Breath analysis has attracted human beings for centuries. It was one of the simplest methods to detect various diseases by using human smell sense only. Advances in technology enable to use more reliable and standardized methods, based on different gas sensing systems. Breath analysis requires the detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of the concentrations below individual ppm (parts per million). Therefore, advanced detection methods have been proposed. Some of these methods use expensive and bulky equipment (e.g. optical sensors, mass spectrometry - MS), and require time-consuming analysis. Less accurate, but much cheaper, are resistive gas sensors. These sensors use porous materials and adsorption-desorption processes, determining their physical parameters. We consider the problems of applying resistive gas sensors to breath analysis. Recent advances were underlined, showing that these economical gas sensor scan be efficiently employed to analyse breath samples. General problems of applying resistive gas sensors are considered and illustrated with examples, predominantly related to commercial sensors and their long-term performance. A setup for collection of breath samples is considered and presented to point out the crucial parts and problematic issues.
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W artykule omówiono celowość zastosowania sensora CO2 do wykrywania biomarkerów chorobowych w wydychanym powietrzu. Opracowana została procedura wydzielenia najbardziej interesującej do celów badawczych III fazy wydechu, oraz komunikacji z układem kondycjonowania próbek gazowych. Do realizacji zadania wykorzystano platformę programistyczną Arduino bazującą na mikrokontrolerze AVR.
This paper presents the concept and practice realisation of the CO2 sensor for detection of biomarkers in exhaled air. There had been developed procedure for determination and separation of the most interesting for research purposes phase III of exhalled breath and communication with gas sample conditioning system. For the realisation used Arduino software platform were used, based on AVR microcontroller.
Real-time analysis of exhaled breath is a promising new method to get quantitative information on lipophilic compounds stored in the human body. Some pilot results are presented on isoprene, which is produced as a by-product of the cholesterol synthesis and appears in exhaled breath at concentrations of about 100 parts-per-billion (ppb). The results have been obtained using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) from healthy volunteers undergoing an ergometer challenge test (with 75 W). Peak exhalation flow of isoprene is about 400 nmol/min shortly after start of the challenge. The setup holds great potential in capturing continuous dynamics of non-polar, low-soluble VOCs over a wide measurement range with simultaneous recording of physiological parameters affecting exhalation kinetics.
Przedstawiono wstępne wyniki oznaczenia stężenia izoprenu w wydechu zdrowego człowieka. Izopren jest produktem ubocznym reakcji syntezy cholesterolu. Do oznaczenia zastosowano metodę reakcji przeniesienia protonu przy wykorzystaniu spektrometrii mas (PTR-MS).
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W pracy przedstawione zostały najważniejsze parametry technologii osadzania pod kątem GLAD (ang. Glancing Angle Deposition) z wykorzystaniem magnetronowego rozpylania jonowego w celu wytwarzania półprzewodnikowych, rezystancyjnych czujników gazów przeznaczonych do zastosowania w układach elektronicznego nosa (ang. e-nose) do analizy wydychanego powietrza.
In this paper, the major parameters of the GLAD (Glancing Angle Deposition) technique with the utilization of the magnetron sputtering technology were presented. The GLAD technology was applied to deposition of resistive, semiconductor type gas sensors that will be applied to electronic nose (e-nose) for exhaled breath analysis in a portable device.
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Proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and gas chromatography-mass spec-trometry (GC—MS) methods were compared and used for determination of volatile organic compounds in breath of patients suffering from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The working ranges available in PTR-MS and GC-MS were 0.3-5.8 nmol dm-3 and 0.9-1.8 nmol dm-3, respectively. Principal component analysis was used for comparison of sensitivity of PTR-MS and GC-MS towards particular compounds (alkanes, ketones and aldehydes).
W pracy porównano chromatografię gazową (GC) sprzężoną ze spektrometrią mas (MS) oraz spektrometrię mas z jonizacją przez przeniesienie protonu (PTR). Obie techniki zostafy użyte do oznaczeń lotnych związków organicznych w wydychanym powietrzu. Technika PTR zapewnia wykonanie oznaczeń w zakresie roboczym 0.3-5.8 nmol dm-3 a GC-MS w zakresie 0.9-1.8 nmol dm-3. Do oceny przydatności obu technik do oznaczeń poszczególnych związków (alkanów, ketonów i aldehydów) zastosowano analizę głównej składowej.
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