM simulations. The results were compared with those based on the approaches recommended by the wind and scaffolding codes. Initial analyses, illustrated by three scaffoldings without a protective cover, indicated large discrepancies between the approaches and the possibility of wind action, which is not considered in the codes.
This paper presents an analysis of natural vibrations of typical façade scaffolding. Three Finite Element Method models with different levels of accuracy of the real structure of the scaffolding representation were used. Modal analysis was carried out for each of these models. The obtained frequencies and mode shapes were compared with the results from the measurements performed on the full-scale scaffolding. The authors of the paper point out the difficulties arise while modelling such structures, and suggest ways to improve the accuracy of scaffolding computational models.
Rusztowania budowlane to konstrukcje tymczasowe wykorzystywane w trakcie wznoszenia obiektów budowlanych, a także podczas prac wykończeniowych. Z uwagi na ich tymczasowy charakter, są one często traktowane w sposób pobieżny. Tymczasem są to konstrukcje złożone, zaś ich niezbyt dokładne modelowanie przyczynia się do istotnych błędów w analizie statycznej i dynamicznej, mogących skutkować potencjalnym stanem awaryjnym konstrukcji rusztowania. W poniższej pracy przedstawiono analizę komputerową i badania in-situ przykładowego rusztowania fasadowego. W ramach obliczeń przeprowadzono analizy modalne trzech wariantów modelu rusztowania, w wyniku których otrzymano częstości i postaci drgań własnych. Podobne wyniki uzyskane zostały w badaniach in-situ przeprowadzonych na rzeczywistej konstrukcji rusztowania. Wyniki z obu źródeł zostały porównane i na ich podstawie dokonano próby identyfikacji częstości i postaci drgań.
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