The article implements the synonymic potential of extenders in the semantic-syntactic sentence structure. According to the Ukrainian Language Corpus, extenders combine the system of units which establish opposed and synonymic relations. Tendencies in the functioning of syntactic synonyms in a non-elementary sentence have been analysed.
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W pracy zbadano wpływ wypełniaczy na właściwości mechaniczne laminatu poliestrowo-szklanego. W procesie otrzymywania laminatu zastosowano maty EM-1002/450 i EM-1002/600 firmy Krosglass S.A. oraz żywicę poliestrową - Polimal 109. Maty zostały wykonane techniką emulsyjną. Jako wypełniacze zastosowano kredę i kaolin. Były one dodawane w ilości 5%, 10% i 15% mas. Określono ich wpływ na wytrzymałość na rozciąganie i zginanie. Stwierdzono, że ich dodatek nie powoduje zmniejszenia wytrzymałości. Otrzymane laminaty posiadały wytrzymałość na zginanie ok. 250-300 MPa, a na rozciąganie 105-110 MPa. Dodatek wypełniaczy wpłynął na barwę laminatów. Kreda powodowała zmianę barwy z białej na kremową, a kaolin wywoływał szare zabarwienie.
Glass-epoxy laminates with extenders was studied. EM-1002/450 and EM-1002/600 made by Krosglass S.A. and polyester resin Polimal 109 were used to obtain the laminates. The mates was prepared based on the emulsion preparation. The kaolin and limestone extenders were added to the laminates in an amount of 5 wt.%, 10 wt.% and 15 wt.%, respectively. Their influence on tensile and flexural strength was studied. It has been found that the extenders do not induce a decrease in mechanical strength. The laminates showed the flexural and compression strength of 105-110 MPa and 250-300 MPa, respectively. The extenders’ admixture impacts colour of the laminates. The limestone shifts the colour from white to cream and the kaolin induces grayness.
Ostatnie lata na rynku drogowym pokazują, że coraz częściej i chętniej wracamy do sprawdzonych technologii sprzed lat w lekko odświeżonej formie. Nie inaczej jest również w przypadku wapna do produkcji mieszanek mineralnoasfaltowowych (mma), obecnie stosowanego najczęściej w postaci wypełniacza mieszanego.
Recent years on the road construction market show that we go back more often to the proven technologies from the past that are slightly refreshed now. The same is also true in the case of lime to produce mineral-asphalt mixtures (MAM) that are currently used most often in the form of blended filler.
The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of addition of L-cysteine to tris-citric acid (TCA) extender on the post-thaw quality of Sahiwal bull semen. For this purpose, two consecutive ejaculates were collected from three Sahiwal bulls using artificial vagina at weekly intervals for a period of three weeks (three replicates). Qualifying semen ejaculates were diluted (50×106 motile spermatozoa ml-1) in TCA extender having L-cysteine either 0.0 (control) or 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mM. Diluted semen was cooled to 4°C for 2 h, equilibrated for 4 h at 4°C, filled in straws at 4°C, kept in liquid nitrogen vapours for 10 min and then stored in the liquid nitrogen. Thawing was performed after 24 h of storage, at 37°C for 30 s. and the sperm motility, viability, plasma membrane and acrosomal integrity were assessed. Higher (P<0.05) sperm motility, viability, plasma membrane and acrosomal integrity were observed using extenders containing 1.0 or 2.0 mM compared to those containing 0.5 or 0.0 mM L-cysteine. It is concluded that addition of L-cysteine (to reach 1.0-2.0 mM) in TCA extender improves the post-thaw quality of Sahiwal bull semen.
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The paper presents the results of studies concerning influence of granite powder filler and a superplasticizer of the newest generation on concrete’s properties. An improvement of properties of concrete using both: the powder and superplasticizer was show in the article. Increasing strength, frost resistance and reducing permeability one for the concrete with granite powder filler and compared to the pure cement concretes containing CEM II A / LL.
Przeprowadzone badania wykazały wpływ nanocząstek tytanianu baru na przemiany fizyczne zachodzące w wytworzonych kompozytach. Wykazano, że ze wzrostem stężenia tytanianu baru w PET/PPS/BT zachodzi przemiana strukturalna związana z procesem rekrystalizacji polisiarczku fenylenu. Dla małych zaś stężeń BaTiOs nie zaobserwowano tego procesu, co sugeruje, że układ kompozytu jest strukturalnie jednorodny.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of various concentrations of cobalamin (vitamin B₁₂) in Bioexcell® extender on the spermatozoa quality of Simmental bulls. The semen was collected from 12 bulls by means of an artificial vagina. Vitamin B₁₂ at concentrations of 1.50, 2.50, 3.50, and 5.00 mg/mL was added to bovine Bioexcell® extender. The semen aliquots were cooled and preserved at 4°C. Their quality was evaluated during pre-freezing, and then the cooled semen samples were packaged into 0.25 ml straws. The straws were frozen in the vapor of liquid nitrogen, and stored at -196ºC in a container. The straws were thawed one day later, and the characteristics of spermatozoa were examined. The results showed that the effect of vitamin B₁₂ on the viability, DNA fragmentation and motility of spermatozoa was significant under both pre- and post-freezing conditions (p <0.05), and revealed that supplementation of the extender with B₁₂ improved the post-thaw spermatozoa quality in bulls.
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