This text aims to propose a reflection on the phenomenon of so-called touristification within the geographical area of Southern Europe concerning two points: how the processes of production of space that go under this name can be placed inside of the framework of the neo-extractive processes and how social movements against tourism may eventually resonate with the perspective of political ecology. The hypothesis is that this typology of accumulation processes responds to certain colonial rationality of capitalist exploitation within a specific area of the Global North – Southern Europe – starting from the global economic crisis of 2008, which I assume as a historical period characterized by specific forms of production of space (Lefebvre 1974) and specific social movements – the anti-tourism movements and the environmental struggles.
A study case in a village in Colombia illustrates the contemporary tension between local lifestyle and global/transnational models. Hundreds of petroglyphs, probably made in prehispanic times, started to be widely valued by the local community when large-scale mining companies were attempting to enter into their lands. These petroglyphs have been resignified since then as Cultural heritage, a term coined officially by UNESCO, and adopted and enriched by the local community in order to strengthen their own fight defending their territory against the large-scale mining and other economic activities such as monoculture farming. The process of local resistance is an ongoing process. The community have been working together since then and they have gained relevant achievements in terms of political participation and self-determination for governance linking the cultural, historical, social and environmental issues. In other terms, thanks to the risks they have had to face they have been developing their own economic and social alternatives for living as a way of social resistance. This case, even if it is a sign of people’s agency concerning their sovereignty and autonomy as a political group, it is also an expression of the geopolitics of colonialism that still operates even in the so-called postcolonial times, being the extractivist economy one of its main mechanisms.
The article addresses the threat of displacement and violence against the local population – Garifuna in Honduras, in the context of development processes based on intensive exploitation of natural resources. It assumes that the people of Garifuna are subjected to the processes of rugging out of the occupied lands and pushing them to the margins of economic life in the tourist region, where the authorities, while not respecting community property rights, use violence and persecution to take control of their territory. The aim of this article is to analyze the case of the Bahia de Tela region on the Caribbean Sea in the context of the often implemented policy of extravagance in developing countries.
Artykuł porusza kwestie zagrożenia wysiedleniem i przemocą stosowanymi wobec ludności miejscowej – Garifuna w Hondurasie, w kontekście procesów rozwojowych opartych na intensywnej eksploatacji zasobów naturalnych. Zakłada, że ludność Garifuna poddana jest procesom rugowania z zajmowanych ziem i spychania na margines życia gospodarczego w regionie turystycznym, gdzie władze, nie respektując prawa własności wspólnotowej, stosują przemoc i prześladowania celem przejęcia kontroli nad jej terytorium. Celem artykułu jest analiza przypadku regionu Bahia de Tela nad Morzem Karaibskim w kontekście często wdrażanej w krajach rozwijających się polityki ekstraktywizmu.
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