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Content available remote Spin transport and the Hanle effect in organic spintronics
The field of organic spintronics has taken off since the discovery of large magnetoresistance in thick organic spin valves (OSVs). The thickness of organic films (~100 nm) in these OSVs should preclude direct electron tunneling between the ferromagnetic electrodes and suggests spin injection into the organic. To definitively prove genuine spin injection, it is necessary to show that the injected electron spins inside the organic precess around a transverse magnetic field – the Hanle effect, which has served as a litmus test of spin injection in inorganic devices. Because of the low carrier mobility in organics, the Hanle effect is expected to be seen at a magnetic field as small as 10−6 mT. However, no Hanle signal has been detected up to 10 mT in OSVs, which has been the greatest puzzle shadowing the field of organic spintronics. In this review, first I will give an overview of the Hanle effect and its use in inorganic spintronics. Then I will summarize the Hanle-effect measurements in OSVs. I will show how we can reconcile the absence of Hanle effect in OSVs with the apparent spin injection into the organic detected by other spin probes. The key distinction of organic materials is that carriers are localized and exchange between them can facilitate efficient spin transport. Since the exchange does not affect charge motion, spin and charge motions in organics can be well separated. This spin-charge separation does not occur in inorganic spintronic devices.
Content available remote Wymiana przewodów odgromowych na elektroenergetycznych liniach pod napięciem
tom nr 1-2
Scharakteryzowano różne metody wymiany przewodów odgromowych na przewody OPGW na czynnych liniach. Dzięki zastosowaniu technik prowadzenia prac pod napięciem do wymiany przewodów uzyskuje się nowe możliwości poprawy zdolności przesyłowych elektroenergetycznych sieci przesyłowych i dystrybucyjnych. Zastosowanie opisywanych technik w Polsce nastąpiło w roku 2010 na liniach Operatora Systemu Przesyłowego (OSP).
Characterized are various methods of replacing overhead earth wires with the OPGW (optical ground wires) ones on live transmission lines. Thanks to application of live working technologies for replacement of the wires we gain new possibilities to improve transmission capacity of power transmission and distribution networks. Application of the above described technologies in Poland began in the year 2010 on the OSP (Transmission System Operator) transmission lines.
Fruit market in Poland is covered by the regulations of the Common Market Organization for Fruit and Vegetables, which was established in 1996 in the European Union. The regulation covers fruit quality issues and the protection of the internal market by defining the rules of international trade. The support for fruit growers was emphasized on the internal market. The aim of the study was to show: the importance of fruit in human nutrition, changes in the level of consumption and production and development of directions of usage. The paper covers the period 1995-2012 in terms of acreage, crops and fruit, and 2001-2012 in terms of the production of processed fruit. In turn, the trade turnover with fresh fruit and milk are presented for the years 2009-2012. By 2003, it was a pre-accession period, and later − post-accession to the European Union. Such periods of study have been sanctioned by the availability of statistical data. The chemical composition of fresh fruit and berries varies greatly; water predominates (80-85%), while in the dry matter (15-20%) there are sugars, organic acids, pectins, tannins and aromatic substances that impart characteristic taste to them. In addition, fruit are a valuable source of vitamins C, B, provitamin AP , E, K and folic acid. The consumption of apples is particularly recommended, because they are rich in biologically active compounds reducing the risk of asthma, diabetes, obesity and other diseases. In addition their daily intake of at least 110 g reduces by 49% the probability of myocardial infarction in men. So far, the consumption of fruit and their products (in terms of fresh fruit) is in the range of 50-60 kg per person per year and this level is too low. Growing fruit in Poland in 2012 accounted for 2.3% of agricultural land and provided 5.2% of global production and 6.0% of the production of agricultural goods. The area is changing as well as yields. The process of concentration of production and the modernization of specific fruit trees and a change in production technology takes place. As a result, a smaller number of manufacturers provide higher and higher quality fruit. The area of growing apples, apricots, peaches and walnuts grows, while of pears, plums and cherries decreases. In the scope of shrubs and berry plantations there is an increasing area of planted raspberries, currants, chokeberry, high-bush blueberry, hazelnut and vines, and the decreasing area of strawberries and gooseberries. Fruit production is seasonal while consumer needs are constant. Hence, the role of storage, processing and trading of foreign fruit is important. From year to year there is an increasing trade turnover of fresh fruit and their processed products. Often, the same products are imported and exported. There are variations in the trade balance of fresh fruit and processed fruit. In total, in the years 2009, 2011 and 2012, Poland had a positive balance of foreign trade, while in 2010 negative.
Content available remote Exchange of goods while investing into production and safety
The tradeoff between production and safety investment is scrutinized for two agents who convert resources into production and safety investment while simultaneously exchanging goods voluntarily. We quantify how two Cobb–Douglas parameters, one scaling production versus safety, and the other scaling the relative importance of two goods, impact two agents’ production, safety effort, incomes, export, import, price, and utilities. An agent’s income from producing a good reaches a maximum for an intermediate value of the Cobb–Douglas parameter that scales the importance of productive effort relative to safety effort. The price of good 2 in terms of good 1, and the agents’ utilities depend on both the Cobb–Douglas parameters, the productivity parameter, and both agents’ resources and unit costs of production and safety effort.
Z uwagi na konieczność zmniejszenia zanieczyszczenia środowiska naturalnego przepracowanymi produktami ropopochodnymi poszukuje się źródeł zwiększenia efektywności ich wykorzystania. Najprostszym źródłem oszczędności jest wydłużanie czasu eksploatacji środków smarowych. W artykule przedstawiono kierunki prowadzonych badań w aspekcie wpływu proponowanych rozwiązań na stan techniczny smarowanego silnika spalinowego.
Considering the need to reduce environmental pollution by worn out petroleum products the aim is to look for better effectiveness of their use. The easiest source of savings is to extend the service life of lubricants. The paper presents the trends of research in terms of the impact of the proposed solutions to the technical condition of the engine lubricated.
This study explores the fundamental traits of Adorno’s conceptual understanding of modernity. In Czech sociology, there has not been a serious discussion of Adorno’s seminal oeuvre, this article aims to fill that gap. The aim is to reconstruct the very basis of Adorno’s sociological method: firstly, the essay turns its attention to the historically specific mode of subsumption of human action to the conceptual totality of class domination. In this process, an individual adopts a positive identity within which its suppressed, ontologically negative complement – its dynamic non-identity, persists. Secondly, the study deals with Adorno’s derivation of the concept of social essence. In this respect, he draws on Marx’s Capital, but Adorno’s critical reading introduces an important conceptual innovation: under the conditions of Keynesianism, Adorno challenges the validity of Marx’s theorization of law-like objectivity of value and replaces it with the concept of exchange as the universal model of social activity. However, the study argues that Adorno’s reconstruction of Marx’s critique of political economy has reified Keynesian management of the capitalist economy.
tom nr 2
Przedstawiono nowe wyzwania stojące przed producentami sprzętu komutacyjnego spowodowane wzrastającym ruchem w sieciach telekomunikacyjnych. Omówiono innowacje wprowadzone w systemie EWSD. Obejmują one zmiany w układach dostępu abonenckiego oraz w układach sterowania centralą.
It was described that the growing traffic in the telephone network make demands the equipment producers. Article presents planned innovation in EWSD system. They cover major parts of the system like subscriber access modules and controling subsystems.
Usługi rekreacyjne, zarówno dla firm je świadczących, jak i dla klientów tych firm, czyli dla osób aktywnych rekreacyjnie, stanowią swoistą wartość, określaną jako wartość usługi. W publikacji teoretycznej, o charakterze koncepcyjno-pragmatycznym, wykorzystując wyniki badań własnych i innych autorów, przedstawione w pracach z zakresu teorii usług i teorii rekreacji, wykorzystując jednocześnie pragmatyczne przesłanki teorii aksjologicznych, dokonano interdyscyplinarnej refleksji nad treścią tych prac. Na ich podstawie przedstawiono spójną koncepcję, która pozwala na identyfikowanie i kreowanie usług rekreacyjnych jako hybryd wartości dla klienta i dla firmy świadczącej te usługi w ich miękkim wymiarze. Treści szczegółowe publikacji objęły więc analizę desygnatów teorii wartości, w aspekcie możliwości ich wykorzystania jako paradygmatu wartości usług, zdefiniowano wartości miękkie, wyznaczające usługi rekreacyjne, a następnie przedstawiono analizę procesu kreowania wartości usługi jako wypadkowej wymiany wartościowania miękkiego usług między klientem i firmą je świadczącą.
For both recreational service providers and their clients, i.e. recreationally active people, recreational services constitute a particular value, defined as a service value. This theoretical paper is of the conceptual and pragmatic nature whose aim is to present an interdisciplinary reflection on the findings and contents of various publications addressing the theory of service and the theory of recreation written by the author himself and other authors. The reflection is based on pragmatic premises of axiological theories. On the basis of these publications, it was possible to develop a coherent conception able to identify and create recreational services having hybrid soft values for clients and service providers. In particular, the paper analyses the possibility of making use of the referents of the theory of value as a paradigm of service value. Then the paper defines the soft values that determine recreational services and finally analyses the process of creating a service value as a resultant of an exchange of soft evaluation of services made by both clients and fitness service providers.
Рекреационные услуги, как для фирм, предоставляющих их, так и для клиентов этих фирм, т.е. лиц, рекреационно активных, представляют своеобразную ценность, определяемую как ценность услуги. В теоретической статье концептуально-прагматического характера, используя результаты собственных исследований и исследований других авторов, представленные в работах в области теории услуг и теории рекреации, одновременно используя прагматические предпосылки аксиологических теорий, представили интердисциплинарную рефлексию над содержанием этих работ. На их основе представили последовательную концепцию, которая позволяет выявить и создавать рекреационные услуги в качестве гибридов ценностей для клиента и для фирмы, оказывающей эти услуги, в их мягком измерении. Таким образом, детальное содержание статьи охватило собой анализ десигнатов теории ценностей в аспекте возможностей их использования в качестве парадигмы ценностей услуг, определили мягкие ценности, выражающие рекреационные услуги, а затем представили анализ процесса создания ценности услуги как равнодействующей обмена мягкой оценки услуг между клиентом и фирмой, оказывающей их.
Identification of exotic raw-materials discovered within the context of Late Glacial societies of the North European Plain is a crucial factor in discussion about far-reaching exchange systems of goods and ideas. The present paper considers the occurrence of obsidian finds on the Polish Lowlands, hundreds of kilometers away from its sources located south of the Carpathians. The focus is on chemical recognition and identification of a large and unique assemblage of obsidian artefacts from two Polish localities based on non-invasive Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA). As a result, a clear connection of northern Polish obsidians with its outcrops located on the northern (Slovakian) fringe of the Tokaj Mountains was established that is the first detailed identification of obsidian finds from the territory of Poland ever. A review of Polish and Slovakian obsidian assemblages from the Late Glacial times and the importance of obsidian exchange and mobility for Late Palaeolithic societies of Central Europe are discussed supported by analytical results of PGAA. Keywords: obsidian, Late Glacial, Central Europe, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, exchange, mobility, provenance, prompt gamma activation analysis
W artykule zdefiniowano termin emisje pierwotne akcji, dokonano identyfikacji i klasyfikacji determinant rozwoju rynku emisji pierwotnych akcji na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. Determinanty podzielono na te związane z funkcjonowaniem spółki oraz na te związane z jej otoczeniem. Na podstawie wskazanych przez autorów kryteriów dokonano również analizy tendencji na rynku emisji pierwotnych akcji. Za kryteria te uznano rodowód spółek debiutujących na rynku, zależność od indeksu WIG, przyrost kapitalizacji, liczbę wycofań spółek z giełdy, przyrost liczby rachunków inwestycyjnych, a także PKB.
The article defines the term “initial public offerings”, and identifies and classifies the determinants of the development of the initial public offerings market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The determinants are divided into those associated with how companies function and those related to the environment. We analyse trends in the IPO market on the basis of these criteria: the origin of the companies debuting on the market, their dependence on the WIG index, the increase in capitalisation, the number of withdrawals of companies on the stock exchange, the increase in the number of investment accounts, and GDP.
Path of Science
tom 1
nr 4
The article is devoted to theoretical substantiation of the scientific nature of marketing during the exchange period of market transformations. The study proves that many researchers consider exchange to be a direct transaction of any tangible object, while marketing exchange is mostly indirect, and exchange items are intangible and symbolic.
Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню наукової сутності маркетингу під час обміну в період ринкових трансформацій. За результатами дослідження доведено, що багатьма дослідниками обмін розглядається як пряма транзакція сторонами якихось відчутних об’єктів. Маркетинговий ж обмін, найчастіше, виявляється непрямим, а предмети обміну – невідчутними і символічними.
Content available remote Giełdowa huśtawka
tom nr 2
In 2011, the expedition of the Czech Institute of Egyptology (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague) excavated one of three tumuli on one of the settlement terraces at the late prehistoric site of Fox Hill (SBK.W-21) at Jebel Sabaloka and the Sixth Nile Cataract in central Sudan. The excavation brought to light a standard burial of an archer dated to the early post-Meroitic period with important series of archaeobotanical (pollen, macro-remains, charcoal) and palaeomalacological (land snails) data. The results of the multi-disci - plinary investigation of the tumulus discuss ed in this paper illustrate the marked, but so far only little exploited potential of these monuments, omnipresent in the archaeological land - scapes of central Sudan, for extending our knowledge of not only the burial rites, but also of the supra-regional distribution of artefacts, the character of the environment and, last but not least, of subsistence strategies in this particular period.
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