Experimental model in ovo. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary malignancy in the brain and confers a uniformly poor prognosis. Despite decades of research on the topic, limited progress has been made to improve the poor survival associated with this disease, new therapeutic strategies are still needed. The application of nanotechnology to disease treatment, diagnosis, monitoring, drug delivery platform and to the control of biological systems is promising, also in cancer therapy. Diamond na-noparticles (DN) are bioactive substance toward glioma tumour cultured on the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). DN reduce tumor mass and volume and inhibited new blood vessel development in glioma tumor. In the present experiment we additionally observed, that DN caused changes in the tumor ultrastructure testify to the ongoing process of cell death, probably carried out by autophagy.
Zmiany w ultrastrukturze glioblastoma multiforme po zastosowaniu nanocząstek diamentu. Badania modelowe in ovo. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) jest najczęściej występującym złośliwym nowotworem pierwotnym mózgu o bardzo złych rokowaniach. Pomimo dekad lat badań na tym problemem, niewielki postęp został uczyniony aby wydłużyć życie chorym, nowe strategie terapeutyczne są nadal poszukiwane. Zastosowanie nanotechnologii w leczeniu chorób, diagnostyce, monitornigu, platformach dostarczania substancji aktywnych i kontroli systemów biologicznych daje nadzieję na poprawę aktualnej sytuacji, również w terapii nowotworów. Nanocząstki diamentu (DN) są bioaktywnymi substancjami w stosunku do guza mózgu hodowanego na błonie kosmówko-wo-omoczniowej zarodka kury. DN redukuje masę i objętość guza oraz hamuje rozwój nowych naczyń krwionośnych (angiogenezę). W prezentowanym doświadczeniu dodatkowo zaobserwowano zmiany w ultrastrukturze komórek guza pod wpływem działania nanocząstek diamentu, które świadczą o zachodzących procesach śmierci komórkowej, prawdopodobnie na drodze autofagii.
The adaptation and immunogenisity of Cryptosporidium parvum isolated from Siberian chipmunks (SC1 strain) in immunocompetent (ICR) mice were examined. The oocysts were received to the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice by repeated passage. The oocysts collected from the 18th SCID mice were inoculated to 5 ICR mice. The mice began to shed oocysts from 6 days after inoculation, the patency was 5 days, and the maximum oocysts per gram of feces (OPG) value was 104. The maximum of OPG value was gradually increased by successive passage, and finally that in the 22nd mice reached 106 (patency: 11 days). It is considered that these results indicate completion of their adaptation to ICR mice. To examine the immunogenicity of C. parvum to ICR mice, 8 groups of 5 mice each were inoculated with 1.3 × 106 oocysts of SC1 strain, which were collected after adaptation to SCID mice. All groups shed oocysts from 6th day, and their patency was from 8 to 12 days. On the 21st day after the primary infection, these mice were challenged with 1.3 × 106 oocysts. No oocysts shed from any groups, although 2 control groups shed oocysts from the 6th day, and their OPG values were more than 106. These results suggest that this strain has strong immunogenicity against ICR mice. Therefore, the immunological healthy mice were considered a useful experimental model to investigate immunological and drug treatments in the strain of C. parvum.
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Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) is the largest family within the class Trematoda. Members of this family have been studied for many years in relation to their utility as basic research models in biodiversity and systematics and also as experimental models in parasitology since they offer many advantages. Echinostomes have contributed significantly to numerous developments in many areas studied by parasitologists and experimental biologists. In this review, we examine the history of the echinostomebased studies from the beginnings to the present. For this purpose, we have divided the history of echinostomes into four periods (i.e. 18th and 19th centuries, first half of the 20th century, second half of the 20th century and the late 20th and 21th century) according to the types of studies performed in each of them. Moreover, we also briefly review the history of echinostome infections in humans.
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Technologia druku 3D ma coraz większe zastosowanie w budownictwie. W artykule zaprezentowano ocenę przydatności wybranych polimerów do druku modeli laboratoryjnych służących do identyfikacji częstotliwości drgań własnych obiektów na stole wstrząsowym. Wyznaczono doświadczalnie parametry fizykomechaniczne polimerów, a także obliczono skale podobieństwa w przypadku modeli wydrukowanych z analizowanych polimerów. Wskazano na parametry materiałowe polimerów warunkujące możliwość i zasadność ich stosowania w badaniach dynamicznych na stole wstrząsowym.
3D printing technology is gradually becoming more employed in civil engineering. The article assesses the suitability of selected polymers for printing laboratory models used to identify the natural frequencies of structures on a shaking table. Experimental physical and mechanical parameters of the polymers were determined, and similarity scales were calculated for models printed with the analysed polymers. The material parameters of the polymers determining the possibility and validity of their use in dynamic tests on a shaking table were also indicated.
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