The conservation of fish stocks in the world’s exclusive economic zones (EEZs), which collectively harbour the vast majority of marine-living resources, is the primary responsibility of coastal States. As the effects of failures by coastal States to protect those stocks from the impacts of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing may extend beyond domestic boundaries, this paper questions whether and how coastal States may be made accountable in respect of their regulatory deficits. With the proliferation of non-legal conduct rules to guide the regulatory role of States and their agencies, non-judicial mechanisms have the potential to foster coastal State stewardship of domestic fisheries. Outlining a number of international, transnational and domestic approaches, this paper gives consideration to the opportunities and limitations they present in order to strengthen coastal State accountability for IUU fishing control deficits.
Offshore wind energy is one of the fastest growing sectors of renewable energy sources in Europe. In Poland, offshore wind energy is one of the most socially acceptable electricity generation technology. Even though Poland has a very favourable wind conditions for the development of both inland and offshore wind energy investments, there’s still no offshore wind energy plant. The investment processes are still ongoing. One of the reasons underlying this is the lack of proper maritime spatial planning. Apart from that, there are several additional complicated regulations on the building permits, that the investor must obtain before the construction works may be started.
In November 2015 Poland established a contiguous zone and, after more than a year, in January 2017, adopted the regulation on the baselines, an external boundary of the Polish territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Republic of Poland. After many decades, it was a successful attempt to establish a contiguous zone returning to the concept of the 30’s of the last century. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) recognizes that the coastal State may establish a zone contiguous to its territorial sea that extends to 24 nautical miles from the baselines of the coastal State, known as the contiguous zone, and exercise the control necessary to prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration, or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea, or to punish such infringements committed within its territory or territorial sea. This paper presents a few general comments on the Polish contiguous zone taking into account the international roots of that legal institution of the law of the sea, of such importance, also for the security reasons.
This article deals with the issue of tax liability arising when taxpayers undertake economic activity in maritime areas. The research was conducted both on the grounds of direct taxes, indirect taxes and property taxes. The article verifies the hypothesis that the current provisions of Polish tax law do not fully comply with the tax authority granted to Poland as a coastal state in its maritime areas. The research method used in this study was a critical analysis, including a linguistic analysis of the provisions of tax acts and international agreements to which the Republic of Poland is a party. In addition, the research used the analysis of views of doctrine and jurisprudence of administrative courts and tax authorities.
Opracowanie podejmuje kwestie wyzwań, przed którymi stoi prawo morza. Wprawdzie UNCLOS określana jest słusznie jako konstytucja prawa morza, ale nie daje ona i nie może dać odpowiedzi na wszystkie problemy i wątpliwości, które powstają w praktyce i są związane z ociepleniem klimatu, ochroną różnorodności biologicznej, statusem prawnym zasobów genetycznych, kontrowersjami dotyczącymi żeglugi, delimitacją obszarów morskich czy ochroną podwodnego dziedzictwa kulturalnego. Stąd powstaje pytanie, jakie są drogi i środki dalszego rozwoju prawa morza. Niewątpliwie jedną z możliwości jest wypracowanie porozumień implementacyjnych, z których trzecie poświęcone jest ochronie i zrównoważonemu korzystaniu z morskiej różnorodności biologicznej poza granicami jurysdykcji narodowej i jest przedmiotem konferencji międzynarodowej zwołanej przez Zgromadzenie Ogólne, którego rezolucje w obszarze prawa morza odgrywają istotną rolę. Niewątpliwie ważne znaczenie ma też działalność organizacji systemu Narodów Zjednoczonych, jak IMO, FAO, UNESCO, UNEP. Istnieje też możliwość przyjmowania umów podejmujących kwestie pozostawione przez UNCLOS bez rozwiązania czy zdefiniowania. Nie bez znaczenia jest też miękkie prawo oraz praktyka państw, a także stanowisko organów powołanych przez UNCLOS.
The study addresses the challenges facing the law of the sea. Although UNCLOS is rightly described as a constitution of the law of the sea, it does not and cannot give answers to all problems and doubts that arise in practice and that are related to global warming, protection of biodiversity, legal status of genetic resources, controversy concerning shipping, delimitation of areas or the protection of underwater cultural heritage. Hence the question arises, what the ways and means of furtherdevelopment of the law of the sea are. Undoubtedly, one of the possibilities is to develop implementation agreements, of which the third devoted to the protection and sustainable use of marine biodiversity outside national jurisdiction is the subject of an international conference convened by the General Assembly, whose resolutions in the area of the law of the sea play an important role. Undoubtedly, also the importance of the organization of the United Nations system, such as the IMO, FAO, UNESCO, UNEP is significant. There is also the possibility of accepting agreements addressing the issues left by UNCLOS without solution or definition. Not without significance is the soft law and the practice of states as well as the position of the organs appointed by UNCLOS.
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