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Hendrykowski stawia tezę, że żyjemy w czasach niebywałej inflacji pojęcia eksperymentu artystycznego, co utrudnia racjonalną ocenę wartości utworów uchodzących za nowatorskie w sztuce filmowej i sztuce nowych mediów. Pyta również, jak odróżnić eksperyment w sztuce od pseudoeksperymentu oraz zastanawia się, czy istnieją intersubiektywne kryteria, które umożliwiają jednoznaczne rozpoznanie różnicy między nimi? Autor tego polemicznego artykułu uznaje w całej rozciągłości prawo do poszukiwania w sztuce. Prawo do poszukiwania, a nie oszukiwania. Celem polemiki jest zwrócenie uwagi na zjawisko postępującej falsyfikacji eksperymentu w sztuce ruchomego obrazu. Marek Hendrykowski poddaje krytyce zwodniczy mit nowości wytwarzanych i lansowanych za wszelką cenę. Zbyt często bowiem to, co uchodzi za artystyczną nowość, okazuje się zaledwie gadżetowym nowinkarstwem udrapowanym w szacowny kostium sztuki nowych mediów. Intencją rozważań autora nie jest atak na eksperymentowanie, a przeciwnie – obrona eksperymentu, którego dzisiejsza przestrzeń kulturowa została w znacznej mierze zdominowana i zawłaszczona przez zalew nadprodukcji różnego rodzaju pseudoartystycznych wytworów. Nie wszystko w tej sferze jest względne i nie wszystko zależy od arbitralnej oceny, która – umiejętnie narzucona – łatwo zmienia się w konsensus kursujący w społecznym obiegu. Zdaniem autora różnica nie tkwi w „nowatorskim” posługiwaniu się technologią, ale polega na innowacji w sferze języka ruchomych obrazów. Ona, i tylko ona, czyni dany przekaz dziełem prawdziwie doniosłym.
Hendrykowski argues that we are living in times of unprecedented inflation of the concept of artistic experiment, which hinders rational assessment of works deemed to be innovative in film and new media art. He also asks how to distinguish an experiment in art from pseudo-experiment and wonders if there are any intersubjective criteria that would enable an unambiguous identification of the difference between these two categories? The author of this polemical article accepts the need and right to explore possibilities of art. However it is a right to explore and not cheat. The aim of the polemic is to draw attention to the phenomenon of growing rate of falsification of experiment in the art of the moving image. Marek Hendrykowski criticizes the deceptive myth of innovations produced and promoted at all costs. All too often, what passes for an artistic innovation, it is just a gadget draped in the respectable suit of “innovative new media art”. The intention of the author’s argument is not an attack on experimentation, but on the contrary – it is the defense of the true experiment, as the present-day cultural space has been largely dominated and appropriated by a flood of a variety of pseudo-artistic creations. Not everything in this area is relative and not everything depends on an arbitrary assessment, which – when skillfully imposed – can easily change into the consensus in the artistic community. According to the author the difference does not lie in the “innovative” use of technology, but in innovation in the sphere of the language of moving images. It, and it alone, can make the work of art truly important and significant.
In this paper the results of FEM simulations of piercing process in skew rolling mill with disc guiding devices of Diescher type are presented. During this process material is formed by means of two skew rolls, two guiding devices and piercing plug mounted on mandrel. The analysis of this process aimed at determining the influence of plug shape and its placing comparing with rolls position on the piercing process. Six cases of piercing were analyzed in which four different plugs were used. The changes of basic parameters were analyzed: strain, strain rate and temperature distributions in characteristic longitudinal sections of formed part in the function of shape and position of plug. The numerical results obtained by means of software MSC.SuperForm 2005 were verified in experimental conditions, in which tube shell from bearing steel of 100Cr6 type was pierced. The comparison of FEM calculations and experimental results showed good consistence.
W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty termo-mechanicznej sytnu-i lacji MES procesu dziurowania w walcarce skośnej z prowadnica-j mi tarczowymi (typu Diescher'a). W procesie tym materiał jest j kształtowany za pomocą dwóch walców skośnych, dwóch tarcz j prowadzących i główki dziwującej umieszczonej na trzpieniu.] Wykonana analiza miała na celu ustalenie kształtu główki oraz jej j położenia względem walców na przebieg procesu dziwowania, j Przeliczono sześć przypadków dziurowania, w których stosowano j cztery rodzaje główek dziurujących. Badano przebieg zmian podstawowych parametrów procesu tj. rozkładów naprężeń, od-1 kształceń i temperatur w charakterystycznych przekrojach poprzecznych i wzdłużnych kształtowanego wyrobu w funkcji kształ- j tu i położenia główki. Rezultaty numeryczne uzyskane za pomocą pakietu MSC.SuperForm 2005 zweryfikowano w warunkach do- j świadczalnych, w których dziurowano tuleje ze stali łożyskowej w gatunku lOOCró. Uzyskane porównanie między wynikami obliczeń MES i rezultatami prób doświadczalnych wykazało bardzo dobrą zgodność ilościową i jakościową.
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In this paper, results of melting experiment of tektites are presented. Tektites from four strewnfields: North American, Central European, Ivory Coast and Australasian were used. The fragments of investigated tektites were heated in oxide atmosphere in 1100oC in two time intervals: 5 and 120 minutes. The temperature of 1100oC is too low for completely melting of the studied material despite to heating in the same conditions but in small area (eg. in a spot).
The aim of this paper is to check whether mathematical competences influence some manifestations of bounded rationality. A special example of bounded rationality called “framing effect” is dealt with to analyze empirically the thesis that mathematical competences and cognitive effort may reduce the framing effect. Two kinds of cognitive effort: probabilistic and deductive are analysed. Experiments were conducted using samples of Polish students, both mathematically and business oriented. As an example of a framing situation an example called “Asian disease”, (the first analyzed and the most popular example of the framing effect), is considered. The thesis that a mathematical background may diminish the occurrence of the framing effect was partly confirmed.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of an aquatic intervention on the gross motor function and aquatic skills of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Twenty-nine children with CP, aged 5 to 14, were recruited. Fourteen children completed an aquatic intervention (EG), and 13 children served as controls (CG). Two participants dropped out due to events (illness) unrelated to the intervention. The aquatic intervention lasted 6 weeks (2 sessions per week at 55 minutes per session) with a follow-up period of 3 weeks. The outcome measures were the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) for motor function and the Water Orientation Test Alyn 2 (WOTA 2) for aquatic skills assessment. A significant improvement was observed in the secondary assessment of GMFM and WOTA 2. In contrast to the aquatic skills improvement, the GMFM change was not maintained at follow-up. Our results indicate that children with CP can improve gross motor function on dry land and aquatic skills with a 6-week water intervention. The intervention period was too short for sustainable improvement in dry-land motor skills after intervention (followup), but time was sufficient to achieve sustainable improvements in aquatic skills.
In the teaching of future and present educators, an ability to experiment plays a significant though little appreciated role. Even Immanuel Kant already drew attention to an experimental character of modern education. Contemporary educators, like never before, have to be taught how to educate via experiments. The text consists of three parts. In the first one, the author focuses on a relation between pedagogy and experiments. In the second one, Johann Herbart’s views on practical training of education teachers are reconstructed. Simultaneously, there are some references to his experience from the period he was a director of The Didactic Institute and The Pedagogical Seminary in Königsberg. Finally, in the third part, there are put questions for people responsible for an academic education of future pedagogues. The programme of innovative pedagogical education, suggested by Teresa Hejnicka-Bezwińska, is mentioned as well.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych przebiegu ciśnienia w przestrzeni zasklepionej pompy zębatej, przeprowadzonych na specjalnie przygotowanej do tego celu jednostce eskperymentalnej PZ4-TKs 186B, pomiary ciśnienia w przestrzeni zasklepionej wykonano dla pięciu wersji rozstawu rowków obciążających; uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na uściślenie parametrów rozstawu rowków obciążających w celu zmniejszenia nadwyżki ciśnienia występującego w przestrzeni zasklepionej pompy.
tom 28
nr 1
In multi-unit auctions for a single item, the Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism (VCG) attains allocative efficiency but suffers from its computational complexity. Takahashi and Shigeno thus proposed a greedy based approximation algorithm (GBA). In a subject experiment there was truly a difference in efficiency rate but no significant difference in seller’s revenue between GBA and VCG. It is not clear in theory whether each bidder will submit his or her true unit valuations in GBA. We show, however, that in a subject experiment there was no significant difference in the number of bids that obey “almost” truth-telling between GBA and VCG. As for individual bidding behavior, GBA and VCG show a sharp contrast when a human bidder competes against machine bidders; underbidding was observed in GBA, while overbidding was observed in VCG. Some results in a numerical experiment are also provided prior to reporting those observations.
Content available Occurrence of stick-slip phenomenon
A self-excited system wit h unilateral friction contact modelled by a two degrees-of-freedom mechanical system, where the normaI farce varies during displacement of a block has been studied. The constructed real laboratory rig approximates the investigated system, and it includes feedback reinforcement of the friction force acting on the vibrated block. Some methods of data acquisition and data handling procedures are proposed for experimentally observed results and data collection. A novel static friction force model for both positive and negative velocities of the base is proposed.
Analizie poddany jest układ samowzbudny z jednostronnym kontaktem ciernym, który zamodelowano jako układ mechaniczny o dwóch stopniach z tarciem oraz ze zmienną siłą nacisku wywieraną na podstawę podczas przemieszczenia się badanego ciała sztywnego. Skonstruowane stanowisko doświadczalne przybliża w pewnym stopniu rozważany układ i zawiera sprzężenie ruchu drgającego ciała z siłą normalną pochodzącą od nacisku. Zgodnie z obserwacjami eksperymentalnymi i dla zmierzonych sygnałów podano metody akwizycji danych oraz procedury ich obsługi. Zaproponowano nowy, statyczny model siły tarcia dla odpowiednich dodatnich i ujemnych prędkości przemieszczania się podstawy.
Content available remote Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Small Axial Turbines
The authors conducted a series of experimental studies using a flow tunnel to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of small axial turbines. The results obtained were confronted with the results obtained from the authors’ own numerical codes based on vortex methods. This article describes the experiment and the numerical method and also discusses the results obtained.
V príspevku autori uvádzajú požiadavky kladené na materiálne vyučovacie prostriedky a ich základné funkcie (informačná, transformačná, aktivizačná a regulačná). Poukazujú na skĺbenie materiálnych didaktických prostriedkov a učební do didaktických pracovísk, ktoré zvyšujú intenzitu výučby a uvádzajú rozdelenie materiálnych vyučovacích prostriedkov vo vyučovacom procese. V prieskumnej časti článku autori dotazníkovým prieskumom zisťovali využívanie materiálnych vyučovacích prostriedkov vo vyučovacom procese na vysokých školách a univerzitách v Českej republike (393 respondentov), Slovenskej republike (208 respondentov) a v Poľsku (98 respondentov).
This article aims to show the position and dividing of material resources in teaching process. It describes them as accompaniment of teaching from the very beginning of the teaching and these reflected the level of their period. At the same time the authors state the requirements for teaching material resources and their basic functions (information, transformation, activation and regulation). In the next part of the article there is shown the joint of material didactical resources and schoolrooms for didactical departments, which increase the intensity of teaching by the fact that the teacher can prepare his practical demonstrations, experiments in advance or for example illustrate the production of the component on CNC machine programmed in advance and so on. In the exploratory part of the article the authors investigated by questionnaire survey the utilization of the teaching equipment in teaching process at colleges and universities in the Czech Republic (393 respondents), Slovak Republic (208 respondents) and Poland (98 respondents). In total 699 respondents participated in the survey.
V práci je navrhnutý nový koncept riešenia riadenia vzdialených reálnych experimentov (VRE). Navrhnutý koncept vychádza z využitia prvkov priemyselnej automatizácie pri konštrukcii VRE. Ich využívanie v aplikáciách konštruovania VRE, prináša oproti doteraz použitým systémom, podstatné technické a ekonomické výhody. Úspešným aplikovaním prvkov priemyselnej automatizácie v konkrétnom VRE „Merania prúdenia tekutín“, ktorý bol zostavený na Katedre techniky a informačných technológií PF UKF v Nitre, bola preukázaná vhodnosť použitej koncepcie pre navrhovanie VRE v edukácii.
A new concept of solution for controlling of remote control experiments (RCE) designed in described in the paper. The designed concept is based on the use of elements of industrial automation at the construction of the RCE. Their use in applications of design of the RCE brings substantial technical and economic benefits in comparison to previously used systems. The successful application in the educational process it has been proved a relevance of the used concept for designing of the RCE in the education by using the elements of industrial automation in the particular RCE “Measurements of fluid flow” created by the Department of Technology and Information Technology on Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.
Content available Didaktické pracoviská – KD model
Príspevok sa zaoberá tvorbou integrovaných didaktických pracovísk. Autori ukazujú miesto integrovaných didaktických pracovísk v rámci materiálnych didaktických prostriedkov. Ďalej sa zaoberajú KD modelom Integrovaných didaktických pracovísk, kde uvádzajú ich základné kategórie medzi ktoré radia ńkolské dielne stredných ńkôl, ńpeciálne pracoviská pre nadaných ņiakov, ńpeciálne pracoviská pre integrovaných telesne postihnutých ņiakov, laboratóriá a ńpeciálne uĉebne odborných predmetov. Na záver príspevku uvádzajú moņné vybavenie týchto pracovísk pre výuĉbu odborného výcviku a odborných predmetov. Tieto pracoviská sú zamerané na predmety ńpecializácií v strojárenstve.
The paper deals with the creation of integrated didactic workplaces. The authors point to the place of integrated didactic workplaces within the material didactic means. They also deal with the KD model of Integrated didactic centres where they list their core categories, including high school secondary workshops, special workplaces for gifted pupils, special workplaces for integrated disabled students, laboratories and special classrooms for vocational subjects. At the end of the paper they mention the possible equipment of these workplaces for the vocational training and teaching the vocational subjects. These workplaces are focused on subjects of specialization in engineering.
This paper summarizes the findings from the research into modifications formed as a result of storing and transporting flint copies of arrowheads inside a leather quiver. The study was inspired by the fact that Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age projectile points bear untypical microwear traces interpreted in many different ways in the literature on the subject. The aforementioned features (detected primarily in the uppermost parts of the artefacts) include: hide working polish as well as co-existing rounding and smoothing of the surface. With the aim of gaining a deeper insight into the subject, the authors conducted an experiment and performed a traceological analysis of arrowheads replicas. During the experimental phase, the microwear formation process was monitored using the microscopic equipment. As a result, distinctive traces on the tools were identified. This fact supported the hypothesis that leather quiver exerts its impact on the arrow points stored inside
Content available remote Industrial centrifugal compressor model stages based on compressor tests results
New generation of pipe-line compressors was created on a base of computerized gas dynamic design (Universal modeling method). After correction of empirical coefficients in the models of work input and head losses the calculated performances matches to test results of compressors. Corrected sets of empirical coefficients are used to calculate performances of 65 stages of different types. Performance curves and flow path dimensions can be used in design practice as model stages of new generation.
Content available remote Efficient Algorithms for Games Played on Trees with Back-edges
This paper studies algorithms for deciding the winners of two-player games played on directed graphs. We focus on the case when the underlying graphs are trees with back-edges and provide both theoretical and experimental analysis of this class of games. In particular, we present an algorithm that solves Büchi games played on trees with back-edges in time O(min{r źm, l+m}) where m is the number of edges, l is the sum of the distances from the root to all leaves and the parameter r is bounded by the height of the tree. We also show that parity games played on trees with back-edges can be solved in time O(l + m).
In order to draw implications for ballast water management, we tested the tolerance of two Ponto-Caspian mysid species Paramysis lacustris and Limnomysis benedeni to sudden salinity changes. The naturally stenohaline P. lacustris was more susceptible to higher salinities; its mortality rate at 19 PSU was 60%, whereas exposure to 23 PSU was 100% lethal. The euryhaline L. benedeni survived in salinities of up to 19 PSU, but experienced 100% mortality at 34 PSU. The return of both mysid species to fresh water after the 24 h exposure to higher salinities did not prevent further mortality. Considering the rather high short-term salinity tolerance of both species, a salinity of at least 30 PSU should be used as an appropriate biocide.
tom 23-24
Zaprezentowani przegląd prostych modeli opisujących procesy laserowego zaginania blach, przedstawiono założenia, sposoby idealizacji pól temperatur, naprężeń i odkształceń oraz wynikające z tych modeli teoretyczne zależności pomiędzy parametrami obróbki a jej wynikami, zaproponowano uogólnienie istniejących rozwiązań na dowolne płaskie pole temperatur.
Results of simple experiments showing the influence of laser cutting and welding upon strength and plasticizing power of constructionsl elements. This influence should be taken into account in calculations when the width of an element approaches its thickness.
In this paper the analysis of the cross – wedge rolling (CWR) of a V – shaped groove on the bar in cold forming conditions is presented. The rolling tests were made basing on the laboratory stand for CWR at the Lublin University of Technology. However, in the theoretical calculations the analysis was based on the finite element method (FEM) and the commercial software MSC.SuperForm 2005 was used. The worked out model of the CWR process in cold forming conditions was verified by comparing forming forces obtained from numerical simulations and measured in experimental research. Good qualitative and quantitative agreement in the forces values confirmed the rightness of the applied solution. On the basis of the obtained research a more detailed analysis were made: kinematics of material flow, state of strain distribution, increase of the rolled bar diameter, forming forces and disturbance of the rolling stability.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono analizę procesu walcowania poprzeczno – klinowego (WPK) na zimno rowka w kształcie litery V na obwodzie pręta. Próby walcowania wykonano w oparciu o stanowisko laboratoryjne do WPK znajdujące się w Politechnice Lubelskiej. Natomiast w obliczeniach teoretycznych bazowano na metodzie elementów skończonych i stosowano komercyjny pakiet oprogramowania MSC.SuperForm 2005. Opracowany model procesu WPK na zimno zweryfikowano porównujac siły kształtowania otrzymane z symulacji numerycznej oraz zmierzone w badaniach eksperymentalnych. Dobra zgodność jakościowa i ilościowa w wartościach sił potwierdziła trafność zastosowanego rozwiązania. Na podstawie wykonanych prac badawczych dokonano szczegółowej analizy: kinematyki płynięcia metalu, stanu odkształcenia, zwiększenia średnicy walcowanego pręta, sił kształtowania oraz zakłóceń stabilności walcowania.
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