The article deals with the variety of meanings of the feminine forms tvořilka, tvůrkyně, tvořitelka and tvořička, which relate to the verb tvořit ‘to create’. Focusing on the lexeme tvořilka, its adherent expressiveness and the results of a corpus-based analysis, the author tracks the movement of this lexeme between language center and periphery.
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A large piece of bread is an object for which the literary language has no specific name, nevertheless a varied collection of terms can be found in dialects. Most often, metaphoric names motivated by form (e.g. kopyto) or size (e.g. špalek) occur in the collection, then terms with the motivational aspect "separated part" (e.g. závalec). In some words, the motivational aspects mingle. The effort to express the large site of the object leads to the fact that many terms are expressive, above all the augmentatives. The collection of dialect names denominating a large piece of bread is richly differentiated on the lexical, word-formational and phonological level. A simplified depiction of the geographical distribution of the observed dialect expressions can be found on the map included in the article.
Príspevok sa zameriava na krátku a všeobecnú charakteristiku prekladu poľského románu od Doroty Masłovskej "Wojna polsko‑ruska" pod flagą biało‑czerwoną do slovenčiny (Sneh a krv). Preklad, urobený Tomášom Horváthom, sa snaží ukázať svet poľskej panelákovej mestskej kultúry prostredníctvom jazyka a na pozadí charakteristiky stereotypu v subkultúre. Autorka priblížuje definície subkultúry a stereotypu v odbornej literatúre, najmä sociologickej, ale aj z lingvistického hľadiska. Charakterizuje jazyk v slovenskom preklade z ohľadu na jeho slangovú realizáciu prostredníctvom univerbizovaných jednotiek, vulgarizmov, pejoratívov, dysfemizmov a frazeologických jednotiek. Jedná sa o vyriešenie problematiky vernosti slovenského prekladu voči poľskému originálovi.
This paper focuses on a short general description of the Polish translation of the novel by Dorota Masłowska "Wojna polsko‑ruska" pod flagą biało‑czerwoną into Slovak (Sneh a krv). The translation, prepared by Tomáš Horváth, tries to show the world of the Polish city subculture of blockers based on the background of the stereotypes in this particular subculture. The author presents the definition of a subculture and stereotype in sociological literature, but also from a linguistic point of view. It also characterizes the language in the Slovak translation regardless of its slang implementation through univerbized units, vulgarisms, pejoratives, dysphemisms and phraseological units. This is to resolve the issue of the loyalty of the Slovak translation with the Polish original.
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